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Aig Flexible Credit Fund Class W (SHNWX)

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SunAmerica Flexible Credit W - dane historyczne. Aby uzyskać dane w czasie rzeczywistym, skieruj inne zapytanie
3,39 -0,01    -0,29%
16/07 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  AIG
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 95,3M
SunAmerica Flexible Credit W 3,39 -0,01 -0,29%

Przegląd SHNWX

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Aig Flexible Credit Fund Class W. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych SHNWX.

High Yield Bond

Aktywa ogółem




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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres Harborside Financial Center, 3200 Plaza 5
Jersey City,NJ 07311
United States
Telefon +1 8008588850

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Eric Hess Managing Director 2019 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Hess is managing director and credit research analyst at Newfleet, responsible for the telecommunications, media, oil services, and utility industry sectors. Prior to joining Newfleet in 2011, Mr. Hess was on the fixed income team at Goodwin (2010 to 2011). Eric Hess, CFA. Mr. Hess is a Managing Director and Credit Analyst at Newfleet and Sector Head of High Yield Credit. He is also responsible for the oil and gas, power, and utility industries. In addition, Mr. Hess is co-portfolio manager of the Newfleet High Yield and Flexible Credit strategies in both separately managed and pooled vehicles, as well as mutual funds, through a number of subadvisory relationships. Prior to joining Newfleet in 2011, Mr. Hess was on the fixed income team at Goodwin Capital Advisers. He joined Goodwin Capital's corporate credit research group in 2010. Previous to joining Goodwin, he was a credit analyst for The Travelers Companies.
William J. Eastwood Senior Managing Director 2019 Teraz
Biografia William Eastwood is a senior managing director, portfolio manager and head of trading at Newfleet Asset Management with trading responsibilities primarily for leveraged finance. In addition, Mr. Eastwood is co-portfolio manager of the Newfleet High Yield and Flexible Credit strategies in both separately managed and pooled vehicles, as well as mutual funds, through a number of subadvisory relationships. Mr. Eastwood joined Newfleet in 2011 as a senior fixed income trader. Prior to joining Newfleet, he served as a senior fixed income trader at several firms, including Neuberger Berman, PPM America, and Phoenix Investment Counsel. Mr. Eastwood earned a B.S. in finance from Post University and an M.B.A. from the University of Hartford. He is a CFA® (Chartered Financial Analyst®) charterholder. He began his career in the investment industry in 1995.
Francesco Ossino Senior Managing Director 2014 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Ossino is a senior managing director, senior portfolio manager, and sector head of the bank loan asset class at Newfleet. Before joining Newfleet in 2012, Mr. Ossino worked at Hartford Investment Management as a bank loan portfolio manager from 2004 to 2012, primarily focused on mutual fund portfolios and a commingled bank loan portfolio for institutional investors. He began his investment career in 1996. He received a BS in economics from Brandeis University and an MS in international economics and finance from Brandeis University and Luigi Bocconi University in Italy.
David L. Albrycht President 2014 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Albrycht is president and Chief Investment Officer of Newfleet. Prior to joining Newfleet in 2011, Mr. Albrycht was Executive Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager with Goodwin Capital Advisers, a former Virtus investment management subsidiary. Mr. Albrycht joined the Goodwin multi-sector fixed income team in 1985 as a credit analyst and has managed fixed income portfolios since 1991.
Jonathan R. Stanley Director 2014 2019
Biografia Mr. Stanley is managing director and portfolio manager at Newfleet. Prior to joining Newfleet in 2011, Mr. Stanley was on the fixed income team at Goodwin Capital Advisers. He began his investment career at Goodwin Capital Advisers in 1997 and served in various capacities, including as an analyst on the emerging markets team. Mr. Stanley left Goodwin in 2001 to serve as a portfolio manager at Global Financial Private Capital, a registered investment adviser in Florida. He rejoined Goodwin in 2006 as a member of the corporate credit research group and assumed responsibilities for the management of the high yield sector in 2008. Mr. Stanley received a BS in accounting from Fairfield University and an MBA from the University of Florida. He is a CFA charterholder.
Christopher A. Jones Vice President 2009 2014
Biografia Chris is a fixed income portfolio manager and chair of the High Yield Strategy Group. He focuses on the firm’s Core High Yield, European High Yield, Global High Yield, and total return oriented strategies. He began his career at Wellington Management in 1994 as a research analyst in Fixed Income Research, specializing in the quantitative and qualitative review of high-yield bonds. Prior to joining the firm, Chris did research for Foothill Group, an investment management company specializing in distressed debt, and he worked at La Jolla-based Multiple Peptide Systems where he marketed custom molecules to research institutions and other end users (1989 – 1992). Chris earned his MBA in finance from the University of California, Los Angeles (1994) and his BA, cum laude, from the University of California, San Diego (1988). He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
John Yovanovic Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2007 2009
Biografia Mr. Yovanovic joined PineBridge Investments, LLC with the acquisition of American General Investment Management (AGIM) in 2001. He is the director of high yield portfolio management and co-manages the high yield portfolios. Previously, he was head of high yield trading. He has also been a senior analyst and managed the high yield energy research group. Prior to joining AIGGIG, Mr.Yovanovic was a senior research analyst and trader at Mentor Investment Advisors and VanKampen Funds. He has a BBA from the University of Houston, 1991. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder.
Bryan Petermann Portfolio Manager 2007 2009
Biografia Bryan, Portfolio Manager, joined Muzinich in 2010 from Pinebridge Investments (formerly AIG Investments) where he served as Managing Director, Head of high yield for the last five years of his tenure. Bryan started his career in the banking sector. He worked in the media and cable groups at the Union Bank of California and Banque Paribas. Previously, he participated in the start of Société Générale’s cable and media group. Bryan received a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles where he was a Phi Beta Kappa scholar, and an M.B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley
Tim Lindvall Portfolio Manager 2007 2009
Biografia Tim Lindvall, CFA Managing Director, Portfolio Manager PineBridge Investments, Houston Mr. Lindvall joined the firm in 2002 and became a Portfolio Manager in 2007. Prior to his current position, Mr. Lindvall was a research analyst responsible for the exploration and production, oil field services, refining, pipeline, and electric sectors. Previously, Mr. Lindvall was Manager of Structured Transactions at Aquila Energy Capital, a mezzanine fund. He was responsible for originating and structuring investments in energy companies. His prior experience includes research analysis at a hedge fund, corporate finance at EOG Resources, and private equity investing at Enron Corp. Mr. Lindvall received a BS in Finance and a BA in Economics from Southern Methodist University, and an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also a CFA Charterholder.
Greg A. Braun - 2002 2007
Biografia Braun is a portfolio manager of the company. Braun holds the Chartered Financial Analyst desgination.
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