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Darmowy webinar - Zapisz się dziś! | Środa, 26 Luty 2025 | 19:00 CET
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Spis Banków Centralnych na świecie

Znajdź bank centralny

Kraj notowania:

  Nazwa Kurs Bieżący Kraj
Bank Centralny Afganistanu (DAB)

The Afghanistan Bank is the central bank of Afghanistan. It regulates all the banking and money handling operations in Afghanistan. In 2009, the Afghan Ministry of...

15,00%  Afganistan
Bank Centralny Albanii (BoA)

The Bank of Albania is the only institution in the Republic of Albania responsible for designing, compiling, approving and implementing the monetary policy. This policy...

0,5%  Albania
Bank Centralny Algierii

The Bank of Algeria's mission is to maintain in the field of currency, credit and foreign exchange, the conditions most conducive to an orderly development of the...

4%  Algeria
Bank Centralny Angoli (BNA)

The National Bank of Angola was set up in the year 1926. Though the sole aim of establishing the bank was to control the commerce of the country, still by the time the...

20,0%  Angola
Bank Centralny Antyli Holenderskich

The Bank’s most important objectives are to maintain the external stability of the Netherlands Antillean guilder (NAf.) and to promote the efficient functioning of the...

0%  Antyle Holenderskie
Agencja Monetarna Arabii Saudyjskiej (SAMA)

W momencie swojego powstania Arabia Saudyjska nie posiadała własnego systemu monetarnego. Waluty obce służyły jako środek wymiany wraz z saudyjskimi srebrnymi monetami....

5,50%  Arabia Saudyjska
Bank Centralny Argentyny (BCRA)

The Central Bank of Argentina, also known as the “BCRA”, was established on May 28th, 1935 to act as the country’s financial agent in all cases. The Bank is run by a...

60,0%  Argentyna
Bank Centralny Armenii (CBA)

The Central Bank of Armenia is a legal entity, the sole founder of which is the Republic of Armenia. The Central Bank operates in accordance with the Constitution and...

6,5%  Armenia
Bank Centralny Aruby (CBA)

The Central Bank of Aruba (the Bank) started its operations on January 1, 1986, when Aruba obtained its status as an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the...

3%  Aruba
Bank Rezerw Australii (RBA)

Bank Rezerw Australii powstał 14 stycznia 1960 roku jako australijski bank centralny i instytucja emitująca banknoty, gdy na mocy Ustawy o Banku Rezerw z 1959 roku,...

4,10%  Australia
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