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Natixis Funds Trust I Vaughan Nelson Small Cap Value Fund Class Y (NEJYX)

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21,54 +0,03    +0,14%
27/09 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Natixis Funds
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 960,5M
Natixis Vaughan Nelson Small Cap Value Y 21,54 +0,03 +0,14%

Przegląd NEJYX

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Small Blend

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 399 Boylston Street
Boston,MA 02116
United States
Telefon (800) 862-4863
Internet im.natixis.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
James Eisenman Portfolio Manager - Equity 2022 Teraz
Biografia James Eisenman is a Portfolio Manager specializing in equity investments. With 21 years of experience in financial services and accounting, he brings a deep understanding of the industry to his role. James holds a Masters in Accounting (2002) and a B.B.A. with Honors in Accounting (2002), both from Ohio State University. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Texas. James has been an integral part of Vaughan Nelson since 2005, contributing significantly to the firm's portfolio management. Prior to joining Vaughan Nelson, he served as a Senior Associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (2002-2005), gaining valuable expertise in accounting and financial services.
Christopher Wallis Manager 2004 Teraz
Biografia CEO/CIO Senior Portfolio Manager, Equity 31 years investment management / financial analysis and accounting experience M.B.A., Harvard Business School, 1998; B.B.A., Baylor University, 1991, Accounting; Chartered Financial Analyst® designation; Certified Public Accountant-State of Texas Professional Background: Vaughan Nelson since 1999; Associate, Simmons & Company International (1998-1999); Manager, Coopers & Lybrand, LLP (1991-1996) Affiliations, Current and Past: Member, CFA Institute
Stephen Davis Portfolio Manager 2019 2023
Biografia Stephen Davis, CFA®,a Portfolio Manager of Vaughan Nelson, joined the firm in 2010. Mr. Davis received a B.A. from Rice University. Mr. Davis holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst® and has over 16 years of investment management and research experience.
Dennis G. Alff Project Leader 2013 2019
Biografia Senior Portfolio Manager - Equity 26 years investment management and research experience M.B.A., Harvard Business School, 1998; B.S., United States Military Academy, 1993, Economics; Chartered Financial Analyst® designation Professional Background: Vaughan Nelson since 2006; Vice President, Credit Arbitrage and Asset Investments, Koch Capital Markets (2001-2006); Project Leader, The Boston Consulting Group (1997-2001); Lieutenant, United States Army, 1st Cavalry Division (1993-1996) Affiliations, Current and Past: Member, CFA Institute
Chad D. Fargason Senior Vice President 2013 2019
Biografia Senior Portfolio Manager - Equity 23 years investment management and research experience Ph.D., Duke University, 1998; M.A., Duke University, 1996; B.A., Rice University, 1994, Mathematics Professional Background: Vaughan Nelson since 2013; Director, KKR & Co., LP (2003-2013); Senior Vice President,El Paso Corp. (2001-2003); Project Leader, The Boston Consulting Group (1998-2001) Affiliations, Current and Past: Past President, Board of Trustees, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
Scott J. Weber Senior Portfolio Manager 2004 2019
Biografia Senior Portfolio Manager - Equity 27 years investment management and financial analysis experience M.B.A., Tulane University-A.B. Freeman School of Business, 1997; B.S., The University of the South, 1994, Natural Resources; Chartered Financial Analyst® designation Professional Background: Vaughan Nelson since 2003; Vice President-Investment Banking, RBC Capital Markets (2001-2003); Senior Associate-Investment Banking, RBC Capital Markets (2000-2001); Associate-Investment Banking, Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown (1997-2000); Treasury Analyst, Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. (1996-1997) Affiliations, Current and Past: Member, CFA Institute
Mark Roach Managing Director & Portfolio Manager 2004 2007
Biografia Mark Roach is the Lead Portfolio Manager on the Fundamental Small Cap Value team for Foundry Partners. Mark started in the industry in 1995 and has been with Foundry Partners since the company’s transaction with Dreman Value Management (DVM) in June of 2016. He was with DVM from late 2006-June 20, 2016 in a similar capacity. Prior to joining DVM, Mr. Roach was a Portfolio Manager at Vaughan Nelson Investment Management, managing a small cap product from 2002 through 2006. Mr. Roach has significant experience in working with institutions, pensions and endowments and is well known in the consulting and high net worth community. Mr. Roach served as a security analyst from 1994 to 2001 for various institutions including Fifth Third Bank, Lynch, Jones & Ryan and USAA. Mr. Roach graduated from Baldwin Wallace College with a B.A. in Business, and earned a MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. In addition, Mr. Roach is a former board member on the Rice University Wright Fund.
Charles Reed Portfolio Manager 2001 2004
Biografia Reed is a portfolio manager with Montgomery Asset Management, his employer since 2000. Charles Reed is a Portfolio Manager responsible for technology companies. Before joining Montgomery Asset Management, Charles Reed was an equity analyst for Berger Associates where he conducted research on publicly traded companies, performed fundamental analysis of data networking companies, and developed and maintained financial models on companies within the financial telecommunications and temporary staffing industries. Previously, Mr. Reed worked for Lipper Analytical Service, Inc. as a project manager where he performed mutual fund analysis on performance and expenses. He received a B.S. degree in finance, with an emphasis in securities markets, banking, and accounting, from Colorado State University and holds an M.S. degree in Finance with an emphasis in Financial Analysis from the University of Colorado. He is a CFA® charterholder.
Stuart Roberts Portfolio Manager 2001 2004
Biografia Stuart Roberts Prior to joining Montgomery Asset Management he was VP and portfolio manager at Founders Asset Management, where he was responsible for the management of three separate mutual funds and selected separate accounts. All of these funds were growth oriented with a focus on the small-cap market sector. Before joining Founders, Mr. Roberts managed a health-care sector mutual fund as portfolio manager at Financial Programs, Inc. He was also a securities analyst at Hanifen Imhoff, Inc.
John L. Wallace Portfolio Manager 2001 2004
Biografia Wallace is a portfolio manager with RS Investment Management, his employer since 1995. Previously, he served as vice president with Oppenheimer Management Corporation for nine years. Prior to that, he spent four years in Quito, Ecuador, where he owned and operated an export firm.
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