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Stanlib Equity Fund R (0P0000IQQP)

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437,123 +3,250    +0,75%
26/11 - Zamknięty. Wartość w ZAR
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  STANLIB Collective Investments
ISIN:  ZAE000020087 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 7,59B
STANLIB Equity Fund R 437,123 +3,250 +0,75%

Przegląd 0P0000IQQP

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South Africa & Namibia Equity

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Adres 2196
South Africa
Telefon +27 11 4486000
Internet www.stanlib.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Rademeyer Vermaak - 2023 Teraz
Biografia Rademeyer started his career in 2004 at Liquid Capital Markets in London, UK, where as a quantitative analyst he was responsible for the pricing and risk management of listed derivatives. He progressed to the Quantitative Investment team at Liquid Capital Markets, where he was involved in the research and trading of quantitative investment models. Rademeyer subsequently set up Radian Consulting as a quantitative investment and derivatives risk management consultancy where he consulted on derivatives risk management at Barclays Capital, RBS Sempra Commodities, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets and Dresdner Kleinwort Investment Bank. More recently, he was a founding partner, Head of Quantitative Research and fund manager of the Mansard CTA quantitative fund at Mansard Capital in London. Upon his return from the UK in 2012, Rademeyer joined Fairtree Capital as quantitative fund manager and risk manager.
Paul Swanson Portfolio Manager 2009 Teraz
Biografia Paul started with stockbrokers Mathison and Hollidge, then moved to Merrill Lynch SA, first as a private client portfolio manager, and then as a financial services sector analyst. He joined SCMB Asset Management in 1999 as a financial sector equity analyst and fund manager.
Thobelani Maphumulo Director 2007 2009
Biografia Thobelani joined STANLIB in 2006, became the lead manager for STANLIB's core equity portfolio, a franchise that assists many pension funds with their long-term equity strategies. Within six months he was appointed to the Stanlib Executive Committee. During his time at Stanlib, Maphumulo managed the Stanlib Balanced Fund, the Stanlib Equity Fund and more recently the Stanlib Balanced Cautious Fund. He was the head of STANLIB’s multi-asset team before leaving in October, 2009. In March 2010, Thobelani joined Notweni investments; an investment holding company with interest in corporate finance advisory, fund raising (information memorandum, financial modelling and due dilligence). He is currently the director of Notweni investments.
Herman van Velze Head 2007 2009
Biografia Herman's asset management career started as a Mining Analyst with Gensec, then Sage. He joined SCMB AM in 1995 and in 1998 he was appointed Head of Research. After a brief stint at a private equity company, he rejoined STANLIB as Head of Balanced Funds in 2009.
Romeo Makhubela - 2007 2009
Biografia Romeo has been with Stanlib for close on nine years where he was a senior portfolio manager involved in the recently-established Multi-Asset Franchise as well as the Core Equity Franchise. He also managed portfolios for Namibian and Swaziland clients and was the co-manager of the Stanlib Wealth Builder Fund. In 2002 he was recognised by ABSIP (Association of Black Securities and Investment Professionals) as the Top Black Portfolio Manager in South Africa. Romeo has a B.Com and a post-graduate Diploma in Business Administration.
Ian Woodley - 2006 2007
Errol Shear - 2004 2006
Imtiaz Ahmed - 2001 2004
Biografia Imtiaz qualified as a chartered accountant and has more than 23 years investment experience. He has held numerous senior executive roles during his career. As executive director and head of third-party assets at Stanlib, he headed a team of portfolio managers overseeing unit trust and pension fund assets in excess of R50 billion, including personally managing R11 billion. After leaving Stanlib, Imtiaz joined Investment Solutions, the largest and most prominent multi-manager in South Africa, as CIO (South Africa). More recently he executed a MBO from Macquarie where he acquired the Alternative Strategy business from them in a mutually beneficial transaction (renamed Forte Alternative Strategies). Imtiaz joined Mergence Investment Managers in 2012 as Porfolio Manager and brings with him substantial experience in macro strategies, asset allocation and a deep understanding of the numerous companies that are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
Sidney Place - 1997 2001
Dave Golembo - 1997 1997
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