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Sei Emerging Markets Equity Class F (0P000076WY)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
7,924 +0,130    +1,63%
18/10 - Zamknięty. Wartość w CAD
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  SEI Investments Canada Company
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 383,25M
SEI Emerging Markets Equity Class F 7,924 +0,130 +1,63%

Przegląd 0P000076WY

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Emerging Markets Equity

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Adres Suite 1600
Toronto,ON M5J 1S9
Telefon 416-777-9700
Fax 416-777-9093
Internet www.seic.ca

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
John Lau Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Lau serves as Portfolio Manager of SEI's Asia-Pacific including Japan and Global Emerging Markets equity strategies. In this role, John focuses on investment research, risk management, and portfolio construction of equity strategies in Asia Pacific and Emerging Markets, including China A-share market. Based in Hong Kong, John is also involved with asset allocation analysis with institutional clients in Asia. He is a senior member of the SEI Global Equity Committee. Prior to joining SEI in 2007, John spent eleven years as Senior Portfolio Manager in a quantitative equity team within Citigroup Asset Management near New York, where he managed global equity strategies, equity market-neutral fund, and structured products. John earned his Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He also holds a Master of Science in Engineering from University of California at Berkeley and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University.
Thomas K. Allraum Co-Portfolio Manager 2015 2021
Biografia Thomas serves as an analyst covering EMEA and is a member of the investment committee for the Emerging and Frontier Markets Strategies at Redwheel. He is also coportfolio manager for the Redwheel Emerging Markets strategy. He has 40 years of experience in international investment management and equity research. Thomas most recently held the position of Senior Managing Director, EMEA Research at Everest Capital where he worked since 1997. Thomas was previously a Director at M&G Investment Management in London. Before that he was head of the European equity team at Swiss Bank Corporation.
John Molloy Portfolio Manager 2015 2021
Biografia Joined RWC Asset Advisors (US) LLC March 2015 as Portfolio Manager. Industry experience since 1992.
Gareth Maher Portfolio Manager 2012 2021
Biografia Gareth joined the firm as Senior portfolio manager in 2000. Gareth is a very experienced equity manager having worked for Irish Life Investment Managers for 10 years from 1987 during which time he managed their US, Irish and Far Eastern equity portfolios. In 1997, Gareth joined Eagle Star (Zurich) with responsibility for the Irish, Japanese and Far Eastern equities. Gareth joined the Global Equity Strategies team in 2008, having managed U.S., Irish and Far Eastern equities from the year 2000.
Ian Madden Senior Portfolio Manager 2012 2021
Biografia Ian joined the firm in November 2000 as a Portfolio Assistant. Prior to joining KBI Global Investors, Ian worked for the international division of National Irish Bank. In 2002, Ian was appointed Manager of the Institutional Business Support unit, responsible for unit trust dealing, client cashflow, audit reporting and client queries. Ian joined the Global Equities Strategies team in 2004.
James Collery Senior Portfolio Manager 2012 2021
Biografia James joined the firm in January 2001 as a Performance & Risk Analyst. In December 2003 James was appointed as a portfolio manager on a Hedge Fund team. During this time, he worked on a Fund of Funds where he was responsible for manager due diligence as well as portfolio construction, and latterly on a direct Equity Long Short Fund which was quantitatively managed. He joined the Global Equity Strategies team in 2007. James graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1999 with a BA Honours degree in Science and holds the Investment Management Certificate.
David Hogarty Head 2012 2021
Biografia David joined the firm in 1994. David has held a number of senior management roles in our business including; responsibility for Product Development, Business Development & Consultant Relationships. David is also a former member of the Irish Association of Pension Funds (IAPF) Investment Committee. David was instrumental in developing the Global Equity Strategies in 2003 and has been a member of the investment team since launch. David graduated from University College Dublin with a B.A. in Economics and Politics in 1989 and holds the Investment Management Certificate.
Emery R. Brewer international securities Analyst, Portfolio Manager 2010 2021
Biografia Emery Brewer is Senior Fund Manager of JOHCM and joined JOHCM in March 2010, following a brief retirement from 2008-2010. He has over 15 years of experience in Emerging Markets equity fund management, gained while working at Driehaus Capital Management from 1997 to 2007. In December 1997, Emery founded the Driehaus Capital Management Emerging Markets Growth Fund which he managed for ten years until he left Driehaus in December 2007. In 1998, he founded the Driehaus International Discovery Fund. Prior to this, he was an analyst and manager for the Driehaus East Europe Fund.
George D. Mussalli Global Chief Investment Officer 2010 2021
Biografia George D. Mussalli, CFA Global Chief Investment Officer Mr. Mussalli is PanAgora’s Global Chief Investment Officer. He is responsible for the oversight of the firm’s Equity and Multi Asset investment teams, including research, portfolio management, portfolio construction, and trading. He is also a member of the firm’s Investment, Operating, Risk, and Sustainability Committees, as well as the Board of Directors. As Global Chief Investment Officer, Mr. Mussalli directs innovative research used in the development of models implemented in PanAgora’s investment strategies.
Edward Qian Managing Director 2010 2021
Biografia Edward Qian, Ph.D. Chief Investment Officer, Multi Asset Investments Dr. Qian is the Chief Investment Officer and Head of Research, Multi Asset at PanAgora. His primary responsibilities include investment research and portfolio management in PanAgora’s Multi Asset group. He is also a member of the firm’s Investment, Operating, and Directors Committees.
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