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Sgb Geldmarkt (0P00000HOA)

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SGB Geldmarkt - dane historyczne. Aby uzyskać dane w czasie rzeczywistym, skieruj inne zapytanie
70,979 +0,020    +0,02%
30/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w EUR ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Niemcy
Emitent:  Allianz Global Investors GmbH
ISIN:  DE0008488032 
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 143,25M
SGB Geldmarkt 70,979 +0,020 +0,02%

Przegląd 0P00000HOA

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EUR Money Market

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Adres L-2633 Senningerberg
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
Telefon +49 (0) 69 2443-1140
Fax Frankfurt am Main

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Vincent Tarantino - 2021 2023
Biografia Vincent Tarantino has been the Head of Money Market portfolio management since he joined Allianz Global Investors in 1999. Vincent brings with him a wealth of experience with a total of 30 years working in the industry. Prior to joining Allianz Global Investors, Vincent worked as a Trader of equity and fixed income products at CCF Capital Management and at J.P. Morgan for 1 and 2 years respectively. Before that, Vincent was a Broker for fixed income products at Finacor for 5 years. Prior to that, he held the position of Money Market portfolio manager at François Dufour Kervern (ABN) for 2 years. He began his career as an Economics and management professor at a business school. Vincent holds a Master’s degree in International Economics from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University.
Ali Ozenici - 2020 2023
Biografia Ali Ozenici has been a Money Market portfolio manager in Allianz Global Investors since 2006, just over one year after he joined the company as a Financial Analyst in equity and credit. He is a member of the Money Market portfolio management team and is the lead fund manager for Allianz Cash Facility Fund and Allianz Geldmarktfonds Spezial. He is also responsible for other institutional Money Market mandates. Before joining the company, Ali worked in the Research and Finance department at Dexia Credit Local, and in the Finance department at Société Générale. Ali holds a specialized Master’s degree in Market Finance, Asset Management from University of Évry.
Guillaume Zilliox - 2019 2023
Biografia Guillaume Zilliox has been a Money Market portfolio manager in Allianz Global Investors since 2008, 2 years after he joined the company as Middle Office Operator. He is the lead fund manager of SGB Geldmarkt, and the co-lead fund manager of CB Geldmarkt Deutschland I. Guillaume Zilliox holds a Master Degree in Finance from Poitiers University.
Yassine Oussana - 2019 2021
Biografia Yassine Oussana joined the group in 2003 as assistant portfolio Manger. In 2005 he became Money Market portfolio manager. Yassine Oussana holds a Master Degree in Insurance Technics and Management of Risks From the Paris Dauphine University.
Michael Verhofen Portfolio Manager 2013 2019
Biografia Dr. Michael Verhofen is a Director and a Lead Portfolio Manager at the Advanced Fixed Income Global Allocation – Positioning team at Allianz Global Investors. He has been a portfolio manager at Allianz Global Investors since 2007 and joined the Advanced Fixed Income team in October 2012. He is also a part-time Lecturer in Finance at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland. Michael Verhofen finished his studies at the University of St. Gallen with a PhD in Finance. He was a Post-Doc at the University of California at Berkeley and has published various articles in leading academic journals (e.g. “Tactical Industry Allocation and Model Uncertainty”, “The Effect of Market Regimes on Style Allocation”, “Testing Conditional Asset Pricing Models using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach”). He has been a CFA charterholder since 2009.
Matthias Grein Portfolio Manager 2013 2019
Biografia Mr. Grein is a portfolio manager with Allianz Global Investors, which he joined in 2013. As a member of the Advanced Fixed Income team, his coverage is primarily focused on European sovereign debt; he also conducts economic research and develops macroeconomic models used in the asset-allocation process. Mr. Grein has seven years of investment-industry experience. He was previously an equity risk manager at Dresdner Kleinwort, London, and an economic researcher at the European Central Bank, Financial Stability Division. Mr. Grein has a degree (Diplom Wirtschaftsmathematik) in mathematical economics from the University of Karlsruhe, a master’s degree in economics from the University of Edinburgh and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Cambridge.
Tobias Spandri - 2010 2013
Thomas Finkenzeller Vice President 2009 2013
Biografia Mr. Finkenzeller is a Vice President and a member of PIMCO Fixed Income Portfolio Management in Munich and responsible for the money market and FX-Trades activities of the insurance Cash and FX pool. Furthermore he is a part of the Covered Bond and ABS team. Mr. Finkenzeller joined the group in 2002 and has seven years of experience. He holds a diploma in banking from the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce and a Master's degree in business administration from the University of Augsburg, Germany.
Nadege Martini - 2009 2010
Ralf Jülichmanns - 1990 2009
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