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Campbell Systematic Macro Fund Class I Shares (EBSIX)

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9,54 -0,01    -0,10%
03/07 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Equinox
Klasa aktywu:  Inne
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 1,09B
Equinox Campbell Strategy I 9,54 -0,01 -0,10%

Przegląd EBSIX

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Campbell Systematic Macro Fund Class I Shares. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych EBSIX.

Macro Trading

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Adres 2850 Quarry Lake Drive
Baltimore,MD 21209
United States
Telefon 1.800.698.7235
Fax 410.413.2700
Internet www.campbell.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
John R. Radle - 2021 Teraz
Biografia John R. Radle joined Campbell in June 2005 and was appointed Managing Director, Global Head of Trading in October 2012. He was appointed to the Campbell's Investment Committee in April 2013.
Grace Lo Managing Director 2021 Teraz
Biografia Dr. Grace Lo joined Campbell in February 2006 and currently serves as a Managing Director. Dr. Lo leads Campbell’s Risk and Portfolio team in Research and is also a member of the firm’s Investment Committee. Dr. Lo was appointed to Campbell’s Investment Committee in March 2010.
Kevin Cole Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer 2017 Teraz
Biografia Dr. Cole joined Campbell & Company as a quantitative researcher in October 2003 and assumed the combined role of Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer (CEO, CIO) in January of 2022. Dr. Cole has served as Chief Investment Officer since July 2017. In his role as CEO, CIO, he is responsible for leading the firm’s overall strategic direction while also establishing and managing the firm's investment research agenda. As co-chair of the firm's Investment Committee, he is also responsible for daily risk and portfolio oversight. Prior to joining Campbell, Kevin held researcher roles at Mellon Capital Management, American Century Investments, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Kevin received a Ph.D. in Economics with a concentration in Finance from the University of California at Berkeley and a B.A. in Economics from Georgetown University. His research has been published in The Journal of Fixed Income and Financial Analysts Journal.
G. William Andrews CEO 2018 2021
Biografia G. William Andrews, Chief Executive Officer, joined Campbell in April 1997, and in November 2012 he was appointed to the Board of Directors and as Chief Executive Officer. He formerly held the positions of Co-Director of Research from November 2011 to October 2012, Chief Operating Officer from January 2010 to May 2012, Vice President & Director of Operations from April 2007 to January 2010, Vice President & Director of Research Operations from March 2006 to April 2007, and Research Assistant from April 1997 to February 2006. In March 2010, Mr. Andrews was appointed a Co-Chair of Campbell's Investment Committee. Mr. Andrews holds an M.B.A. in Finance from Loyola College in Maryland and a Bachelor of Social Science from Waikato University, New Zealand. Mr. Andrews became listed as a Principal of Campbell & Company effective June 21, 2006. Mr. Andrews became listed as Principal of Campbell & Company Investment Adviser LLC effective March 29, 2010.
Ajay Dravid CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2013 2019
Biografia Dr. Ajay Dravid is the Chief Investment Officer of the Adviser and has been in this role since November 2014. Since 2011, Dr. Dravid has also served as the Managing Director of Portfolio Strategy for Equinox Fund Management, LLC, (“Equinox Funds”) an affiliate of the Adviser. As a co-portfolio manager of Equinox’s mutual funds, Dr. Dravid is involved in day-to-day portfolio and risk management, as well as in developing and structuring new products. Prior to joining Equinox Funds, Dr. Dravid was a consultant and a member of the Executive Committee of Equinox Frontier Funds. From 2004 to 2006, he was President of Saranac Capital Management. From 1996 to 2004, he was a Director and then a Managing Director at Salomon Brothers and Citigroup, where he helped to build and manage the hedge fund business and platforms. He was a co-portfolio manager for the Multi-Strategy Arbitrage funds, a quantitative analyst for Equity Long-Short funds, and the head of the Risk Committee. He was also involved in the structuring and marketing of funds and in client services. From 1993 to 1996, Dr. Dravid was a Vice President in the Asset Allocation Research Group of Salomon Brothers. Prior to this, he was an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Wharton School. Dr. Dravid has published numerous papers in leading academic and practitioner journals including Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and Journal of Derivatives. Dr. Dravid received a BSc in Physics from the University of Poona (India), an MA in Physics from SUNY at Stony Brook, an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Rochester, and a PhD in Finance from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He holds a securities license Series 7 and CFTC/NFA Series 3 registration.
Rufus Rankin Director 2013 2019
Biografia Dr. Rufus Rankin is the Director of Research for Equinox Institutional Asset Management, LP and has been in this role since November 2014. Since 2011, Dr. Rankin has also served as Director of Portfolio Management for Equinox Fund Management, LLC, an affiliate of the Equinox Institutional Asset Management, LP. Dr. Rankin works on the conception, development and implementation of new products and distribution strategies for investment products managed by Equinox Funds, a role that requires daily contact with and evaluation of CTAs, and other alternative investment managers. He is a co-portfolio manager of the firm’s mutual funds. Prior to his current role, he was Product Development Manager at Solon Capital, LLC, an affiliate of the Adviser. Before then, he performed sales at SEI from August 2005 to February 2009, and was previously at Morgan Stanley from September 2004 to August 2005. Dr. Rankin holds a BA in Philosophy and a Masters in International Studies from North Carolina State University and a Doctorate of Business Administration from Grenoble Ecole de Management. His doctoral dissertation focused on statistical methods of enhancing multi-manager and multi-asset portfolio diversification, with an emphasis on portfolios of CTAs and Hedge Funds.
Afroz Qadeer Member 2013 2014
Biografia Afroz Qadeer is a member of Equinox Fund Management, LLC’s portfolio management team and joined the Adviser in April 2013. Mr. Qadeer co-founded Equinox Institutional Asset Management, LP (then known as Tapestry Asset Management, LP) in 2002 and serves as its President and Chief Investment Officer. He has held tenures in hedge fund research and portfolio management roles with Goldman Sachs, Optima Fund Management, and Lake Partners. In such roles, he participated in the launch of eight multi-manager funds, management of 20 multi-manager portfolios covering a diverse range of alternatives, and management of four hedge fund portfolios with assets of approximately $2 billion. Mr. Qadeer holds an MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Commerce from Sydenham College, University of Bombay, India.
Sue Osborne Member 2013 2014
Biografia Sue Osborne is a member of Equinox Fund Management, LLC’s portfolio management team and joined the Advisor in April 2013. Ms. Osborne is also Director of Research at Equinox Institutional Asset Management, LP (formerly known as Tapestry Asset Management, LP), an affiliate of the Adviser, where she has been since 2003, first as a consultant and then in her current role. She has held positions in hedge fund research and portfolio management at Hamilton & Co. from 2002 to 2003, Goldman Sachs from 1998 to 2002, Lake Partners from 1996 to 1998, and Greenwich Associates in 1996. She holds an MBA from Lehigh University and a BS in Marketing from Duquesne University.
Richard E. Bornhoft Managing Director 2013 2014
Biografia Richard Bornhoft is the Managing Director, Portfolio Management of an affiliate of Equinox Institutional Asset Management, LP. He leads the firm’s Portfolio Management Team and is responsible for day-to-day investment decisions for the Fund. Mr. Bornhoft is a member of the portfolio management team for all Equinox Funds’ managed futures multi-strategy offerings. He specializes in the creation, evaluation, and risk monitoring of managed futures investment portfolios for institutional and individual investors. Mr. Bornhoft began his career directing hedging strategies for mortgage and agricultural companies and banks, and subsequently as a systematic CTA. Mr. Bornhoft co-founded one of the first multiple-CTA managed futures funds in 1983, and his own futures investment advisory firm in 1985. Over the course of his career, Mr. Bornhoft has financially engineered and directed the research, design and on-going management of multiple-CTA managed futures portfolios for approximately 20 pension plans, corporations and banking institutions throughout the world. He has served on numerous arbitration boards and committees of regulatory and industry organizations. Mr. Bornhoft earned his BS in Agricultural Business from Colorado State University. He holds securities licenses Series 63 and CFTC/NFA Series 3.
Brian Bell Director 2013 2013
Biografia As Director of Research and Co-Portfolio Manager at Equinox Fund Management, Mr. Bell is responsible for the research and selection of qualified CTAs for various institutional and retail portfolios. Mr. Bell has been involved in the futures industry since May 1987. From September 2005 and October 2005, respectively, until November 2010, Mr. Bell was listed as a principal and registered as an associated person of CTS Capital Management, LLC, a CTA located in Denver, Colorado, where he managed the trading and research. Beginning in February 2000, Mr. Bell was President and owner of Custom Trading Solutions, Inc., which developed CTS Studies and BestCommodityCharts.com, technical indicators used with CQG, Inc. and TradeStation products, and marketed them to customers across North and South America, Australia, Asia and Europe. Mr. Bell was listed under the CE Act as a principal of Custom Trading Solutions, Inc. from July 2003 until December 2005, and registered as an associated person in such capacity from April 2004 until December 2005. Custom Trading Solutions, Inc. was registered under the CE Act as a CTA from July 2003 until December 2005, and as an NFA member from April 2004 until December 2005. Prior to starting Custom Trading Solutions, Inc. in February 2000, Mr. Bell was a Senior Software Engineer at CQG, Inc. from May 1987 through February 2000.
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