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Fisher Investments Institutional Emerging Markets Equity Fund Us Dollar Class Shares (0P0000TK2S)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
145,550 -0,150    -0,10%
26/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Irlandia
Emitent:  Fisher Investments
ISIN:  IE00B5MZ4F09 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 489,74M
Fisher Investments Institutional Emerging Markets 145,550 -0,150 -0,10%

Przegląd 0P0000TK2S

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Global Emerging Markets Equity

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Adres Ste 2050
Plano,TX 75093
United States
Telefon (800) 851-8845
Fax (866) 596-9715

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
William J. Glaser - 2011 Teraz
Biografia William (Bill) Glaser is the Executive Vice President of Portfolio Management, Co-Chief Investment Officer and a member of the Investment Policy Committee (IPC). In those roles, he oversees the firm’s Portfolio Management Department, which includes the Research, Investment Operations, Investment Solutions, Global Custody Management, Business Process Management and Portfolio Evaluation Groups. He is also a member of the Technology Transformation Committee. Bill speaks regularly at client seminars and meets with institutional clients globally, providing information regarding global economic factors, our market outlook and portfolio positioning. Bill joined Fisher Investments in 1999 and has served on the firm’s five-member IPC since 2011. He was appointed Co-Chief Investment Officer in 2022. Prior to his current responsibilities, Bill held several different positions at the firm, including Capital Markets Research Team Leader, Securities Research Team Leader and Securities Research Analyst. Bill has a degree in Finance from the University of Arizona.
Aaron S. Anderson Assistant Vice President 2011 Teraz
Biografia Aaron Anderson is a Senior Vice President of Research and a member of the Investment Policy Committee (IPC). In those roles, Aaron oversees the firm’s global macroeconomic and capital markets research. Aaron joined Fisher Investments in 2005 and has served on the firm’s five-member IPC since 2011. His previous roles at the firm include Capital Markets Research Team Leader, Capital Markets Research Analyst and Innovation Manager. Prior to joining Fisher Investments, Aaron worked at Deutsche Bank Alex Brown as an Assistant Vice President. Aaron regularly meets with clients globally, sharing the firm’s market outlook, current portfolio positioning and answering questions. Aaron’s views on global market conditions and geopolitical events have been featured in media globally, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Reuters, MarketWatch, CNN.com, The Telegraph, Forbes and Investing.com—among many others. He is also a regular guest on major financial TV networks, like CNBC and Reuters. Aaron has written two books, including Own the World: How Smart Investors Create Global Portfolios. He holds undergraduate degrees in Geophysics from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Applied Economics from the University of San Francisco.
Michael Hanson - 2011 Teraz
Biografia Michael Hanson is a Senior Vice President of Research and a member of the Investment Policy Committee (IPC). In those roles, Michael oversees the Research Group and is responsible for the development of capital markets and securities research. Michael joined Fisher Investments in 2002 and has served on the firm’s five-member IPC since 2017. Prior to his current role, he held a variety of positions, including Vice President of Portfolio Management Communications, Capital Markets Team Leader and Institutional Client Services Manager. Before joining the firm, he worked at Bear Stearns as a Corporate Finance Analyst in the Global Technology Group. Michael regularly meets with clients globally, sharing the firm’s market outlook, current portfolio positioning and answering questions. He is the author of six books, including 20/20 Money: See the Markets Clearly, Gain Focus and Invest Better than the Pros. He was also a lecturer at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught investment management topics. Michael received his undergraduate degree from Claremont McKenna College and his doctorate in Depth Field Psychology and Mythology from Pacifica Institute.
Jeffery L. Silk Vice Chairman 2011 Teraz
Biografia Jeffery (Jeff) Silk is a Vice Chairman, Co-Chief Investment Officer and member of the Investment Policy Committee (IPC). Jeff joined Fisher Investments in 1983 as one of the firm’s first employees. Prior to his current role, Jeff was President and Chief Operating Officer. He has also served as Director of Trading and Operations, where he was instrumental in developing the firm’s first portfolio management, research and trading technologies. Jeff received his undergraduate degree from the University of San Francisco.
Kenneth L. Fisher Executive Chairman 2011 Teraz
Biografia Ken Fisher founded Fisher Investments in 1979, which as of 12/31/2024 is a $299-plus billion investment adviser and money management firm serving large institutions and high net worth individuals globally. He was CEO for 37 years and now serves as Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer. Ken’s prestigious Forbes “Portfolio Strategy” column ran monthly for 32 1/2 years until 12/31/2016, making Ken the longest continuously running columnist in the magazine’s history.
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