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American Independence Global Tactical Allocation Fund Class A (0P0000Z2GE)

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American Independence JAForlines Global Tactical A - dane historyczne. Aby uzyskać dane w czasie rzeczywistym, skieruj inne zapytanie
9,550 0,000    0,00%
12/09 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  American Independence
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 4,35M
American Independence JAForlines Global Tactical A 9,550 0,000 0,00%

Przegląd 0P0000Z2GE

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Tactical Allocation

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Adres 225 West 34th Street 9th Floor
New York,NY 10122
United States
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Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Joseph L Demmler - 2018 2019
Biografia Mr. Demmler has been in the financial services business since 1973. He became a proprietary trader at Bankers Trust Company in 1978 after going through the Commercial Lending Training Program there. He went on to work as a money market and government securities trader and trading manager at Cantor Fitzgerald, Morgan Stanley, and Credit Suisse First Boston, all in New York City. In 1990 he turned to the asset management business and for 20 years held various executive positions in various mutual fund and institutional asset management businesses. He was head of Alternative Investments at Putnam Investments in Boston where he met and worked closely with Mr. Lee in 1999. In 2008 he joined Mr. Lee's New York family office to assist in the management of Mr. Lee's business interests. Mr. Demmler is a 1973 graduate of Colgate University and a 1978 graduate of the Harvard Business School.
Nathan W. Eigerman - 2018 2019
Biografia Mr.Eigerman has twenty years of experience in the investment management business. From 1996 to 2003 he was with Putnam Investments where he served as a quantitative analyst and portfolio manager. While there he was co-manager of the Putnam Health Sciences Trust, the Putnam International New Opportunities Fund, and several instituional portfolios. After leaving Putnam, Mr. Eigerman was a founder of Oxhead Capital Management, a successful hedge fund firm which was acquired by Morgan Stanley Investment Management in 2006. Following Morgan Stanley, he served as President of NPI Capital, a start-up focused on acquiring small and mid-sized asset managers. From 2012 to 2015 he was Director of Product Development and a member of the Investment Committee of F-Squared Investments. Mr. Eigerman recieved his A.B. in economics from Harvard College and his M.B.A. from the MIT/Sloan School, and has taught financial theory and statistics at Harvard University.
Charles McNally Co-Portfolio Manager 2014 2019
Biografia Charles McNally. Mr. McNally joined Manifold Fund Advisors as Chief Portfolio Strategist in early 2013. For thirteen years, he was a founding member and became a portfolio manager and head of manager research for the Fund of Funds and Institutional Advisory Group at Lyster Watson & Company, a pioneer firm in advising hedge fund investors. Prior to that, he headed research and development for a proprietary equity statistical arbitrage strategy at Jefferies Group, following a role as senior trader at a quantitative hedge fund. He started his career in the fixed-income portfolio strategy research group at Goldman Sachs & Company, and later advised the firm’s institutional clients on using fixed-income futures and options for hedging and portfolio applications. He moved to Salomon Brothers to become product manager for their fixed-income futures and options customer business and traded fixed income and foreign exchange at CS First Boston, before moving into investment management. Mr. McNally earned a Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics, magna cum laude, from Brown University, and continued his studies in pure and applied mathematics at Cambridge University (as a Churchill Scholar) and at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
John Arthur Forlines Adjunct Professor 2013 2018
Biografia John A. Forlines III is Chief Investment Officer at W.E. Donoghue and a member of the Investment Committee. In addition to his leadership as a portfolio manager, Mr. Forlines is an Executive in Residence in the Department of Economics at Duke where he teaches classes in behavioral finance and decision making. Mr. Forlines enjoyed a long career with J.P. Morgan from 1985-2000, serving various roles within the firm, including Vice President of Structured Products, Co-Head of the U.S. Private Equity Group, Managing Director in the Securities Business Development Group and Managing Director and Co-Head of U.S. Tech, Media & Telecom Investment Banking. Mr. Forlines is admitted to the practice of law in the State of New York; before his career at JP Morgan his legal work specialized in structured debt and equity products. Graduating from Duke University with Honors in English and Economics, Mr. Forlines has also earned his J.D from the Duke University School of Law.
Eric M. Rubin President 2013 2016
Biografia Rubin is a founding member of American Independence and president of AIFS since February, 2005. Prior to 2005, he was vice president of ING Financial Partners from June 2004 to January 2005, senior vice president of Mercantile Capital Advisers from April 2003 to April 2004, senior vice president of of DST International from January 2002 to April 2003 and president of EMR Financial Services from June 2000 to February 2001.
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