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Cdspi Global (trimark) (0P000070CZ)

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66,973 -0,090    -0,13%
27/06 - Zamknięty. Wartość w CAD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  CDSPI
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 15,58M
CDSPI Global Trimark 66,973 -0,090 -0,13%

Przegląd 0P000070CZ

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Cdspi Global (trimark). Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P000070CZ.

Global Equity

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 155 Lesmill Road
Toronto,ON M3B 2T8
Telefon 416 296 9401
Fax 416 296 9459
Internet www.cdspi.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Jeff Feng Vice president, Portfolio manager 2011 Teraz
Biografia Jeff Feng is Head of Emerging Markets for Invesco Canada, located in Hong Kong. Mr. Feng began his investment career in 1997. Prior to joining Invesco in 2009, he was a vice president at Burgundy Asset Management Ltd., where he co-managed more than $300 million in Asia-Pacific assets and was a senior member of the EAFE Equities team. Earlier in his career, he was an investment analyst at Trans-East Investment Counselling Ltd. and a research analyst at Sunrise Investment Ltd. Before taking on his current positon, Mr. Feng was a vice president and portfolio manager for Invesco Canada.
Michael Hatcher Vice president 2011 Teraz
Biografia Michael Hatcher, CFA, Portfolio Manager, who has been responsible for the Fund since 2020 and has been associated with Invesco Canada and/or its affiliates since 2009. He got MSc, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (London School of Economics) , Master of Mathematical Finance (University of Toronto), BA (Hons.), Economics (Carleton University) and BA, Statistics (Carleton University) His Previous positions include Vice President, Senior Investment Analyst, Burgundy Asset Management Ltd., Portfolio Manager, MFC Global Investment Management, Economist, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.
Dana Love Vice President 2005 2012
Biografia Dana Love, joined 1832 Asset Management L.P. in 2013 as Vice President and Portfolio Manager as part of the Core team. Dana has more than 15 years of professional money management experience and brings additional strength to 1832 Asset Management’s multiple award winning global equity lineup. He has been responsible for the management and oversight of global equity investments across various mandates. Dana holds a Masters in Finance from the London Business School in London, England, a BA in Sociology and Legal Studies from the University of Waterloo, and also holds CFA Designation.
Bruce Harrop Portfolio Manager 2008 2009
Biografia Prior to joining Addenda Capital, Bruce Harrop worked at Invesco Trimark (1999-2009), where he held various positions involving stock selection and portfolio strategies for several mutual funds. From 1997-99, he was a Portfolio Manager and Canadian Equity Analyst for the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Bruce has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta (1986), an MBA from the University of Western Ontario (1991) and is a CFA charterholder.
Bill Kanko Founder 2002 2009
Biografia Bill Kanko is the founder and President of Black Creek Investment Management since 2005. He has spent his entire career spanning more than 30 years as an investment analyst and portfolio manager. Prior to Black Creek, Bill was a Senior Vice President with AIM Trimark and was the lead manager for the Trimark Fund and Trimark Select Growth Fund, with combined assets of more than $13 billion. Bill graduated with an Honours B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario in 1981 and was granted the CFA designation in 1984.
Robert Krembil Other Executives 1997 2009
Biografia Robert Krembil is a Trimark Chairman with 33 years experience and is a founding Principal of Trimark. Previous experience: Vice President & Direct at Bolton Tremblay, Co-Founder of Morrison Krembil Ltd., Manager of Pension Investments - Canada Permanent Trust
Richard H. Jenkins - 1997 2009
Biografia Richard is a founding member of Stone Toro Asset Management LLC. He began his financial career with Price Waterhouse in 1981. He was the founder of a successful wealth management and multi-family office that included investment, accounting, tax, and real estate management services. Richard has held Director level positions in the Finance and Marketing Groups of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM) where he had responsibilities for business analysis, strategy, and executive reporting. In 2004, he returned to wealth management as a Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch Global Private Client an
Tye Bousada founding Partner, Co-CEO, Portfolio Manager 2004 2008
Biografia Tye Bousada is a founding partner, President and co-CEO of EdgePoint Investment Group Inc. He is Director of EdgePoint Wealth Management Inc. Prior to founding EdgePoint, Tye was vice president and portfolio manager at Invesco Ltd. (formerly Trimark Investment Management). He joined the company in 1999 as a portfolio manager on the Canadian equity team. Under his management, Trimark Fund was recognized numerous times for investment achievement. Tye earned an Honours Business Administration (HBA) degree from the University of Western Ontario and is a CFA charterholder
Judith Adams Other Executives 2004 2005
Biografia Judith grew up in Kitchener, Ontario. She began her investment career in 1986 as an analyst at Merrill Lynch Canada. Before joining Invesco Trimark in 1999, she was a managing director and portfolio manager at Sceptre Investment Counsel and had previously worked as a portfolio manager at Confed Investment Counselling. She earned an MBA from the University of Western Ontario, an MSc from the London School of Economics and a BES from the University of Waterloo. She is also a CFA charterholder.
Eric Thaller Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2004 2005
Biografia Thaller is a managing director and portfolio manager for the Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc (CSIM). Prior to joining the firm in January 2008, he worked for 12 years in quantitative analysis and asset management.
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