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Td Canadian Bond Index - E (TDB909)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
10,300 -0,010    -0,10%
22/07 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w CAD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  TD Asset Management Inc
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 860,29M
TD Canadian Bond Index - e 10,300 -0,010 -0,10%

Przegląd TDB909

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Td Canadian Bond Index - E. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych TDB909.

Canadian Fixed Income

Aktywa ogółem



Data utworzenia


Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 66 Wellington Street West
Toronto,ON M5K 1G8
Telefon 1-800-588-8054
Fax 866-782-3167
Internet www.tdam.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Krista Clairmont Vice President 2020 Teraz
Biografia Krista Clairmont joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in August 2016. As a Portfolio Manager on the Passive Fixed Income team, she is responsible for daily portfolio management. Prior to joining TDAM, she worked as a Portfolio Manager for a major Canadian asset management firm where she was responsible for the structure and selection of corporate bonds for fixed income strategies. Krista also worked as a Finance Analyst for the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan where she was responsible for investment performance reporting and derivative products. Krista holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Arts degree from Queens University. She is a CFA charterholder.
Michelle Hegeman Portfolio Manager 2008 Teraz
Biografia Michelle is the lead portfolio manager for the Passive Fixed Income mandates. She oversees the Passive Fixed Income Portfolio Management Team and is responsible for managing and structuring fixed income solutions for the firm's passive, overlay and ETF solutions. She has gained wide-ranging experience as an Analyst and Portfolio Manager working in active and passive fixed income. Michelle holds a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from Western University.
Nicole Buchner Portfolio Manager 2014 2020
Biografia Nicole Buchner joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) as an active member of the Fixed Income Trade Desk in 2008, after two years as a Senior Analyst with TD Securities. She is currently a member of the TDAM Fixed Income team. Her responsibilities consist of portfolio management, and foreign exchange. Before managing fixed income portfolios, Nicole was a derivatives portfolio manager, including institutional asset overlay, currency overlay, and duration-extension solutions. Ahead of joining TD Bank Group in 2006, she held various roles in Mutual Fund, Foreign Exchange, and Real Estate firms. She earned a Specialist Bachelor of Commerce & Finance from the University of Toronto with a major in Economics. Nicole is registered as a Commodity Trading Manager and a CFA Charterholder.
Matthew Pauls Portfolio Manager 2010 2014
Biografia Matthew Pauls joined TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) in 2004 after 9 years with TD Canada Trust. Matthew is a Portfolio Manager responsible for managing retail and institutional fixed income portfolios. This responsibility includes mandates for TD Mutual Funds as well as insurance, corporate, pension, endowment and union clients. Prior to joining the Fixed Income Team, Matthew managed a team responsible for the implementation of portfolio strategies for the discretionary management programs of TD Wealth. Matthew received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto.
Eduardo Orfao Vice President 2006 2011
Biografia Eduardo Orfao, CA,Vice President & Director.Eduardo Orfao joined TDAM Inc. in 2000 with 4 years of risk management and audit experience at TDBFG. At TDAM, Eduardo oversees the management of fixed income portfolios. His responsibilities include the daily management and implementation of domestic and global fixed income strategies. He received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto in 1992. He is a Chartered Accountant and a CFA charterholder.
Lori MacKay - 2000 2009
Biografia Lori joined the TD Bank in 1995 with 10 years of investment experience, which includes asset liability management, fixed income derivatives management and credit analysis. At TD Quantitative Capital, she is responsible for fixed income portfolios. She has a BComm from the University of Calgary.
Kevin LeBlanc Equity Analyst 2000 2009
Biografia Mr. LeBlanc joined Hexavest in 2015 as an Equity Analyst on the North American portfolios, and prior to that he was a research associate at Dundee Capital Markets.
Bruce Geddes Other Executives 2002 2008
Biografia Bruce Geddes has 12 years of investment experience. He joined TD Asset Management Inc. in 1997 with three years of experience as an analyst of financial institutions and foreign exchange trader with a major Canadian bank. At TDAM, Bruce oversees the management and trading of fixed income portfolios, derivatives-based portfolios, as well as currency overlay programs. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Commerce from Carleton University in 1989.
William C. Mullett Vice President, Client Service 1997 2000
James Dunlop - 1997 1998
Biografia James has 19 years experience in fixed income investments, most recently as Senior Vice-President responsible for over $6 billion in fixed income assets at the investment of a major Canadian Bank. He joined CTPPM in 1994 to lead the fixed income management team.
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