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Baillie Gifford Emerging Markets Leading Companies Fund B Accumulation (0P00002A8C)

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6,01 -0,01    -0,13%
20/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w GBP ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Baillie Gifford & Co Limited.
ISIN:  GB00B06HZN29 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 784,98M
Baillie Gifford Emerging Markets Leading Companies 6,01 -0,01 -0,13%

Przegląd 0P00002A8C

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Global Emerging Markets Equity

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Adres 1 Greenside Row
Edinburgh,Scotland EH1 3AN
United Kingdom
Telefon 44 0131 275 2000
Fax 44 0131 275 3999

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Roderick Snell Portfolio Manager 2019 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Snell joined Baillie Gifford in 2006 and is a portfolio manager in the Emerging Markets Equity Team. Since March 2020, he has also been a manager on the China OEIC fund. He has managed the Baillie Gifford Pacific Fund since 2010 and has been Deputy Manager of Pacific Horizon Investment Trust since 2013. Mr. Snell graduated BSc (Hons) in Medical Biology from the University of Edinburgh in 2006.
Sophie Earnshaw Investment manager 2019 Teraz
Biografia Sophie Earnshaw, CFA, Portfolio Manager, joined Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited in 2010 and is an Investment Manager in the Emerging Markets Equity Team. Ms. Earnshaw joined the International Focus Portfolio Construction Group in 2014. Sophie graduated MA in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh in 2008 and an MPhil in Eighteenth Century and Romantic Literature from Cambridge University in 2009.
William Sutcliffe Portfolio Manager 2010 Teraz
Biografia Will graduated MA in History from the University of Glasgow in 1996. He joined Baillie Gifford in 1999 and worked as an Investment Analyst in the UK and North American Equity Teams before joining the Emerging Markets Equity Team in 2001, where he is an Investment Manager. Will became a Partner in 2010. Will is a member of the Emerging Markets Investment Advisory Group and Emerging Markets Product Group.
Richard Sneller Portfolio Manager 2008 2010
Biografia Richard graduated BSc (Econ) in Statistics from London School of Economics in 1993 and an MSc in Investment Analysis in 1994 from Stirling University. He joined Baillie Gifford in 1994 and became a Partner in 2004. With the exception of a year researching UK Smaller Companies, Richard has spent his career at Baillie Gifford covering the Emerging Markets and is Head of our Emerging Markets Equity Team. Richard is a member of the firm-wide Investment Advisory Group, Emerging Markets Investment Advisory Group and the Emerging Markets Product Group.
Tom Record Investment Manager 2008 2010
Biografia Tom Record is Lead Manager of the International Equity Fund and Co-Fund Manager of the Global Equity and Global Focus funds. Tom joined Liontrust in April 2022 as part of the acquisition of Majedie Asset Management, where he had managed funds for eight years, and is a member of the Liontrust Global Fundamental team. Before joining Majedie in 2014, Tom had been an Investment Manager at Baillie Gifford, where his team was responsible for managing institutional portfolios with combined international equity assets of $30 billion. While at Baillie Gifford, he also managed a selection of Global Emerging Market funds. Tom holds Master of Arts and Master of Natural Sciences degrees, specialising in Biochemistry, from Pembroke College, Cambridge and is a CFA Charterholder.
William Sutcliffe Portfolio Manager 2007 2008
Biografia Will graduated MA in History from the University of Glasgow in 1996. He joined Baillie Gifford in 1999 and worked as an Investment Analyst in the UK and North American Equity Teams before joining the Emerging Markets Equity Team in 2001, where he is an Investment Manager. Will became a Partner in 2010. Will is a member of the Emerging Markets Investment Advisory Group and Emerging Markets Product Group.
Mark Robertson Head 2005 2007
Biografia Mark is responsible for managing our suite of outcome-focused multi-strategy funds as well as leading our multi-strategy investment team. Mark joined Aviva Investors in September 2018 and heads the Multi-Strategy team. After beginning his portfolio management career with Bankers Trust during 2000 in Australia he moved to Investec in Ireland before returning to Sydney to take up a role with UBS. In 2006 he moved to ING to manage their multi asset portfolios. Mark moved to The Netherlands with ING in 2011 and held the role of Head of Multi-Asset portfolios under the rebranded entity NN Investment Partners. He has experience managing Fixed Income, Global Equity, FX, Multi-Asset and Multi Strategy portfolios with a focus on the use of behavioural finance techniques and the benefit that a data-driven approach can bring to the investment process. Mark holds a Masters of Applied Finance from Macquarie University, Australia and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
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