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Liontrust Uk Ethical Fund Class 2 Net Accumulation (0P0000XMUY)

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3,238 -0,030    -0,98%
06:00:00 - Zamknięty. Wartość w GBP
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Liontrust Fund Partners LLP
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 191,53M
Liontrust UK Ethical Fund Class 2 Net Accumulation 3,238 -0,030 -0,98%

Przegląd 0P0000XMUY

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UK Flex-Cap Equity

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Adres 2 Savoy Court London WC2R 0EZ
United Kingdom
Telefon +352 464010600

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Martyn Jones Portfolio Manager 2019 Teraz
Biografia Martyn Jones is Lead Fund Manager of the Liontrust Sustainable Future European Growth Fund and Liontrust Sustainable Future Pan-European Growth Fund. He joined Liontrust in 2017 following the acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments and became a Portfolio Manager in November 2019. Prior to Liontrust, Martyn spent five years at Alliance Trust Investments initially as a Graduate Trainee, and then as an Analyst with the Sustainable Investment team. Martyn has an MA (Hons) in Management from the University of Glasgow and a Masters in Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cambridge. Martyn has completed the IMC and is a CFA Charterholder.
Peter Michaelis - 2001 Teraz
Biografia Peter Michaelis joined Liontrust in April 2017 following the acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments, where he was Head of Investment. Peter has been managing money in Sustainable and Responsible Investment for over 20 years. After completing a PhD in Environmental Economics, Peter started his career working for the Steel Construction Institute as an Environmental Engineer. He then moved to Henderson Global Investors where he was able to use his experience as a Sustainable and Responsible Investment Analyst and Assistant Portfolio Manager. In 2001 he moved to Aviva Investors, where he was promoted to lead Portfolio Manager on a number of its Sustainable and Responsible Investment funds, before being made Head of Sustainable and Responsible Investment. Peter holds an MA in Physics from Oxford University, an MSc in Energy and Environmental Engineering from the University of Sussex and a PhD in Environmental Economics from the University of Surrey. In addition, he has the CFA Society of the UK Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
Neil Brown - 2013 2020
Biografia Neil is a co-founder and portfolio manager of Electus Fund Managers Proprietary Limited, a boutique independent fund manager established in 2015. Originally started in 2007 by Neil Brown and Richard Hasson as a fund management boutique within OMIG, Electus was successful in terms of client fund performance, asset growth and profitability. They continue to manage the Electus business and its clients in a 100% independent and staff owned business since 2015. With 25 years of investment experience and an MBA in Finance, Neil has an ability to understand the strategic and financial business plans employed by companies. Having spent eight of these years as a small and mid-cap sector specialist, Neil has an in-depth understanding of this sector in the market which is typically under researched. Neil joined Old Mutual Investment Group (OMIG) in June 2004 as a Senior Portfolio Manager and Small Cap Sector Head and portfolio manager for these institutional and retail funds. Neil has been an institutional analyst and fund manager, managing both pension funds and unit trusts, but primarily focusing on the mid and small cap sectors of the JSE. He has managed two unit trusts, the NIB Emerging Companies Fund (now named Nedgroup investments Entrepreneur Fund) since its inception in 1997, until June 2004, and the NIB Growth Fund (now named Nedgroup Investments Growth Fund) since April 2001 to date. From April 2003, until its closure in June 2004, he worked for Quaystone (previously BOE Asset Management), before joining OMAM in June 2004. From 1996, until its closure in April 2003, Neil worked for Syfrets Managed Assets and its successors, NIB & Franklin Templeton NIB. From 1992 to end 1995, he worked for Syfrets Private Bank, managing segregated private client portfolios.
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