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GORENJE GOSPODINJSKI APARATI D.D. (2/2018) Gorenje gospodinjski aparati, d.d. Report on the scope of compliance with the Best Practice

Opublikowano 09.03.2018, 08:59
Zaktualizowano 09.03.2018, 09:00
© Reuters.  GORENJE GOSPODINJSKI APARATI D.D. (2/2018) Gorenje gospodinjski aparati, d.d. Report on the scope of compliance with the Best Practice

(PAP) Raport Bieżący nr 2/2018

Pursuant to Article 29.3 of the Rules of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Gorenje (WA:GRVP) gospodinjski aparati, d.d. presents the report on compliance with the detailed principles of the "Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies 2016"

Disclosure Policy, Investor Communications

I.Z.1.15. information about the company’s diversity policy applicable to the

company’s governing bodies and key managers; the description should

cover the following elements of the diversity policy: gender, education,

age, professional experience, and specify the goals of the diversity policy

and its implementation in the reporting period; where the company has

not drafted and implemented a diversity policy, it should publish the

explanation of its decision on its website;
The Company does not apply this principle.
The company has not adopted any document specifying or providing a policy of diversity in the managerial or supervisory bodies and key positions.

I.Z.1.16. information about the planned transmission of a general meeting, not

later than 7 days before the date of the general meeting;
The Company does not apply this principle.
The company does not offer a Shareholders Assembly broadcast; therefore, such information is not provided.

I.Z.1.20. an audio or video recording of a general meeting;
The Company does not apply this principle.
Neither the Companies Act nor the Corporate Governance Code (the LJSE Code) or the Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders Assembly require the Company to record the Shareholders Meeting in any other form than in writing; therefore, the company does not publish such recordings in audio and/or video format.

General Meeting, Shareholder Relations

IV.Z.2. If justified by the structure of shareholders, companies should ensure publicly available real-time broadcasts of general meetings.
The Company does not apply this principle.
According to the Shareholders Assembly Rules of Procedure, only shareholders (and their representatives or proxies) and members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board may be present at the Shareholders Assemblies. This is due to the fact that during the Shareholders Assembly sessions, discussions on matters that are classified as company's business or professional secret may take place, which the company is not willing to share with the general public. Therefore, the Company does not allow a publicly available broadcast of the Shareholders Assembly.

IV.Z.3. Presence of representatives of the media should be allowed at general meetings.
The Company does not apply this principle.
According to the Shareholders Assembly Rules of Procedure, only shareholders (and their representatives or proxies) and members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board may be present at the Shareholders Assemblies. This is due to the fact that during the Shareholders Assembly sessions, discussions on matters that are classified as company's business or professional secret may take place, which the company is not willing to share with the general public.

IV.Z.17. A resolution of the general meeting concerning a conditional dividend payment

may only contain such conditions whose potential fulfilment takes place before

the dividend record date.
The Company does not apply this principle.
Detailed principle IV.Z.17 regarding the conditional dividend payment does not apply to the Company due to the fact that under the Slovenian Companies Act, the Shareholders Assembly may not vote on or adopt decisions on conditional dividend payment.

IV.Z.18. A resolution of the general meeting to split the nominal value of shares should

not set the new nominal value of the shares below PLN 0.50, which could result in a very low unit market value of the shares, and which could consequently pose

a threat to the correct and reliable valuation of the company listed on the

The Company does not apply this principle.
Detailed principle IV.Z.18 regarding the minimum possible nominal value of the shares following the share split does not apply to the company due to the fact that company shares are no par value shares.


VI.Z.2. To tie the remuneration of members of the management board and key managers

to the company’s long-term business and financial goals, the period between the

allocation of options or other instruments linked to the company’s shares under the incentive scheme and their exercisability should be no less than two years.
The Company does not apply this principle.
Recommendation VI.Z.2, pertaining to the options and other instruments related to company shares is not in use since the company has not adopted a plan for rewarding the Management Board with options.

Więcej na: http://biznes.pap.pl/pl/reports/ebi/all,0,0,0,1

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