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Mercer Macquarie Nz Fixed Interest Fund (0P0000HR7L)

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1,528 -0,002    -0,16%
24/04 - Zamknięty. Wartość w NZD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Nowa Zelandia
Emitent:  AMP Group
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 298,96M
AMP Capital NZ Fixed Interest Fund 1,528 -0,002 -0,16%

Przegląd 0P0000HR7L

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NZ Bonds

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Adres 610 Market Street
Philadelphia,PA 19106
United States
Telefon 215-255-2300

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Carrick Lucas Portfolio Manager 2020 Teraz
Biografia Carrick Lucas is a senior portfolio manager for Macquarie Fixed Income (MFI), based in Wellington, New Zealand. Prior to joining Macquarie Asset Management in March 2022, he was at AMP Capital, firstly as a fixed income analyst and was promoted to portfolio manager in 2020. He played an integral role in setting the macro rates strategy for the New Zealand portfolios, and was responsible for portfolio construction and rebalancing portfolios to reflect the team’s interest rate decisions. Lucas brought significant experience in economics and fixed income gained from a variety of role, including as Portfolio & Liquidity Manager at Kiwibank prior to AMP Capital. Prior to that, he spent three years as an interest rate strategist with ANZ, as well as other roles in New Zealand and overseas including the OECD, Alliance Bernstein and the RBNZ. Lucas graduated from Auckland University with a Bachelor of Commerce and is a CFA Charterholder.
Vicky Hyde-Smith Portfolio Manager 2001 Teraz
Biografia Vicky Hyde-Smith is a senior portfolio manager for Macquarie Fixed Income (MFI), based in Wellington, New Zealand. Prior to joining Macquarie Asset Management in March 2022, Hyde-Smith was Head of Fixed Income New Zealand at AMP Capital. Hyde-Smith s responsible for all fixed income and cash portfolios managed by MFI in New Zealand. She works with Carrick Lucas to determine the team’s macro rates strategy and takes the lead on all the credit decisions in the portfolio, resourcing the credit research capability for all large New Zealand issuers. Hyde-Smith has a detailed understanding of the New Zealand Banking sector gained from her time spent supporting the Australian Credit team as primary Australian Banking Analyst during the GFC until 2012. Prior to AMP Capital as a Fixed Income Analyst in 2001, Hyde-Smith began her fixed income career in the Japanese fixed income market, as Trading Assistant for the Proprietary Trading team at Sumitomo Finance in London in 1996. Hyde-Smith holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts in French and Japanese from Canterbury University.
Warren Potter Portfolio Manager 2006 2020
Biografia Warren joined AMP Capital Investors in July 2006 following 11 years with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, most recently as a senior portfolio manager. Warren splits his time between the management of fixed interest portfolios and research relating to fixed interest portfolio positioning and construction. During his time with the Reserve Bank, Warren was involved in the management and trading of New Zealand’s foreign reserve assets and the associated responsibilities, including: proprietary trading of US, European and Japanese fixed interest markets; proprietary trading of currencies; development of trading support systems; development of quantitative trading rules; and markets related research. He was also extensively involved in the successful implementation of the new portfolio management and treasury system in late 2005. Warren is a Chartered Accountant and in 2002 qualified as a CFA charter-holder.
Grant Hassell Head 1995 2017
Biografia Grant is responsible for all fixed interest and cash portfolios managed by AMP Capital. Grant joined the company in 1988 as Fixed Interest Analyst and developed the initial risk management and attribution systems. In 1989 Grant became responsible for managing fixed interest portfolios. In 1993 he was seconded to the Reserve Bank of as Foreign Reserves Portfolio Manager, managing ’s US, German and French fixed interest portfolios. In March 1995 Grant returned to as Fixed Interest Portfolio Manager and as a key member in setting the team’s fixed interest strategy. He has considerable domestic and international experience managing large fixed interest portfolios. Grant is part of the management group for ’ overall fixed income business and is a member of the New Zealand Executive team.
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