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Delaware Ivy Vip Smid Cap Core Ii (0P00003D2N)

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11,910 +0,050    +0,42%
28/06 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Ivy VIP Funds
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 213,48M
Ivy VIP Small Cap Core Class II 11,910 +0,050 +0,42%

Przegląd 0P00003D2N

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Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Christopher S. Adams Senior Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Christopher S. Adams, CFA Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager Christopher S. Adams is a senior portfolio manager on the firm’s US Core Equity team and performs analysis and research to support the portfolio management function. He joined the team in 2000 and became a portfolio manager in November 2004. Prior to joining Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in 1995 as assistant vice president of strategic planning, Adams had approximately 10 years of experience in the financial services industry in the United States and United Kingdom, including positions with Coopers & Lybrand, The Sumitomo Bank, Bank of America, and Lloyds Bank. Adams holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history and economics from the University of Oxford, England, and received an MBA with dual concentrations in finance and insurance/risk management from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a past president of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
David E. Reidinger Portfolio Manager, Analyst 2021 Teraz
Biografia David E. Reidinger Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager David E. Reidinger joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in October 2016 as a senior portfolio manager on the firm’s US Core Equity team. He also performs analysis and research to support the portfolio management function. From June 2004 to September 2016, Reidinger was a senior analyst and portfolio manager at Chartwell Investment Partners, where he worked on the firm’s small- and mid-cap growth strategies. Before that, Reidinger was a portfolio manager with Morgan Stanley Investment Management from 2000 to 2003, and a senior equity analyst with Tiger Management from 1998 to 2000. Reidinger began his career in 1993 as an equity research analyst with Goldman Sachs. With more than 20 years of experience as an analyst, he has covered a broad range of industries within the information technology, consumer, and industrial sectors. Reidinger earned bachelor’s degrees in both mathematics and economics from Fordham University, and an MBA from Columbia Business School.
Michael S. Morris Senior Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia David E. Reidinger Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager David E. Reidinger joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in October 2016 as a senior portfolio manager on the firm’s US Core Equity team. He also performs analysis and research to support the portfolio management function. From June 2004 to September 2016, Reidinger was a senior analyst and portfolio manager at Chartwell Investment Partners, where he worked on the firm’s small- and mid-cap growth strategies. Before that, Reidinger was a portfolio manager with Morgan Stanley Investment Management from 2000 to 2003, and a senior equity analyst with Tiger Management from 1998 to 2000. Reidinger began his career in 1993 as an equity research analyst with Goldman Sachs. With more than 20 years of experience as an analyst, he has covered a broad range of industries within the information technology, consumer, and industrial sectors. Reidinger earned bachelor’s degrees in both mathematics and economics from Fordham University, and an MBA from Columbia Business School.
Francis X. Morris CIO 2021 Teraz
Biografia Francis X. Morris joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in 1997 as a vice president and portfolio manager, and became the chief investment officer for US Core Equity investments in 2004. He is a member of the MIM Global Management Committee and a former Trustee for the Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc. 401(k) and Retirement Plan. Prior to joining the firm, Morris was vice president and director of equity research at PNC Asset Management. He received a bachelor's degree from Providence College and holds an MBA from Widener University. He is a former member of the Business Advisory Council of the Providence College School of Business. Morris is a past president of the CFA Society of Philadelphia and is a member of the CFA Institute. He is a former officer of the National Association of Petroleum Investment Analysts.
Donald G. Padilla Senior Portfolio Manager 2021 Teraz
Biografia Donald G. Padilla, CFA Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager Donald G. Padilla is a senior portfolio manager on the firm’s US Core Equity team and performs analysis and research to support the portfolio management function. He joined the team in 2000 and became a portfolio manager in November 2004. Padilla joined Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in 1994 as assistant controller in the firm’s treasury function, responsible for managing corporate cash investments, developing financial models, and overseeing the financial operations of the Lincoln Life 401(k) annuities segment. Prior to joining the firm, he held various positions at The Vanguard Group. Padilla holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Lehigh University, and he is a member of the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
Kenneth G. Gau Vice President 2014 2021
Biografia Kenneth G. Gau is Vice President of IICO and WRIMCO, Vice President of the Trust, and Vice President of and portfolio manager for another investment company for which IICO serves as investment manager. He joined Waddell & Reed in June 2000 as an investment analyst and joined the small-cap growth team as an assistant portfolio manager in March 2006. Mr. Gau graduated from The Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business Administration in May 1994 with a BS in Finance and earned an MBA from Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management in May 2000.
Scott R. Sullivan Co-Portfolio Manager 2017 2018
Biografia Scott Sullivan, Portfolio Manager, joined Chiron in 2018 and serves as co-portfolio manager. Previously, Mr. Sullivan worked as a portfolio manager for Ivy Investments/Waddell & Reed for 11 years, where he gained experience with both global multi-asset and small cap equity portfolios. He was Vice President of IICO and Vice President of portfolio manager for another investment company for which IICO serves as investment manager. Mr. Sullivan joined Waddell & Reed in 2007 as an equity investment analyst. He has served as Assistant Vice President and assistant portfolio manager for other investment companies managed by IICO since 2014. He earned a BA in Economics from Tufts University, and holds an MBA with an emphasis in Applied Security Analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Christopher J. Parker Senior Vice President 2011 2014
Biografia Christopher J. Parker Senior Vice President of Ivy Investment Management Co (IICO), and Vice President of and portfolio manager for other investment companies for which IICO serves as investment manager. He joined the company in January 2008 as an investment analyst and has served as portfolio manager for investment companies managed by IICO since September 2011. He earned a BS degree in Finance from Boston College and an MBA with concentrations in Finance and Management/Strategy from Northwestern University, Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Mr. Parker is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Matthew T. Norris Senior Vice President 2010 2011
Biografia Matthew T. Norris is senior vice president and portfolio manager for Ivy Investments, now part of Macquarie Asset Management’s Delaware Management Company. He joined Macquarie Asset Management as part of the firm’s April 30, 2021 acquisition (Transaction) of the investment management business of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., the parent company of Ivy Investment Management Company (IICO), the former investment advisor of the Transaction Funds. From June 2005 until April 2010, he served as Director of Equity Research for IICO, in addition to serving as portfolio manager on the Fund. He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Kansas, and an MBA from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Mr. Norris is a CFA charterholder. He is a member of the Kansas City Society of Financial Analysts. He also serves as a member of the Finance Advisory Board for the University of Kansas School of Business.
Timothy J. Miller Senior Vice President 2008 2010
Biografia Mr. Miller, CFA, Co-Portfolio Manager of the small cap growth product suite since 2016 and was Portfolio Manager, Delaware Ivy Small Cap Growth Fund since April 2010.He joined IICO in February 2008 and has served as the portfolio manager for investment companies managed by IICO (or its affiliates) since March 2008. Previous employment included serving as the Chief Investment Officer of Invesco Funds Group, Inc., and as the Chief Investment Officer of the Denver Investment Center of Invesco North America. Mr. Miller holds a BS degree in Business Administration from St. Louis University.
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