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Darmowy webinar - Zapisz się dziś! | Środa, 26 Luty 2025 | 19:00 CET
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Spis Banków Centralnych na świecie

Znajdź bank centralny

Kraj notowania:

  Nazwa Kurs Bieżący Kraj
Urząd ds. polityki pieniężnej Kajmanów (CIMA)

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) is the primary financial services regulator of the Cayman Islands. The CIMA manages the Cayman Islands currency, regulates...

0%  Kajmany
Narodowy Bank Kambodży (NBC)

The National Bank of Cambodia, located in Phnom Penh, is the central bank of Cambodia. The Bank's duties include the management of monetary and exchange policies, the...

0%  Kambodża
Bank Kanady (BOC)

Bank Kanady (po francusku Banque du Canada) jest kanadyjskim bankiem centralnym. Został utworzony na mocy Ustawy o Banku Kanady z 1934 roku, w celu wspierania...

3,00%  Kanada
Bank Centralny Kataru (QCB)

The Qatar Central Bank was originally the Qatar Monetary Agency, founded in 1971 when that country separated from the United Arab Emirates and disengaged itself from...

2,0%  Katar
Narodowy Bank Kazachstanu

The National Bank represents, within the limits of its authority, the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the relations with the central banks, with banks of other...

9,25%  Kazachstan
Bank Centralny Kenii (CBK)

The Central Bank of Kenya was established in 1966 through an Act of Parliament - the Central Bank of Kenya Act of 1966. The establishment of the Bank was a direct result...

7%  Kenia
Narodowy Bank Republiki Kirgiskiej (NBKR)

The status, objectives, functions, powers and principles of organization and activity of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic are legislatively determined by the...

7,5%  Kirgistan
Bank Centralny Republiki

The Bank of the Republic is the central bank of the Republic of Colombia. Its main functions are detailed by the Congress according to the Ley 31 de 1992. One of them is...

4,25%  Kolumbia
Bank Centralny Kongo

The Central Bank of the Congo is the central bank of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The bank's main offices are on Boulevard Colonel Tshatshi in La Gombe in...

14,00%  Kongo
Bank Korei (BOK)

Kapitał zakładowy Banku Korei wynosił początkowo 1,5 mld won i został objęty w całości przez rząd, ale poprawka do ustawy o Banku Korei z 1962 roku przekształciła bank w...

2,75%  Korea Południowa
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