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Allianz Adifonds A Eur (0P00000DM0)

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147,690 -1,310    -0,88%
17/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w EUR ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Niemcy
Emitent:  Allianz Global Investors GmbH
ISIN:  DE0008471038 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 197,55M
Allianz Adifonds A EUR 147,690 -1,310 -0,88%

Przegląd 0P00000DM0

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Germany Large-Cap Equity

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Adres L-2633 Senningerberg
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
Telefon +49 (0) 69 2443-1140
Fax Milano

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Thomas Orthen - 2017 Teraz
Biografia Thomas Orthen is currently lead portfolio manager of Fondak, a German equity strategy. Thomas joined Allianz Global Investors in 2005 as part of the Graduate Trainee Program which included a secondment with the Global Emerging Markets team. In 2007 he formally joined the Emerging European Team as Portfolio Manager. He holds a BA in International Business from the University of Plymouth and a Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH) degree from the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund, and is a CFA Charter holder.
Christoph Berger - 2017 Teraz
Biografia Christoph Berger has been a member of cominvest's Equity team since January 2001. As Head of Insurance Dedicated Equities he is responsible for AUM of over EUR 8.2bn. Mr. Berger was also responsible as research analyst for capital goods and building materials/construction. Furthermore he was manager of cominvest Plusfonds (S&P Rating “AA”, Lipper Fund Awards 2007, 2008) and of cominvest Fondak Europa, as well as co-manager of cominvest Fondak. Christoph joined Allianz Global Investors in 2009 and was a member of the Team “Customized Balanced” based in Frankfurt before joining the team “Insurance Dedicated Large Caps” in 2015. He is a CFA Charter holder.
Andreas Hildebrand - 2013 2017
Biografia Andreas Hildebrand is a Portfolio Manager and Director with Allianz Global Investors, which he joined in 2007. He is Lead Portfolio Manager for the Euroland Equity Growth strategy, Deputy Portfolio Manager for the Europe Equity Growth Select strategy, and became Co-Deputy Portfolio Manager of the Global Equity Growth strategy in 2020. Andreas previously worked in the firm’s Equity Research department, covering European Healthcare. He has 12 years of investment industry experience. Andreas has a Master’s degree in Economics from Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, with additional studies at University Libre de Bruxelles and Solvay Business School. He is a CFA charterholder.
Matthias Born - 2013 2017
Biografia Matthias Born took up managing the flagship fund Concentra in 2007. He also continues to contribute his considerable expertise in German and Austrian stocks to the European & German Mid/Small Cap Team. As a member of this team from 2001-2009, Matthias had successfully managed the Allianz RCM Wachstum Deutschland Fund since 2002, as well as institutional mandates that are invested in European Small Caps. He was also the co-manager for Allianz RCM Nebenwerte Deutschland since 2002. Prior to joining RCM, he also worked for the Middle Market Group (Global Corporate Finance) at Dresdner Bank. Matthias holds a masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Würzburg.
Benedikt Henne - 2011 2013
Biografia Dr. Benedikt Henne is the CIO of the Systematic Equity team, overseeing more than USD 42 bn of assets under management. Benedikt is responsible for the development and the management of active systematic investment strategies for equities. The product range covers Best Styles as well as High Dividend strategies. Benedikt joined Allianz Asset Management in Munich, Germany, in 1998 managing equity enhanced products. In 2001 he assumed the role as a head of the Systematic Equity team of Allianz Global Investors in Frankfurt, Germany. He received a master's degree in mathematics from the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France, and his Ph.D. from the University of Bonn, Germany. He is a CFA charterholder since 2001.
Michael Heldmann Portfolio Manager 2011 2013
Biografia Dr. Michael Heldmann has become CIO Systematic Equity starting 2. August 2021. Before, Michael was lead portfolio manager of Best Styles US products and CIO of Systematic Equity US since 2018. Michael joined Allianz Global Investors and the Systematic Equity team in 2007. Previously, he managed Best Styles Emerging Markets and Best Styles Europe Equity products. Before joining the Systematic Equity team, he worked for the international laboratory CERN, Geneva, Switzerland as a researcher in the field of particle physics. He obtained a master’s degree in physics from the University of Mainz, Germany and a Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg, Germany. He is a CFA charterholder.
Henrik Buescher - 2009 2011
Heidrun Heutzenröder Buy side Research 1958 2009
Biografia She is working for ADIG-Investment Fonds/COMINVEST since 1991. Till 1994 at Buyside Research of international invest ADIG-Fonds. She is expert for Small- and Mid-Caps.
Ralf Walter Portfolio Manager 1958 2005
Biografia Mr. Ralf Walter is at Equityfundsmanagement of ADIG-Investment/Cominvest since 1998. He is specialist for Small- and Midcaps with focus on Germany. He is managing various Special- and Mutualfunds.
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