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Old Mutual Investors Fund B7 (0P00017ZB5)

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450,620 -1,660    -0,37%
21/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w ZAR ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Old Mutual Unit Trust Mgrs
ISIN:  ZAE000217634 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 10,52B
Old Mutual Investors Fund B7 450,620 -1,660 -0,37%

Przegląd 0P00017ZB5

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South Africa & Namibia Equity

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Adres 7405
Cape Town,
South Africa
Telefon +27 (0)21 503 1770
Fax +27 (0)21 509 7100

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Meryl Pick Portfolio Manager 2023 Teraz
Biografia Meryl joined Old Mutual Investment Group in February 2012 and is the analyst responsible for gold, packaging manufacturers, clothing retail, heavy equipment distributors and logistics companies. She is also the portfolio manager of the Old Mutual Gold Fund. Prior to joining Old Mutual Equities, she was a Business Efficiency Manager at ABSA for two years. She also worked at Unilever for five years, where her role included, among others, being a Process Engineering Manager.
Arthur Karas - 2021 Teraz
Siboniso Nxumalo Portfolio Manager 2019 Teraz
Biografia Siboniso is the co-boutique head of the Global Emerging Markets Boutique and jointly responsible for the portfolio management of the Old Mutual Global Emerging Markets Fund. In addition, he is responsible for analysing companies in the global financial sector. Siboniso has been at Old Mutual for 12 years. He previously co-managed the Old Mutual High Yield Opportunity Fund with Feroz Basa in the Electus boutique from July 2013 until January 2015. In addition, Siboniso was responsible for equity research in the South African construction and electronics sectors. In 2011, he headed up the Financials and Property Research Sector teams in the Equity Research Boutique as well as being responsible for banks and financial (ex Insurance) research. Prior to joining Old Mutual Investment Group in 2007, he was a TOPP trainee accountant at Old Mutual for three years, 2 of those years were spent in various departments at Old Mutual Investment Group (including investment research and analysis).
Neelash Nansjee - 2021 2023
Biografia Neelash joined Old Mutual Equities in April 2014 and is responsible for analysing the financial sector. Prior to joining OME, he was the lead banking analyst at Credit Suisse and an equity analyst at JP Morgan. He also worked at Ernst and Young in the financial services and retail sectors. Neelash has four years of industry experience
Meryl Pick Portfolio Manager 2018 2020
Biografia Meryl joined Old Mutual Investment Group in February 2012 and is the analyst responsible for gold, packaging manufacturers, clothing retail, heavy equipment distributors and logistics companies. She is also the portfolio manager of the Old Mutual Gold Fund. Prior to joining Old Mutual Equities, she was a Business Efficiency Manager at ABSA for two years. She also worked at Unilever for five years, where her role included, among others, being a Process Engineering Manager.
Peter Linley - 2009 2019
Jonathan Larcombe - 2013 2017
Biografia Jonathan joined Old Mutual Equities in April 2011. He has a background in research, including three years in private equity and listed equity, respectively. His experience across a broad spectrum of sectors is supported by a solid technical ability. Prior to joining OMIGSA as an equity analyst in 2004, Jonathan gained international experience in the London offices of Credit Suisse. Jonathan has 13 years of investment experience and is joint portfolio manager of institutional funds and Old Mutual Investors’ Fund.
Brian Pyle - 2010 2017
Biografia Brian currently manages the Old Mutual Industrial Fund. Brian was previously the Sector Head of Small Cap Research. Besides managing the Old Mutual Small Caps Unit Trust Fund, he was also responsible for managing the small cap component of OMIGSA’s institutional funds. Brian studied at the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg) and completed articles with KPMG before joining Old Mutual Investment Group as an analyst in 1998. He became a portfolio manager in early 2000.
Johan Strydom - 2005 2010
Charles de Kock Portfolio Manager 2002 2004
Biografia Charles is a senior portfolio manager with more than 20 years' investment experience. He plays a leadership role in the asset allocation process and is responsible for the management of a number of balanced retirement funds as well as the core benchmark conscious equity portfolios. These include some our largest retirement fund clients. Charles is also co-manager of the Coronation Balanced Defensive unit trust fund. As a senior member of the team he is involved in all investment discussions, is a regular spokesperson in the media and a popular speaker at client meetings.
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