Prosimy o wyszukanie innej nazwy
Nazwa | Kurs Bieżący | Kraj | |
Narodowy Bank Mongolii
The Bank of Mongolia is the central bank of Mongolia. The legal grounds of the central bank’s powers, its management, organization, activities and the relations... |
6% | Mongolia | |
Narodowy Bank Mozambiku
The Bank of Mozambique is the central bank of Mozambique. The bank does not function as a commercial bank, and has the responsibility of governing the monetary policies... |
13,25% | Mozambik | |
Narodowy Bank Mołdawii
The National Bank of Moldova is the central bank of the Republic of Moldova and exercises its attributions as a legal, public, autonomous person responsible to the... |
2,65% | Mołdawia | |
Narodowy Bank Namibii
The Bank of Namibia was established in 1993 to replace the never opened Namibia Reserve Bank. The Bank of Namibia is the only institution that is permitted to issue the... |
7,00% | Namibia | |
Bank Centralny Nepalu
The Nepal Rastra Bank ,established in 1956, is the central bank of Nepal. It supervises the commercial banks in Nepal and guides monetary policy. Nepal Rastra Bank also... |
5% | Nepal | |
Niemiecki Bank Federalny
Niemiecki Bank Federalny (niem. Deutsche Bundesbank) jest bankiem centralnym Federalnej Republiki Niemiec i jako taki jest częścią Europejskiego Systemu Banków... |
0,0% | Niemcy | |
Bank Centralny Nigerii
The Central Bank of Nigeria was established by the CBN Act of 1958 and commenced operations on July 1, 1959. The major regulatory objectives of the bank as stated in the... |
27,50% | Nigeria | |
Bank Centralny Nikaragui
The Central Bank of Nicaragua, established in 1961, has the sole right of issue of the national currency, the córdoba. The financial system had been dominated by the... |
0% | Nikaragua | |
Bank Centralny Norwegii
Norges Bank is Norway’s central bank. The Bank shall promote economic stability in Norway. Norges Bank has executive and advisory responsibilities in the area of monetary... |
0% | Norwegia | |
Bank Rezerw Nowej Zelandii
Bank Rezerw Nowej Zelandii jest centralnym bankiem Nowej Zelandii i powstał na mocy Ustawy o Banku Rezerw Nowej Zelandii z 1989 roku. Prezes Banku Rezerw odpowiada za... |
4,25% | Nowa Zelandia |