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Wilshire Large Company Growth Portfolio Fund Class Institutional (WLCGX)

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57,37 +0,03    +0,05%
22/11 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Wilshire Mutual Funds
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 181,3M
Wilshire Large Company Growth Instl 57,37 +0,03 +0,05%

Przegląd WLCGX

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Wilshire Large Company Growth Portfolio Fund Class Institutional. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych WLCGX.

Large Growth

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 1299 Ocean Avenue, Suite 700
King Of Prussia,PA 19406
United States
Telefon +1 8882006796

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Vinay Thapar Senior Vice President 2021 Teraz
Biografia Vinay Thapar is a Senior Vice President and Co-Chief Investment Officer for US Growth Equities and a Portfolio Manager for the Global Healthcare Strategy. He is also a Senior Research Analyst, responsible for covering global healthcare. Before joining the firm in 2011, Thapar spent three years at American Century Investments as a senior investment analyst responsible for healthcare. Prior to that, he worked for eight years at Bear Stearns in the Biotech Equity Research Group, most recently as an associate director. Thapar holds a BA in biology from New York University and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
Frank V. Caruso Senior Vice President 2021 Teraz
Biografia Frank Caruso is a Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer at AB. He has been Team Leader of U.S. Growth and Team Leader of U.S. Growth & Income. From 1995 to 2004, he served as a Growth & Income portfolio manager. Mr. Caruso joined the firm in 1993, where he had been director of Equities. Previously, he was a managing director and senior member at Shearson Lehman Advisors, as well as CIO for Shearson Lehman Asset Management's Directions and Capital Management businesses. Mr. Caruso was also formerly the lead portfolio manager for Shearson's family of growth.
John H. Fogarty Senior Vice President 2021 Teraz
Biografia John Fogarty is a Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for U.S. Growth Equities at AB, a position he has held since 2009. He rejoined the firm in 2006 as a fundamental research analyst covering consumer-discretionary stocks in the U.S., having previously spent nearly three years as a hedge fund manager at Dialectic Capital Management and Varden Partners. Mr. Fogarty began his career at AB in 1988, performing quantitative research, and joined the US Large Cap Growth team as a generalist and quantitative analyst in 1995. He became a portfolio manager in 1997. Mr. Fogarty holds a B.A. in history from Columbia University and is a CFA charterholder.
Daniel Arche Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Daniel Arche serves as a Senior Portfolio Manager, Managing Director & Investment Committee Member at Los Angeles Capital Management and Equity Research. As a Portfolio Manager, Mr. Arche is responsible for select client relationships and managing their accounts in accordance with Los Angeles Capital's investment philosophy and process. Mr. Arche works to ensure that portfolios reflect the investment outlook of the Model and that portfolios are operating within expected risk tolerances and guidelines. He recommends changes to portfolio parameters that will enhance return and better control risk. In addition, Mr. Arche is a day-to-day contact for clients for any questions that arise and is a primary contact for routine information requests. Mr. Arche is a member of the Firm's Investment Committee which is comprised of senior members of the investment team and is responsible for overseeing all decisions regarding improvements to the investment process. Mr. Arche is also a member of the Portfolio Review Committee which meets monthly to review portfolio performance and compliance with investment guidelines.
Nathan R. Palmer Vice President 2020 Teraz
Biografia Nathan Palmer is a managing director of Wilshire Associates and heads Wilshire Funds Management’s Portfolio Management Group. Mr. Palmer has more than 20 years of industry experience and is responsible for creating multi-asset class, multi-manager investment solutions for financial intermediary clients. He is the Chair of Wilshire Funds Management’s Investment Committee and Retirement Oversight Committee. Prior to joining Wilshire Associates, Mr. Palmer provided investment advice to endowment, foundation, and family office clients at Convergent Wealth Advisors. Previously, he managed the public market investment portfolios for the endowment at the California Institute of Technology and for the defined benefit and defined contribution retirement assets at Intel Corporation. Mr. Palmer began his career as a securities analyst, where he published equity research on the technology, media, and telecom industries. Mr. Palmer graduated phi beta kappa and cum laude from the University of Washington with a BA in business administration. He holds an MBA with High Distinction from the Stern School of Business, New York University, graduating as an Armando John Garville Memorial Scholar. Mr. Palmer holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is an active member of CFA Institute and CFA Society Los Angeles.
Josh Emanuel Managing Director 2020 Teraz
Biografia Josh Emanuel, a managing director of Wilshire Associates, and chief investment officer for Wilshire Funds Management, joined Wilshire Associates in 2015. In his role as CIO, Mr. Emanuel leads the investment activities of Wilshire Funds Management, including asset allocation, manager research, portfolio management, and investment research. Mr. Emanuel also chairs the Wilshire Funds Management Investment Committee. From 2010 to May 2015, Mr. Emanuel served as chief investment officer of The Elements Financial Group, LLC (TEG), where he developed and managed a variety of outcome-oriented investment strategies and exchange traded funds. Mr. Emanuel also codeveloped an innovative technology solution which provides volatility-based risk profiling, risk budgeting, and compliance services to financial advisors and institutions. Prior to his tenure at TEG, Mr. Emanuel served in several roles at Wilshire from 2004-2010, including head of manager research, head of strategy for Wilshire Funds Management, and co-chairman of the Wilshire Funds Management Investment Committee. Prior to 2004, Mr. Emanuel was responsible for international manager research for Jeffrey Slocum & Associates, Inc. Mr. Emanuel has a BA in Finance from the University of Pittsburgh and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Brian Timberlake Portfolio Manager 2020 Teraz
Biografia Brian Timberlake is the head of fixed income research at Voya Investment Management and is responsible for managing the organization’s global fixed income research analysts as well as the coordination of macroeconomic data across the fixed income platform. Prior to this position, Mr. Timberlake was Head of Quantitative Research and before that, a Senior Quantitative Analyst. He joined Voya IM in 2003. His team is responsible for macro and quantitative fixed income research and provides additional assistance to individual sector groups and the risk management team. In addition, Brian is a named portfolio manager on several global and opportunistic fixed income products. Previously, he was the head of quantitative research where he helped develop an integrated, automated tool for interest rate hedging, created multifactor risk models, and was integral to the design and monitoring of customized client portfolios. Prior to that he was a senior quantitative analyst at Voya. Brian received a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Maryland, an MS in quantitative and computational finance from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a PhD in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Sean Banai Head 2020 Teraz
Biografia Sean Banai is head of portfolio management for the fixed income platform at Voya Investment Management. Previously, Sean was a senior portfolio manager and before that head of quantitative research for proprietary fixed income. Prior to joining the firm in 1999, he was a partner in a private sector company. Sean received a BA and an MS in actuarial science from Georgia State University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Suehyun Kim Vice President 2020 Teraz
Biografia Suehyun Kim is a vice president of Wilshire Associates and portfolio manager within Wilshire Funds Management. Ms. Kim has over 19 years of industry experience and is responsible for creating multi-asset class, multi-manager investment solutions for financial intermediary clients. Prior to joining Wilshire Associates, Ms. Kim was an investment director at Cetera Financial Group, head of manager research for Cetera Investment Management, and a voting member of the Investment Committee. Previously, Ms. Kim worked as an investment analyst at Morgan Stanley Asset Management in domestic equity, then with Millgate Capital, a long/short fund focused on international equities. Ms. Kim earned her BA in liberal arts, with a major in economics, from Columbia College, Columbia University, and an MBA with a dual specialization in financial instruments and entertainment/media/technology from New York University’s Stern School of Business. Ms. Kim is a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts, 100 Women in Finance, and the Junior League of Los Angeles.
Anthony Wicklund Portfolio Manager 2020 Teraz
Biografia Tony Wicklund is a managing director of Wilshire Associates and a portfolio manager with Wilshire Funds Management. Mr. Wicklund has over 17 years of industry experience and is a portfolio manager for multi-manager portfolios, including target-risk, target-date, and alternative portfolios for a range of financial intermediary clients. Prior to joining Wilshire Associates in 2013, Mr. Wicklund was the director of risk management at Convergent Wealth Advisors, where he led the firm’s investment risk management and operational due diligence efforts. Additionally, he served as chairman of the firm’s Risk Management Oversight Committee and was a voting member of the Investment Committee. Previously, Mr. Wicklund was a senior analyst at Pacific Seafood where he evaluated acquisition targets, coordinated the integration of acquired companies, and performed internal operational audits and capital expenditure analyses. Mr. Wicklund earned his BS in business administration, with a concentration in finance from the University of Oregon. He also holds an MBA from the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, with a concentration in investments and financial markets. Mr. Wicklund holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designations, and is a member of CFA Society Los Angeles, CFA Institute, and the CAIA Association.
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