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Ubs (lux) Key Selection Sicav - Asia Allocation Opportunity (usd) (hkd) P-mdist (0P0000YAPI)

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52,980 +0,070    +0,13%
07/03 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w HKD
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Hongkong
Emitent:  UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
ISIN:  LU0882747503 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 14,86M
UBS Lux Key Selection SICAV - Emerging Markets Inc 52,980 +0,070 +0,13%

Przegląd 0P0000YAPI

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Ubs (lux) Key Selection Sicav - Asia Allocation Opportunity (usd) (hkd) P-mdist. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P0000YAPI.

Asia Allocation

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 5, rue Jean Monnet
Luxembourg,* L-2180
Telefon +352 4 36 16 11
Fax +352 4 36 16 1555

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Kenly Wong - 2022 Teraz
Jade Fu - 2022 Teraz
Biografia Jade is an investment manager in the Barings Multi-Asset investment team, she is responsible for managing a range of multi-asset strategies for Asian institutional clients. Before joining Barings in 2019, she worked at Credit Suisse as a portfolio manager in the Hong Kong Multi-Asset Class Solutions, where she managed both multi-asset and equity portfolios. Prior to that, Jade was an investment manager at a boutique asset management house in London, managing global multi-asset funds. Jade graduated with a BSc in Mathematics and a MSc in Finance, both from Imperial College London. She is a charter holder of CFA.
Hayden Briscoe - 2023 2024
Biografia "Director—Asia Pacific Fixed Income Hayden Briscoe joined AllianceBernstein in August 2009 as Head of Australian & New Zealand Fixed Income and was appointed Director Asia Pacific Fixed Income in March 2011. He has 20 years of experience in the industry and was previously a senior member of the Fixed Interest team at Schroders Australia for nearly three years. Briscoe was responsible for domestic fixed-income funds and global core-plus funds. Prior to Schroders, he spent six years with Colonial First State Investments, managing domestic, global credit and core bond funds, with tactical asset-allocation responsibility across the cash funds. Briscoe teamed with another portfolio manager to set up a global bond fund investment process. He spent nine years with Bankers Trust (BT) in investment banking, starting out trading bonds. Briscoe moved to Macquarie for a short time after the BT merger before joining Colonial First State. He holds a BA in economics from the University of New South Wales. Location: Melbourne "
Matthew Bance - 2018 2023
Gian A. Plebani Portfolio Manager 2021 2022
Biografia Gian Plebani is a portfolio manager on the Investment Solutions team, based in Hong Kong, and a Director at UBS Asset Management. Mr. Plebani is also a member of the Investment Committee. Mr. Plebani has been at UBS Asset Management since 2014, and UBS Wealth Management since 2013.
Yusuke Hino - 2018 2022
Nathan Shetty - 2017 2018
Biografia Prior to Nuveen, Nathan was at UBS as the Global Co-head of Portfolio Management for Investment Solutions, and responsible for the global oversight and performance ownership of $110 billion in multi-asset portfolios. Mandates he oversaw included Absolute Return, Growth, and Risk Managed Solutions. His extensive responsibilities included direct portfolio management, multi-asset investment committee chair, senior management, and client engagement. Prior to UBS, Nathan worked at Mesirow Financial in Chicago, and Pareto Partners in New York, and brings 18 years of investment experience. Graduate degrees include an MBA from the University of Chicago, and a Masters in Statistics from Texas A&M; Nathan has also earned the CFA and FRM designations.
Amy Leung - 2015 2018
Biografia Amy is a member of the Investment Solutions team. She is responsible for communicating our multi-asset capabilities and products to current and prospective clients in the Asia Pacific region, as well as assisting with portfolio management and analysis work. Amy is member of the Asset Allocation & Currency Investment Committee. Amy joined UBS Asset Management in May 2014. Prior to this, she was with Bank of China Hong Kong (BOCHK) Asset Management as an Associate Director, Marketing & Client Services for institutional and retail clients. Before this, she was a Senior Portfolio Manager at HSBC Global Asset Management managing global balanced portfolios and designing multi-asset investment strategies.
Luca Henzen - 2015 2017
Keiko Kondo - 2013 2017
Biografia Keiko Kondo is the Head of Multi-Asset Investment, Asia appointed in Sept 2021 and joined Schroders in October 2017 as Deputy Head of Multi-Asset Investment, Asia. Keiko’s responsibilities include helping manage a range of multi asset portfolios in Asia, as well as contributing to the firm’s global investment process. She was the head of the Equity risk premia research team of the Strategic Investment Group Multi-Asset (SIGMA) from Jan 2018 through Sept 2022. Keiko is a member of the Global Asset Allocation Committee (GAAC). Prior to joining Schroders, Keiko was at UBS Asset Management in 2004-2017 where she held a number of positions including Head of Multi Asset Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong and Chief Investment Officer – Japan in Tokyo. With 30 years of industry experience, Keiko also held senior strategist roles at Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan and UFJ Tsubasa Securities.
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