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Dws Invest Convertibles Fc (ce) (0P0000VTTD)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
184,070 -0,510    -0,28%
27/03 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w EUR
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Luksemburg
Emitent:  Deutsche Asset Management S.A.
ISIN:  LU0740833669 
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 188,94M
Deutsche Invest I Convertibles FC CE 184,070 -0,510 -0,28%

Przegląd 0P0000VTTD

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Dws Invest Convertibles Fc (ce). Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P0000VTTD.

Convertible Bond - Global

Aktywa ogółem




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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 1115 Luxembourg
Luxembourg, 1115
Telefon +352 42101-1
Fax +352 42101-910
Internet www.dws.lu

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Paulus de Vries - 2018 Teraz
Hans-Joachim Weber - 2016 Teraz
Yulia Klimova - 2020 2020
Christian Hille Founder, CEO 2011 2020
Biografia Christian Hille is a well-recognized industry expert with over two decades of experience in portfolio management, financial products, and client wealth management solutions. His career includes significant leadership roles at financial institutions across the globe. As a former Board Member and CIO of Fürstlich Castell'sche Bank, Christian was responsible for overseeing portfolio management strategies. At DWS, the asset management arm of Deutsche Bank, he served as Global Head of Multi Asset & Solutions, managing approximately €100 billion in AuM and transforming the Multi Asset business into a top-tier provider in Europe. Before joining DWS, Christian held senior trading roles at UBS and Nomura in London, where he managed structured and proprietary trading books for interest and credit derivatives. His career began at Arthur Andersen, where he helped establish the European Financial Risk Consulting business. Christian holds an MSc in Physics from the Technical University Clausthal and an MSc in Mathematical Finance from Oxford University, where he also taught as an industry expert. Outside of his professional life, he is passionate about competitive cross-country skiing and entrepreneurship, having founded a sports software company during his student years. Christian's career is driven by a commitment to sustainable performance, innovation, and delivering lasting value to clients. He is an investor himself and has supported various firms over many years in their growth. Christian loves sports, is a dedicated Harz enthusiast (the area where he was born), and a big supporter of the Ubuntu principle.To Christian, Ubuntu embodies a spirit of mutual respect and shared success, principles that resonate deeply with both his personal and professional ethos.
Stefan Schauer - 2013 2016
Biografia Before joining the Lupus alpha Advanced Fixed Income department in January 2017 Stefan Schauer worked for DWS / Deutsche Asset Management. He started his career in 2006 in risk management followed by a subsequently occupation as an analyst in Structured Finance for two years. In 2010, he started to be co-responsible for the Deutsche Invest I Convertibles and since 2013 as well for the DWS Convertibles. Stefan Schauer graduated in business administration from Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Damien Regnier - 2010 2014
Skander Chabbi - 2009 2011
Stefan Schauer - 2009 2011
Biografia Before joining the Lupus alpha Advanced Fixed Income department in January 2017 Stefan Schauer worked for DWS / Deutsche Asset Management. He started his career in 2006 in risk management followed by a subsequently occupation as an analyst in Structured Finance for two years. In 2010, he started to be co-responsible for the Deutsche Invest I Convertibles and since 2013 as well for the DWS Convertibles. Stefan Schauer graduated in business administration from Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Oliver Dutt - 2007 2009
Marc-Alexander Kniess - 2004 2007
Biografia Marc-Alexander Knieß joined Lupus alpha in January 2017 as part of the Advanced Fixed Income department. Prior to that, he has been a portfolio manager at DWS / Deutsche Asset Management since March 2000, co-chairing the global equities team with Klaus Kaldemorgen. From 2013 onwards, Marc-Alexander Knieß was part of the newly established Specialized Convertible Bond team. In addition to global equity funds, he has been responsible for global convertible bond portfolios (including DWS Convertibles) since the beginning of his occupation as portfolio manager. Marc-Alexander Knieß completed an apprenticeship as banker. Moreover, he holds a degree in business administration from University of Hamburg and worked with University of Bamberg as a scientific employee researching the topic of Behavioral Finance.
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Zachęcamy Cię do korzystania z komentarzy, wchodzenia w interakcje z użytkownikami, dzielenia się swoją perspektywą i zadawania pytań autorom i sobie nawzajem.  By jednak zachować wysoki poziom dyskusji, który wszyscy cenimy i którego oczekujemy, prosimy mieć na uwadze następujące kryteria:

  • Wzbogacaj dyskusję
  • Trzymaj się tematu. Umieszczaj materiał, który jest zgodny z dyskutowanym tematem.
  • Szanuj innych. Nawet negatywne opinie można formułować w pozytywny i dyplomatyczny sposób.
  • Używaj standardowego stylu pisania. Używaj interpunkcji oraz dużych i małych liter. 
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