Prosimy o wyszukanie innej nazwy
Nazwa | Kurs Bieżący | Kraj | |
Bank Centralny Omanu
The Central Bank of Oman is responsible for maintaining the stability of the national currency the Omani Rial and ensuring monetary and financial stability in a... |
1,50% | Oman | |
Bank Państwowy Pakistanu
The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan. While its constitution, as originally laid down in the State Bank of Pakistan Order 1948, remained basically... |
7,5% | Pakistan | |
Narodowy Bank Panamy
The National Bank of Panama is one out two government owned banks in Panama. As of January 2009 it held deposits of about 6 billion dollars. The other government owned... |
0% | Panama | |
Bank Papui Nowej Gwinei
Bank of Papua New Guinea's main function is to issue currency and to act as the banker and financial agent to the Government. It is also in charge of regulating banking... |
7% | Papua-Nowa Gwinea | |
Bank Centralny Paragwaju
The Central Bank of Paraguay is Paraguay's highest monetary authority, and the country's governing body in finances and economics. Its headquarters are in Asunción. The... |
0,75% | Paragwaj | |
Bank Rezerw Centralnych Peru
The Central Reserve Bank of Peru is the Peruvian central bank. It mints and issues metal and paper nuevos soles currency. The Constitution states that the purpose of... |
6,00% | Peru | |
Narodowy Bank Polski
Narodowy Bank Polski jest centralnym bankiem Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Jego zadania są określone w Konstytucji RP, Ustawie o Narodowym Banku Polski i Ustawie Bankowej.... |
5,75% | Polska | |
Bank Centralny Portugalii
The Banco de Portugal, today an integral part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) operates in an international and, mostly, European environment marked by the... |
0,0% | Portugalia | |
Bank Centralny Republiki Dominikany
The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic was created on October 9th, 1947. It commenced operations on October 23rd of the same year, serving as a decentralized and... |
3,0% | Republika Dominiki | |
Bank Rezerw RPA
The South African Reserve Bank is the central bank of South Africa. It was established in 1921 after Parliament passed an act, the "Currency and Bank Act of 10 August... |
7,50% | Republika Południowej Afryki |