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Spis Banków Centralnych na świecie

Znajdź bank centralny

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  Nazwa Kurs Bieżący Kraj
Bank Centralny Turkmenistanu

The Central Bank of Turkmenistan is the national bank of Turkmenistan. It is located 2 kilometres south of the centre of Ashgabat and is operated by the government. It...

0%  Turkmenistan
Bank Centralny Ugandy (BOU)

The Central Bank of Uganda is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda, but is not a government department. Although it conducts it's activities in close association with...

9,75%  Uganda
Ukraiński Bank Narodowy (NBU)

Ukraiński Bank Narodowy jest osobą prawną z oddzielnym majątkiem, będącą przedmiotem własności państwowej. Jej kapitał zakładowy wynosi 10 mln UAH i jest własnością...

14,50%  Ukraina
Bank Centralny Urugwaju (BCU)

The Central Bank of Uruguay (1967) issues currency (the Uruguayan peso), regulates foreign exchange, and oversees the country’s private banks.

9,25%  Urugwaj
Bank Centralny Uzbekistanu (CBU)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents a centralized control system. For the performance of assigned tasks it creates the appropriate services and...

14,0%  Uzbekistan
Bank Rezerw Vanuatu (RBV)

The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu is the Central Bank of the Republic of Vanuatu. Vanuatu achieved its political independence from Great Britain and France on July 30, 1980...

0%  Vanuatu
Bank Centralny Wenezueli (BCV)

The creation of the Banco Central de Venezuela took place against a backdrop of great political, social and economic changes in the world. Aside from the start of the...

18,24%  Wenezuela
Bank Anglii (BOE)

Bank Anglii, pomimo swojej nazwy, jest bankiem centralnym całego Zjednoczonego Królestwa, a na jego modelu opiera się większość nowoczesnych, dużych banków centralnych....

4,50%  Wielka Brytania
Bank Państwowy Wietnamu (SBV)

The State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-level body under the administration of the government; the bank governor is a member of the cabinet (equivalent to a minister in...

6,50%  Wietnam
Bank Centralny Wysp Salomona (CBSI)

Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) was established in February 1983 under the Central Bank of Solomon Islands Act 1976 which was amended in 1985 to, amongst other...

13,42%  Wyspy Salomona
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