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Guidestone Funds Emerging Markets Equity Fund Institutional Class (GEMYX)

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9,87 -0,01    -0,10%
01/07 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  GuideStone Funds
Bazowy:  MSCI EM Net USD
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 605,88M
GuideStone Funds Emerging Mkts Eq Instl 9,87 -0,01 -0,10%

Przegląd GEMYX

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Guidestone Funds Emerging Markets Equity Fund Institutional Class. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych GEMYX.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres Suite 2200
Dallas,TX 75244-6152
United States
Telefon (214) 720-1171

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Joshua Chastant Portfolio Manager 2024 Teraz
James Reber Managing Director, Portfolio Management 2022 Teraz
Biografia James Reber, Managing Director – Portfolio Management, is responsible for portfolio management of Parametric’s Private Client Direct Group — primarily serving Parametric’s wealth management and family office client base. The Private Client Direct Group manages US, non-US and global Custom Core® portfolios. Prior to joining Parametric in 2004, James was a Senior Associate with Standard and Poor’s Corporate Value Consulting Group providing financial valuation services to IT and technology industries. He earned an M.B.A. from the University of Washington and a B.S. in chemical engineering from Michigan State University
John J. Huss Vice President 2022 Teraz
Biografia John J. Huss, Principal, rejoined AQR in 2013 and oversees multi-asset class strategies as a researcher and portfolio manager. Mr. Huss rejoined the AQR Capital Management in 2013 and is a portfolio manager for the firm’s World Allocation strategy where he focuses on macroeconomic and portfolio construction research for risk parity and other asset allocation strategies. Prior to rejoining the firm, where he first worked from 2004 to 2008, Mr. Huss was a vice president in RBC’s Global Arbitrage and Trading division and a systematic portfolio manager for Tudor Investment Corp. Mr. Huss earned a B.S. in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Clifford S. Asness CEO 2022 Teraz
Biografia Dr. Asness is a Founder, Managing Principal and Chief Investment Officer at AQR Capital Management. He is an research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals. Prior to co-founding AQR Capital Management, he was a Managing Director and Director of Quantitative Research for the Asset Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Dr. Asness is on the editorial board of The Journal of Portfolio Management, the governing board of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Finance at NYU, the Board of Directors of the Q-Group.
Bo Z Meunier Senior Managing Director 2021 Teraz
Thomas C. Seto Head of Investment Management 2020 Teraz
Biografia Thomas is responsible for all portfolio management and trading related to our equity strategies. Prior to joining Parametric in 1998, Thomas served as the head of US Equity Index investments at Barclays Global Investors. He earned an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a BS in electrical engineering from the University of Washington.
Lars N. Nielsen Principal 2019 Teraz
Biografia Nielsen is a Principal of AQR Capital Management. Mr. Nielsen joined AQR in 2000 and currently serves as the co-head of portfolio management, research, risk and trading. He earned a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in economics from the University of Copenhagen. Prior to joining the Adviser in 2000, he was an Analyst in the Quantitative Research Group of Danske Invest.
Philippe Langham Head 2019 Teraz
Biografia Philippe is Head of Emerging Markets Equities & Senior Portfolio Manager. He has worked in the investment industry since 1992 and joined the firm in 2009 to establish and lead the team that manages the emerging markets equity strategies. Prior to RBC, Philippe was Head of Global Emerging Markets with Société Générale Asset Management S.A. Philippe holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Manchester and is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
Brandon Pizzurro Portfolio Manager 2019 Teraz
Biografia Brandon Pizzurro is the Director of Public Investments and primary Portfolio Manager for all equity, fixed income, real asset, impact, target risk and target date funds within the GuideStone Funds lineup of registered mutual funds. In this capacity, he directs manager research, selection, ongoing monitoring and due diligence and is responsible for leading the analyst research team and investment process of GuideStone Capital Management, LLC. Mr. Pizzurro is also a member of the firm’s Committee on Faith-Based Investing. Mr. Pizzurro joined GuideStone in 2017 as a Senior Investment Analyst, where he performed quantitative and qualitative analysis, including research and recommendations regarding fund structure and composition, on GuideStone’s non-U.S. equity, target risk and target date funds. Prior to assuming his responsibilities at GuideStone, Mr. Pizzurro served as Senior Investment Analyst at First Command Financial Services, where he chaired the Investment Strategy and Research Committee and worked on the team responsible for the firm’s discretionary model portfolio flagship program. Prior to First Command, Mr. Pizzurro was a Financial Consulting Director at 1st Global, where he helped to develop the firm’s discretionary model portfolio program and led the group’s research efforts for alternative investments, including private and public non-traded real estate investment trusts (REITs), hedge fund of funds and private equity fund of funds. Mr. Pizzurro holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a double major in Finance and Real Estate from Baylor University. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certificant and a member of both the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Dallas/Fort Worth.
Basak Yavuz Managing Director 2018 Teraz
Biografia Ms. Yavuz is Managing Director and was the co-head of GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity team and a portfolio manager for GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity. Ms. Yavuz joined the Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P in September 2011 from HSBC Asset Management, where she spent three and half years as a portfolio manager for frontier markets. Prior to joining HSBC, she was a research analyst at AllianceBernstein in London from 2001 to 2008.
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