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Imgp Sustainable Europe C Chf Hp (0P0000TPPC)

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OYSTER European Opportunities C CHF HP PR - dane historyczne. Aby uzyskać dane w czasie rzeczywistym, skieruj inne zapytanie
257,460 +0,050    +0,02%
03/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w CHF
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Luksemburg
Emitent:  SYZ Asset Management (Luxembourg) SA
ISIN:  LU0608364427 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 32,97M
OYSTER European Opportunities C CHF HP PR 257,460 +0,050 +0,02%

Przegląd 0P0000TPPC

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Sector Equity Other

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 54 rue Charles Martel
Luxembourg, L-2134
Telefon +352 26 27 36 1
Internet www.imgp.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Victoria MacLean - 2022 Teraz
Biografia Victoria MacLean is an Investment Manager on the Global Equity Team. Victoria joined Aberdeen in 2010 as a graduate. Victoria graduated with a law degree from the University of Edinburgh and also has a Diploma in Legal Practice.
Ted Franks Manager 2022 Teraz
Biografia Ted built a career in banking around sustainability-related sectors before taking his convictions further and helping to found WHEB Asset Management in 2009. He was a member of the original investment team that launched the Sustainability Fund in June of that year and has been a key member of the team ever since. Ted has played a pivotal role in the development of both the strategy and the business that supports it. Before joining WHEB, Ted was a sector specialist in the renewable energy and utilities sectors at Dresdner Kleinwort and KPMG. As well as holding degrees in Economics and Law, Ted is a CFA Charterholder and a Chartered Accountant.
Ty Lee Senior Associate 2022 Teraz
Biografia Ty has over 15 years' experience in investment management and investment banking. He joined WHEB in 2011 as an Analyst and is now an Associate Fund Manager. His responsibilities spread across the whole investment process from idea generation to portfolio management. Prior to joining WHEB, Ty completed his master’s degree in Finance at London Business School. Before that, he worked as a Senior Associate at UOB Asia and an Analyst at Accenture in Hong Kong. Ty is a CFA Charterholder and holds double degrees in Business Administration (Information Systems) and Software Engineering from the University of Hong Kong.
Luc Pez - 2021 2022
Louis Larere - 2020 2022
Adrian Vlad - 2020 2021
Pras Jeyanandhan Portfolio Manager 2019 2020
Biografia He began his career in 2005 with KPMG, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (ACA), before moving to HSBC as a strategy analyst. In 2011, Pras joined Berenberg Bank as an equity analyst, leading coverage on the Financials sector before joining Mike Clements at Syz Asset Management in 2015 as an investment analyst and then portfolio manager. From January 2019, Pras co-managed the Oyster European Opportunities Fund alongside Mike as well as providing support across the other portfolios.
Michael Clements Senior Research Analyst 2014 2020
Biografia MICHAEL CLEMENTS, CFA His investment career began in 1999 as a European equity analyst at UBS Asset Management. In 2008, he moved to Franklin Templeton Investments where he managed the €3 billion Franklin European Growth Fund and related mandates. Between 2014 to 2020, he was Head of European Equities at Syz Asset Management, managing a range of Pan European and Europe ex. UK funds, including the Oyster Continental European Income Fund. Mr. Clements holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in industrial economics from the University of Warwick and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charterholder.
Eric Bendahan CEO 2005 2014
Biografia Eric Bendahan is the CEO of Eleva Capital, which he founded in September 2014. He is the portfolio manager of the funds: Eleva European Selection, ELEVA Euroland Selection and ELEVA Absolute Return Europe. Prior to founding Eleva Capital LLP, Eric worked for Banque Syz & Co from November 2005 to August 2014 where he managed approximately EUR 2.4 billion. Oyster European Opportunities ranked 1st quartile in terms of performance since the beginning of his tenure (31/12/05). Oyster European Selection ranked 1st percentile since its launch on 29 Nov 2011 with a net outperformance to Stoxx 600 of 24.4 % net of fees. Eric previously held the position of European Equity Fund Manager at Axa Investment Managers in Paris, where he gained recognition for his performance, including being named best manager for European equities by Citywire in 2005 for his risk adjusted returns. Eric is a CFA Charterholder and has a Master’s in Business and Economics at ESSEC.
Nicolas Walewski Managing Partner 1999 2005
Biografia Nicolas Walewski is the Managing Partner of Alken Asset Management and the manager of Alken European Opportunities Fund. Nicolas began his investment career in 1993 with Credit Lyonnais in Paris as a currency options portfolio manager and then in Frankfurt as an index options portfolio manager. In 1998, Nicolas joined Banque Syz in London and became manager of the Oyster European Opportunities Fund, with 1.3bn under management.
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