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Merchant West Sanlam Collective Investments Dividend Equity Fund A (0P0000Z4E5)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
1,646 -0,010    -0,84%
11/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w ZAR
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Bridge Collective Investments
ISIN:  ZAE000180071 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 423,98M
Bridge Equity Income Growth Fund A 1,646 -0,010 -0,84%

Przegląd 0P0000Z4E5

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South Africa & Namibia Equity

Aktywa ogółem




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Adres Suite 280
San Diego,CA 92129
United States
Telefon 858-314-9300

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Andrew Dowse - 2020 Teraz
Biografia Andrew joined Grindrod Asset Management in early 2013 and is currently a Portfolio Manager. Andrew has worked as a Product Development Analyst at Symmetry within the Old Mutual Group and then in the offshore hedge fund division at Maitland. Prior to joining Grindrod Asset Management, Andrew worked at Insinger de Beaufort BNP Paribas, a boutique asset manager and family wealth office. The company’s head office is in Amsterdam and the parent company BNP Paribas is based in Paris. As a member of the investment committee Andrew was responsible for global fund research, analysing all investment products including the more exotic asset classes of hedge funds and structured products. He was also responsible for much of the reporting and analysis of client portfolios including attribution reports and compliance with GIPS reporting standards. He also traded and balanced all offshore and local private client investment mandates and was actively involved in the management of the South African Fund of Funds within the firm.
Raymond Shapiro - 2014 Teraz
Biografia Raymond started his career at The Standard Bank Group, completing his articles under the group’s TOPP programme, specializing in financial management. During this time he gained exposure to various areas of the bank including treasury, tax, African operations and asset management. He joined Melville Douglas Investment Management in 2007 as an equity analyst, later also becoming a portfolio manager. During his time at Melville Douglas he gained experience in both domestic and global portfolio management, specializing in local and international stock selection and research. He was instrumental in building the firm’s global direct equities capability, including its global equity fund. Raymond is the Head of Equities at Counterpoint.
Steve Mills CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2012 2017
Biografia Steve started his investment career at Old Mutual in 1988 as an equity analyst. He was a founder member of Investec Asset Management and thereafter spent most of his career in the position of Chief Investment Officer in companies including Norwich Investments and Fleming Martin Asset Management. Steve was also the Managing Director of Capital Alliance Asset Management during its founding years. More recently, Steve headed the Absolute Return Boutique at Sanlam Investment Management, which grew from a fledgling business to a leader in its category with over R15bn in assets under management. During this period, Steve was awarded the coveted Raging Bull Award for the Balanced Fund Category for 5 year investment performance. Steve joins Counterpoint in the capacity of Chief Investment Officer.
Alex Pestana Portfolio Manager 2012 2017
Biografia After completing his Ph.D., Alex did his postdoctoral studies in Paris with Nobel-prize winner Sir Derek Barton. Alex started his investment career at Capital Alliance Asset Management as a quantitative analyst and economist. He joined Fleming Martin Asset Management in 1997 as head of Fixed Interest, where he took the bond fund to first place in the bond fund unit trust category. Alex joined Sanlam Investment Management’s fixed interest team in 1999, and after three years joined the SIM strategy team. He received the coveted SIM CEO award for his contribution to the Sanlam group in 2002. He was appointed chief investment strategist in 2004, a position he held until 2007 when he joined Steve Mills in the Absolute Return boutique, where they jointly managed a range of multi asset class funds. Alex joins Counterpoint Asset Management in the role of portfolio manager responsible for fixed interest.
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