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Guggenheim Limited Duration Fund A-class (GILDX)

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24,09 -0,01    -0,04%
20/05 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Guggenheim Investments
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 399,36M
Guggenheim Limited Duration A 24,09 -0,01 -0,04%

Przegląd GILDX

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Short-Term Bond

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Adres 330 Madison Avenue
New York,NY 10017
United States
Telefon 212.518.9290
Fax 212.644.4131

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Evan Serdensky - 2023 Teraz
Biografia Mr. Serdensky joined Guggenheim in 2018 and is a Portfolio Manager for Guggenheim’s Active Fixed Income and Total Return mandates, specializing in corporate credit. Previously, Mr. Serdensky was a Trader on the Investment Grade Corporate team at Guggenheim Investments, where he was responsible for identifying and executing investment opportunities across corporate securities. Prior to joining Guggenheim, Mr. Serdensky was a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at BlackRock, responsible for actively managing High Yield and Multi-Sector Credit portfolios. Mr. Serdensky started his career at PIMCO supporting Total Return and Alternative strategies. Mr. Serdensky completed his B.S. in Finance from the University of Maryland and earned his M.S. in Finance from the Washington University in St. Louis.
Adam J. Bloch Portfolio Manager 2017 Teraz
Biografia Adam Bloch, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners. Mr. Bloch joined Guggenheim Partners in 2012 and is a Portfolio Manager for the firm's Active Fixed Income and Total Return mandates. Mr. Bloch works with the Chief Investment Officers and other Portfolio Managers to develop portfolio strategy that is in line with the firm’s views. He oversees strategy implementation, working with research analysts and traders to generate trade ideas, hedge portfolios, and manage day-to-day risk. Prior to joining Guggenheim Partners, he worked in Leveraged Finance at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York where he structured high-yield bonds and leveraged loans for leveraged buyouts, restructurings, and corporate refinancings across multiple industries. Mr. Bloch graduated from the University of Pennsylvania.
Anne Bookwalter Walsh Senior Managing Director 2013 Teraz
Biografia Anne B. Walsh, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income, Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners. Ms. Walsh joined Guggenheim Partners (or its affiliate or predecessor) in 2007 is also the head of the Portfolio Construction Group and Portfolio Management. She oversees more than $185 billion in fixed-income investments including Agencies, Credit, Municipals, and Structured Securities. She is responsible for portfolio design, strategy, sector allocation and risk management, as well as conveying Guggenheim Partners' macroeconomic outlook to Portfolio Managers and fixed income Sector Specialists. Ms. Walsh specializes in liability-driven portfolio management. Prior to joining Guggenheim Partners, she served as Chief Investment Officer at Reinsurance Group of America, and also held roles at Zurich Scudder Investments, Lincoln Investment Management and American Bankers Insurance Group. She has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of the CFA Institute. Ms. Walsh received her BSBA and MBA from Auburn University and her J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law.
Steven H. Brown Vice President and Portfolio Manager 2013 Teraz
Biografia Steve Brown, Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners and Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Security Investors. He has co-managed Series E since 2016. Mr. Brown joined Guggenheim Investments in 2010 and is a Portfolio Manager for Guggenheim Partners' Active Fixed Income and Total Return mandates. He works with the Chief Investment Officers and other members of the Portfolio Management team to develop and execute portfolio strategy. Additionally, he works closely with the Sector Teams and Portfolio Construction Group. Prior to joining Portfolio Management in 2012, Brown worked in Guggenheim Partners' Asset Backed Securities group. His responsibilities on that team included trading and evaluating investment opportunities and monitoring credit performance. Prior to joining Guggenheim Partners in 2010, Mr. Brown held roles within structured products at ABN AMRO and Bank of America in Chicago and London. He has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of the CFA Institute.
James W. Michal Vice President 2013 2018
Biografia Mr. Michal joined Guggenheim in 2008. He manages the Firm’s portfolio management team dedicated to Active Fixed Income and Total Return mandates. Mr. Michal is responsible for implementing macro investment themes of the Global Chief Investment Officer and Assistant Chief Investment Officers, coordinating with sector heads and traders to determine credit trends and relative value, and for the day-to-day risk monitoring of the portfolios. In addition, he also works closely with Risk Management and the Portfolio Construction team to highlight interest rate and spread risk trends. Prior to joining Guggenheim, he was an Associate in Wachovia’s structured finance division. He focused on origination, marketing, structuring and execution of collateralized loan obligations for two years. Prior to his time in structured credit products, he was an analyst in Wachovia's corporate credit division focusing on portfolio management and loan syndications. Mr. Michal earned a BSBA in Finance and International Business from Georgetown University.
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