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Ast Mid- Cap Value Portfolio (0P00003BYK)

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52,510 -0,260    -0,49%
17/07 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Advanced Series Trust
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 622,8M
AST Neuberger Berman / LSV Mid-Cap Value Portfolio 52,510 -0,260 -0,49%

Przegląd 0P00003BYK

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Mid-Cap Value

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Adres 100 Mulberry Street,Gateway Center Three, 4th Floor
Newark,NJ 07102
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Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Rick T. Babich - 2021 Teraz
Biografia Rick Babich serves as a Portfolio Manager and the Head of Manager Research for the Strategic Investment Research Group (SIRG). He is responsible for the day-to-day management of single asset class, multi-manager portfolios, the overall manager research effort and the management of the analyst team. Prior to joining Prudential, Mr. Babich was a Director of Research for Parker Global Strategies, an alternative investment firm specializing in fund of fund solutions for insurance companies, pensions, endowments and high net worth individuals, where he served on their Investment and Executive committees. Prior, he was a research analyst at Commerzbank in the Alternative Investment Strategies group, responsible for sourcing managers, performing due diligence, and monitoring the investment portfolio. Mr. Babich also worked in various roles at Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan & Co. He began his career in finance as a Trader Assistant at the Caxton Corporation. Mr. Babich has a B.S. from Rutgers University in Environmental and Business Economics. He received his MBA from Fordham University with a concentration in Finance.
Jeffrey Peasley - 2021 Teraz
Biografia Jeffrey Peasley is a Vice President, Portfolio Manager, and Senior Research Analyst in PGIM Investments' Strategic Investment Research Group (SIRG). He joined SIRG in February 2009 and is responsible for the management of single asset class, multi- manager portfolios and oversees a team of analysts who are responsible for the due diligence of equity subadvisors. Prior to joining SIRG, Mr. Peasley was a product manager within the Retirement Plan Strategies department of Prudential Retirement. In this role, Jeff managed the Large Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Blend and International mandate teams, where his responsibilities included product development, platform management, contract negotiations, sub-advisor relations, and communications. Before joining Prudential in 2009, Mr. Peasley spent the 15 years at Advest, Inc., a regional broker/dealer located in Hartford, CT. His last position at Advest was vice president of due diligence, where he was responsible for the day-to-day management of the department that selected money managers for Advest's wrap fee programs. Prior to that, Mr. Peasley was vice president and team leader of Managed Accounts Consulting at Advest, where he directed the group that oversaw the management of $1.5 billion in assets by institutional money managers. Mr. Peasley has a B.S. in Finance from the University of Connecticut.
Richard Offen Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Richard L. Offen - Investment Officer - Equity Portfolio Manager - As an Equity Portfolio Manager, responsible for final buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction and risk and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions. - Joined MFS in 2011 - Previous experience includes 1 year as an Associate - Investment Banking at Stifel, Nicolaus and Co, Inc.; 3 years as an Associate/Analyst - Investment Banking at FBR Capital Markets. - Experience includes participation in the MFS MBA Internship program in 2010. - University of Virginia, Master of Business Administration - Davidson College, Bachelor of Arts
Jeffrey M. Graff Managing Director 2021 Teraz
Biografia Jeffrey Graff is a portfolio manager for the Sycamore Capital Small Cap Value Equity and Mid Cap Value Equity strategies. Mr. Graff joined Victory Capital in 2001 with six years’ prior investment experience. Previously, he was employed as an equity analyst with A.G. Edwards & Sons. He began his career in the investment industry as an equity research associate for Roulston & Company. Mr. Graff holds a B.B.A. from Cleveland State University and an M.Fin. from St. Louis University. He is a CFA® charterholder.Mr. Graff began his investment career in 1994.
James M. Albers Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia James Albers is a portfolio manager for the Sycamore Capital Small Cap Value Equity and Mid Cap Value Equity strategies. Mr. Albers joined Victory Capital in 2005.Mr. Albers began his investment career in 1997. Previously, he worked as a consultant with Accenture and IBM Global Services. Mr. Albers earned a B.S. and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin. He is a CFA® charterholder.
Michael F. Rodarte Co-Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Michael Rodarte is a portfolio manager for the Sycamore Capital Small Cap Value Equity and Mid Cap Value Equity strategies. Mr. Rodarte joined Victory Capital in 2006. Previously, he worked as an analyst with KeyBanc Capital Markets in its corporate and investment banking groups. Mr. Rodarte earned his B.B.A. in finance, economics, and international business from Ohio University. He is a CFA® charterholder.
Gregory M. Conners Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Greg Conners is a portfolio manager for the Sycamore Capital Small Cap Value Equity and Mid Cap Value Equity strategies. Mr. Conners joined Victory Capital in 1999 with four years’ prior investment experience as a small-cap research analyst with Carillon Advisers. Prior to his tenure as portfolio manager, he served as a research analyst for the Small Cap Value Equity strategy. Mr. Conners holds a B.S. in economics from College of Mount St. Joseph and an MBA from Xavier University.
Kevin J. Schmitz Portfolio Manager and investment officer 2021 Teraz
Biografia Kevin J. Schmitz is an investment officer and equity portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management® (MFS®). He manages the firm's small and mid-cap value portfolios. Kevin assumed his current duties in 2011. He joined MFS in 2002 as an equity research analyst covering financial stocks. In 2009 he took on portfolio comanagement duties in addition to his analyst role. Prior to joining the firm, he was a financial analyst and vice president of business development for Fidelity Investments. Kevin earned a bachelor's of Business Administration degree from of the University of Michigan.
Gregory J. Garabedian Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Gregory J. Garabedian, Senior Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager. Greg is an equity portfolio manager on the Opportunistic Value Team. He manages equity assets on behalf of clients, drawing on research from Wellington Management’s global industry analysts, equity portfolio managers, and team analysts. He currently manages the Mid Cap Value and Select Mid Cap Value portfolios. Previously, Greg was an equity research analyst on the Opportunistic Value Team, responsible for conducting fundamental analysis on global equity investments in the insurance, industrials, capital goods, and agricultural industries.
Gary H. Miller Vice President 2021 Teraz
Biografia Gary Miller is Chief Investment Officer of Sycamore Capital. He is also lead portfolio manager of the Small Cap Value Equity and Mid Cap Value Equity strategies. The Victory Small Cap Value Equity and Mid Cap Value Equity team was renamed Sycamore Capital on April 1, 2015. Sycamore Capital is a Victory Capital investment franchise. Mr. Miller joined Victory Capital in 1987. Prior to his tenure as portfolio manager, he served as an equity research analyst for the Small Cap Value and Mid Cap Value Equity strategies. Mr. Miller holds a B.B.A. in accounting from the University of Cincinnati and an MBA from Xavier University.
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