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Templeton Emerging Markets Dynamic Income Fund A(ydis)eur (0P0000T1I5)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
8,980 -0,010    -0,11%
24/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w EUR ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Luksemburg
Emitent:  Franklin Templeton Investment Funds
ISIN:  LU0608808167 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 20,12M
Templeton Emerging Markets Balanced Fund A Ydis EU 8,980 -0,010 -0,11%

Przegląd 0P0000T1I5

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Global Emerging Markets Allocation

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Adres Romania
Luxembourg, L-1246
Telefon +352 46 66 67 212

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Calvin Ho Senior Vice President 2022 Teraz
Biografia Calvin Ho, Ph.D., is a senior vice president and director of research for Templeton Global Macro. Dr. Ho also serves as a portfolio manager for a number of funds, including Templeton Global Bond Fund, Templeton Global Total Return Fund and Templeton Emerging Market Bond Fund. Dr. Ho joined Franklin Templeton Investments in 2005 after obtaining his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley. He has been a core part of the Templeton Global Macro team since 2005, working closely with Dr. Michael Hasenstab as a lead research analyst. Dr. Ho holds both B.A. and Ph.D. in economics from University of California, Berkeley.
Vivek Ahuja Portfolio Manager 2019 Teraz
Biografia Vivek Ahuja, is portfolio manager and analyst supporting the Franklin Templeton International Bond Department is responsible for analysis of macro economic trends and developments in Asian emerging market economies and financial systems. He joined Franklin Templeton Investments in 2006 and has over 13 years of investment and research experience in the fixed income markets. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton, Mr. Ahuja has worked in various Financial Institutions in India in area of Fixed Income Investments and macro research. Mr. Ahuja earned his bachelor of commerce and master's degree in finance from Mumbai University.
Subash Pillai - 2019 Teraz
Biografia Subash heads our Fixed Income and Multi-Sector team and has been with the firm since 1998. He has investment management responsibility for our cash, fixed interest and multi-sector portfolios. Subash is also Client Portfolio Manager for the Goldman Sachs Asset Management Global Liquidity Management team supporting the distribution of liquidity product across a range of currencies in Asia. Before joining the Asset Management business, Subash worked in the Capital Markets and Treasury division of Goldman Sachs as part of a team with debt trading, risk management, funds management and capital management responsibilities. Before joining the organisation, Subash worked at National Australia Bank in foreign exchange trading and sales. Subash gained an MBA from Melbourne Business School in 2006. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts from Monash University. Subash is accredited by the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA).
Michael J. Hasenstab CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2011 Teraz
Biografia Michael Hasenstab, Ph.D., has been a lead portfolio manager of Franklin Templeton which he first joined in 1995, rejoining again in 2001 after a three-year leave to obtain his Ph.D.. He was EVP and CIO for Templeton Global Macro, responsible for global macroeconomic and country-specific analysis, and interest rate, currency and sovereign credit market outlooks. He is an economic advisor to the CEO of Franklin Resources, Inc., providing perspective and insight through the lens of Templeton Global Macro.Dr. Hasenstab holds a Ph.D. in economics at Australian National University.
Calvin Ho Senior Vice President 2019 2019
Biografia Calvin Ho, Ph.D., is a senior vice president and director of research for Templeton Global Macro. Dr. Ho also serves as a portfolio manager for a number of funds, including Templeton Global Bond Fund, Templeton Global Total Return Fund and Templeton Emerging Market Bond Fund. Dr. Ho joined Franklin Templeton Investments in 2005 after obtaining his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley. He has been a core part of the Templeton Global Macro team since 2005, working closely with Dr. Michael Hasenstab as a lead research analyst. Dr. Ho holds both B.A. and Ph.D. in economics from University of California, Berkeley.
Laura Burakreis Portfolio Manager 2011 2019
Biografia Laura Burakreis is a portfolio manager and an analyst in Templeton Global Macro with research responsibilities for banks and corporates in Emerging Markets. Ms. Burakreis is a portfolio manager for a number of funds, including Templeton Emerging Market Bond funds and the Templeton Emerging Market Balanced funds. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton Investments, she was a financial sector specialist in the World Bank Group and an associate at Salomon Brothers. She joined Franklin Templeton Investments in 2006 as an analyst. Ms. Burakreis holds a M.B.A. in finance from the Booth School of Business, at the University of Chicago, and a bachelor of arts in economics (honors) from the University of Chicago.
Chetan Sehgal Portfolio Manager 2017 2019
Carlos von Hardenberg Analyst 2017 2018
Biografia Carlos von Hardenberg is Director of Frontier Markets Strategy for Templeton Emerging Markets Group. He sets the overall strategy, provides guidance and coordinates resources and coverage for his area. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton in 2002, he was an analyst for Bear Stearns Int. (London). He entered the financial services industry in 1999. He holds a M.Sc. from London City Univ. Business Sch. (UK) and a B.Sc.from the Univ. of Buckingham (UK). He speaks German, English and Spanish.
Mark J. Mobius Lead Portfolio Manager 2011 2017
Biografia Joseph Bernhard Mark Mobius is an emerging markets fund manager and founder of Mobius Capital Partners LLP. Dr. Mobius earned bachelor's and master's degrees from Boston University, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in economics and political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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