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Liontrust Sustainable Future Corporate Bond Fund Class 3 Gross Income (0P000023CY)

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0,96 0,00    0,24%
16/07 - Zamknięty. Wartość w GBP ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Liontrust Investments Limited
ISIN:  GB0030029176 
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 273,98M
Liontrust Sustainable Future Corporate Bond Fund C 0,96 0,00 0,24%

Przegląd 0P000023CY

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GBP Corporate Bond

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 2 Savoy Court London WC2R 0EZ
United Kingdom
Telefon +352 464010600

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Jack Willis - 2021 Teraz
Biografia Jack Willis joined Liontrust in April 2017 as part of the company's acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments. He started his career on the Alliance Trust Management training programme in September 2014 after graduating with First Class Honours in Mathematics with Finance from the University of Leeds and subsequently completing an MSc in Finance and Investment with Distinction, also at the University of Leeds. Following a successful period as a credit analyst within the team, he is now Co-manager on the Liontrust Monthly Income Bond Fund, Sustainable Future Corporate Bond Fund and GF Sustainable Future European Corporate Bond Fund. Jack is a CFA Charterholder.
Aitken Ross - 2014 Teraz
Biografia Aitken Ross joined Liontrust in April 2017 as part of the company's acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments. He started his career on the Alliance Trust Management training programme in September 2010 after graduating in Accountancy and Finance (First Class Honours) from Dundee University and subsequently completing an MA in International Financial Analysis (Distinction) at Newcastle University. Following a successful period as an analyst within the team, he is now Co-manager on the Liontrust Monthly Income Bond Fund, Sustainable Future Corporate Bond Fund and GF Sustainable Future European Corporate Bond Fund. Aitken is a CFA Charterholder.
Kenny Watson - 2013 Teraz
Biografia Kenny Watson joined Liontrust in April 2017 after more than three years at Alliance Trust Investments. He is a Co-manager of the Liontrust Monthly Income Bond, Sustainable Future Corporate Bond Fund and GF Sustainable Future European Corporate Bond Fund. Prior to this, he worked for Ignis Asset Management for 15 years, specialising first in UK smaller companies, before moving to the fixed income team in 2004 where he was responsible for the sub-investment grade bond portfolios including the High Income Bond Fund. Prior to focusing on sub-investment grade bonds, he was part of the team managing investment grade life company mandates. He started his career at KPMG, after qualifying as a chartered accountant, before joining Murray Johnstone as a trainee fund manager in UK equities in 1994. Kenny has a BA in Accounting & Economics from the University of Strathclyde and is a chartered accountant.
Stuart Steven - 2012 2023
Biografia Stuart Steven joined Liontrust through the acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments in 2017, remaining the Head of the Sustainable Future Fixed Income team and also the Co-manager of the Liontrust Monthly Income Bond Fund, Sustainble Future Corporate Bond Fund and GF Sustainable Future European Corporate Bond Fund. After working in industry, Stuart joined Britannic Asset Management in 1994 and became Head of Corporate Bonds with responsibility for managing investment grade portfolios for retail and institutional funds. In 2000, he joined Legal & General as Director, Corporate Bonds, where, until 2006, he managed a team of credit specialists managing multi-currency assets. He joined Scottish Widows Investment Partnership in 2008 as investment director, managing a number of funds, including investment grade and absolute return funds. Stuart has been involved in managing multi-currency fixed income portfolios since 1994, with experience in managing teams and marketing fixed income funds. He has an additional five years’ related investment experience.
Stuart McMaster - 2012 2018
Biografia Stuart joined Alliance Trust in January 2010. Stuart started his career at Standard Life Assurance in 1980 and covered a number of roles before becoming an Investment Manager in the Fixed Income and Cash Management team in 1986. In 1992 he moved to Scottish Widows as a Portfolio Manager with responsibility for corporate bond management across a number of clients and the management of cash funds. During his time at Scottish Widows he assumed management responsibility as Head of Credit, moving on to become Head of Bond Fund Management and latterly to Head of Aggregate Bond Fund Management, where he was responsible for £8 billion of assets.
Dominic White - 2007 2013
Biografia Dominic joined Aviva Investors in 2001. He joined as a product specialist for fixed income prior to being offered a position on the credit investment team in November 2003. Prior to arriving in the United Kingdom Dominic worked as an equity portfolio manager at Watermark Securities and Mathison and Hollidge, both members of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in South Africa. Dominic holds a BCom in Economics from the University of South Africa.
Rod Davidson Global Head 2001 2013
Biografia Rod Davidson graduated from Heriot Watt University with a BA in Economics in 1985. Following the take-over by Aberdeen Asset Management he became Global Head of Fixed Income and took on the responsibility for building on the historical successes of the team. Aberdeen Asset Management has long been regarded as an excellent fixed income manager in the UK and the challenge is now to introduce the Team and Process to a broader audience
Mark Gull Portfolio Manager 2001 2007
Biografia Mark joined Morley Fund Management in 1999. After graduating, he joined BZW as a sales assistant on the corporate bond desk in 1986, then moved on to corporate finance. Mark joined Gartmore in 1992 as a fund manager and ran sterling based institutional and retail bond funds. He was in charge of developing the credit process for funds investing in sterling corporate bonds and high yield. Mark has a BSc in General Science from Durham University and MBA from the Cranfield School of Management.
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