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Ct Uk Fund Institutional Income Gbp (0P00000R1G)

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1,46 -0,01    -0,84%
19/07 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w GBP ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Threadneedle Investment Services Ltd
ISIN:  GB0001439610 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 48,79M
Threadneedle UK Fund Institutional Income GBP 1,46 -0,01 -0,84%

Przegląd 0P00000R1G

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UK Large-Cap Blend Equity

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Adres London EC4N 6AG
Zurich,London 8002
Telefon +41 44 208 37 37
Fax +41 44 208 35 00

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Gordon Happell - 2023 Teraz
Biografia "Gordon is a Director and Portfolio Manager in the Global Small Cap Equity team. He joined Columbia Threadneedle through the acquisition of BMO GAM (EMEA) in 2021, having previously been with BMO since 2014. Before joining the group, Gordon worked at Henderson Global Investors, specialising in Global Technology, and Aegon Asset Management where he was a Smaller Companies Investment Manager on the UK Equity team. Gordon has a first-class honours degree in Accounting from Strathclyde University and is a CFA charterholder."
Chris Kinder Portfolio Manager 2014 Teraz
Biografia Chris Kinder joined the company in 2010 as a portfolio manager in the UK equities team. His main responsibilities are the management of the Threadneedle UK Fund, the Threadneedle UK Extended Alpha Fund, and co-management of the Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha Fund. He also has research responsibility for the housebuilders, retail, media and oil services sectors.Before joining the company, Chris was an assistant fund manager at RWC Partners. He has also worked at Govett Investments, gaining experience in smaller companies’ analysis. Chris is a qualified chartered accountant, having worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers for 4 years before joining the investment management industry.Chris has a degree in Modern European Languages from Durham University and he also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Leigh Harrison Head of Equities, Europe, and Head of UK Equities 2014 2015
Biografia Leigh Harrison is Head of Equities, Europe and Head of UK Equities at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. In this role he has overall responsibility for the management and performance of the company’s European and UK equity products. He also co-manages the Threadneedle UK Equity Alpha Income Fund and the Threadneedle UK Equity Income Fund, as well as a number of institutional mandates. Before joining the company Leigh was Head of UK equities at Credit Suisse Asset Management and SLC, where he built an outstanding reputation for UK equity income products. He has also held the positions of Associate Director at Rowan Dartington and Director at Hill Samuel Investment Management, where he focused on UK smaller company funds. Leigh holds a BA (Hons) from Nottingham University and an MSc from University College, London. He is also a Member of the Securities Institute.
Simon Brazier - 2010 2014
Biografia Simon is Co-Head of Quality at Ninety One. He is a portfolio manager with a focus on UK equities, and manager of the UK Alpha Fund and the Luxembourg domiciled GSF UK Alpha Fund. He is also responsible for the co-management of the specialist Quality investment team. Simon is based in the firm’s London office. Prior to joining the firm, Simon worked for Threadneedle where he was Head of UK Equities and responsible for the portfolio management of the Threadneedle UK Fund. He has been managing funds for over twenty years, having started his career with Schroders in 1998. Simon graduated from Durham University and the University of Aix-Marseille with a BA Honours degree in Economics with French. Simon holds the Institute of Investment Management and Research (IIMR) certificate.
Leigh Harrison Head of Equities, Europe, and Head of UK Equities 2007 2010
Biografia Leigh Harrison is Head of Equities, Europe and Head of UK Equities at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. In this role he has overall responsibility for the management and performance of the company’s European and UK equity products. He also co-manages the Threadneedle UK Equity Alpha Income Fund and the Threadneedle UK Equity Income Fund, as well as a number of institutional mandates. Before joining the company Leigh was Head of UK equities at Credit Suisse Asset Management and SLC, where he built an outstanding reputation for UK equity income products. He has also held the positions of Associate Director at Rowan Dartington and Director at Hill Samuel Investment Management, where he focused on UK smaller company funds. Leigh holds a BA (Hons) from Nottingham University and an MSc from University College, London. He is also a Member of the Securities Institute.
Michael Taylor Head 2005 2007
Biografia Taylor started his career as a UK equity analyst in 1981 within the investment department of Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance. In 1987, he joined Hill Samuel Investment Management and in 1991 was appointed head of UK equities at Royal Insurance Asset Management. He joined Threadneedle in 1995. In 1999, he was appointed Joint Head of Pan European equities and in June 2002 was appointed Head of Equities.
Forsyth McGarrity Member, Portfolio Manager 1994 2007
Biografia Forsyth McGarrity is a member of the Pan European Pharmaceutical sector research team, and manages the Global Healthcare Fund and UK Equity portfolios. He began his career with Norwich Union in 1986 as an analyst and in 1989 joined Allied Dunbar, which subsequently became part of Threadneedle. Forsyth received an Honours degree in Economics in 1986 from Strathclyde University, and is an Associate of the Society of Investment Analyst (now the Institute of Investment Management and Research).
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