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Vanguard Conservative Index Fund (0P00007EMR)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
1,206 -0,001    -0,12%
27/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w AUD
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Australia
Emitent:  Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd
ISIN:  AU60VAN01095 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 2,94B
Vanguard Conservative Index Fund 1,206 -0,001 -0,12%

Przegląd 0P00007EMR

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres Level 34, 2 Southbank Boulevard,
Southbank,VIC 3006
Telefon +61 1300655101
Fax 1300 765 712

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Duncan Burns - 2013 Teraz
Biografia Duncan Burns is the Head of Vanguard’s Equity Index Group for Asia-Pacific. In this role, Duncan oversees the management of Vanguard’s Australian and global equity index portfolios and the firm’s trading operation in the Asia-Pacific region. He manages a team of equity investment professionals, consisting of: portfolio managers, traders and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) specialists. Duncan brings to the team more than 20 years of equity trading and investment management expertise, focusing on quant active investing, electronic trading, algorithmic strategies, market microstructure and transaction cost analysis. Prior to joining Vanguard in 2013, Duncan worked for seven years at Jacobs Levy Equity Management, a US provider of quantitative equity strategies for institutional clients. Duncan started his career on Wall Street in 1996, working at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) where he spent a number of years managing the agency trading desk of DLJ’s retail brokerage arm, DLJdirect. Duncan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Lafayette College and an MBA from the Yale School of Management. He is a CFA Charterholder and is a member of the New York Society of Securities Analysts.
Rodney Comegys - 2014 2017
Biografia Rodney Comegys Principal, Head of Investments, Vanguard Asia-Pacific Head of Equity Investment Group, Vanguard Asia-Pacific Member of Board of Directors for Vanguard in Australia and Hong Kong Rodney Comegys is Principal and Head of Investments for Vanguard Asia-Pacific and Head of Equity Investment Group for Vanguard Asia Pacific, responsible for the Asia-Pacific Equity Investment Group as well as leading Vanguard’s experienced team of 53 investment professionals in Australia. Prior to this Rodney was head of the Index Analysis and ETF Trading teams in Vanguard’s Equity Investment Group based in Malvern, Pennsylvania. In this role, he worked with portfolio management teams, index providers, and markets makers to ensure the quality and performance of Vanguard’s index providers and ETFs. He also led the Global Broker Relations team which supports the Fixed Income and Equity Investment Groups with the strategic relationship management of their dealers/brokers. Rodney has been with Vanguard’s investment management team since 2008, where he initially oversaw risk analysis for Fixed Income and Equity Investment Groups. He has been a part of the launch process of Vanguard’s newest ETFs, expansion of the international business, and was responsible for building Vanguard’s equity systems’ processes and technology. Mr. Comegys previously managed the Six Sigma quality-improvement program. He also led Vanguard’s Arizona retail business and worked in the 401(k) operations area. Before joining Vanguard in 1999, Mr. Comegys was a U.S. Navy nuclear submarine officer. Rodney earned a B.S. in engineering and a master’s degree in regional science economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He earned an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Roger Aliaga-Diaz - 2013 2014
Biografia Roger A. Aliaga-Díaz, Ph.D., is a senior economist with the Investment Strategy Group at Vanguard. Mr. Aliaga-Díaz's areas of expertise are monetary policy and global financial markets. He has published studies on investment and macroeconomic issues and most recently presented his research to the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System, the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, and the American Economic Association. Before joining Vanguard in 2007, Mr. Aliaga-Díaz was a visiting professor of macroeconomics at Drexel University's LeBow College of Business. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from North Carolina State University and his B.A. in economics from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Roger McIntosh - 2009 2013
Biografia Roger is a funds management executive with significant experience gained across leading investment funds over the last 20 years. In particular, Roger spent 15 years with Vanguard Australia as their Head of Global Equities and Investment Strategy & Research managing portfolios totaling in excess of AUD40billion. Roger is a highly experienced quantitative analyst and heads the Investment Committee at Emit Capital with responsibility for managing the portfolio construction and ongoing risk management of the Fund assets. An industry leader, Roger is also involved in enhancing market practitioner and wider community quantitative knowledge of financial and investment challenges, as a member of the Melbourne sub-committee for the Institute of Quantitative Research in Finance, Q-Group Australia. Roger is also a guest lecturer at RMIT and LaTrobe Universities providing real-world insight into current portfolio management topics. (B.Sc, MAppFin)
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