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Darmowy webinar - Zapisz się dziś! | Środa, 26 Luty 2025 | 19:00 CET
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3rd Annual Real Estate Mexico Forum

Organizator:  Markets Group
Start: 03.12.2015 09:00
Koniec: 04.12.2015 19:00
Paseo de la Reforma #500, Colonia Juarez,
06600 Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal,
Cena: Visit the Site
Telefon: 1.646.415.9398
Email: Pablo.oliveira@marketsgroup.org
Markets Group Institutional Real Estate (MGIRE) connects sophisticated LPs, GPs, Developers, Banks and Intermediaries in real estate law, project finance, lending and accounting, for investment and development-focused discussions of Real Estate opportunities in the United States, Brazil, Mexico and the Andean States.

Since its launch in 2012, MGIRE has constructed a network of thousands of Real Estate Private Equity Fund Managers, Real Estate Multi-manager Funds, REITs, FIBRAs, Pension Funds, Consultants, Endowments, Foundations and Sovereign Wealth Funds.

Market leaders attend our meetings to invest and develop real estate opportunities in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. As markets grow and opportunities emerge across Residential, Commercial and Hospitality Real Estate sectors, Markets Group Institutional Real Estate MGIRE provides a necessary platform for Real Estate Private Equity Investment Due Diligence, Project Development, Tax, Law and Fund Formation across borders.

Our audience is comprised of industry leaders in both emerging and developed market institutional real estate investment and development, who seek to achieve superior returns through both core and non-core investment strategies.

For more information, please contact:

Pablo Oliveira

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