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Principal Global Real Estate Securities Fund Institutional Class (POSIX)

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9,24 -0,08    -0,86%
10/03 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Principal Funds
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 978,92M
Principal Global Real Estate Sec Instl 9,24 -0,08 -0,86%

Przegląd POSIX

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Global Real Estate

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Adres 430 W 7th St, Ste 219971
Kansas City,MO 64105-1407
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Telefon 1-800-787-1621

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Anthony Kenkel Portfolio Manager 2010 Teraz
Biografia Anthony Kenkel, CFA, FRM - Deputy Chief Investment Officer - Real Estate Securities   Anthony is a global portfolio manager of real estate securities for Principal Real Estate, the dedicated real estate unit of Principal Asset Management. As Deputy CIO, he is responsible for portfolio management and risk management across the firm’s REIT and listed real estate securities strategies, including both the Global and U.S. real estate securities strategies. Anthony is also the lead portfolio manager for the firm’s income-oriented real estate securities’ strategies and previously led both the firm’s Asian and Americas listed real estate capabilities. Based in Chicago, Anthony previously served in the firm’s Singapore and Des Moines locations. Anthony initially joined Principal in 1997. In 2000, he became a real estate consultant for Arthur Andersen before joining GATX Corporation as a senior financial analyst in 2002. Anthony rejoined Principal in 2005 and his tenure with the firm has been in the analysis and portfolio management of listed real estate securities. He received a bachelor's degree in finance from Drake University and an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. Anthony has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst and Financial Risk Manager designations.
Simon Hedger Director 2007 Teraz
Biografia Simon Hedger - Global Portfolio Manager, Real Estate Securities   Simon is a global portfolio manager for Principal Real Estate, the dedicated real estate unit of Principal Asset Management. Based in London, he is responsible for the firm's Europe, Middle East, and Africa real estate capability in REITs and listed real estate securities. Simon has real estate experience dating back to 1978, including extensive time spent in both the United Kingdom and Australia markets as an analyst and portfolio manager. Previous to joining Principal Asset Management in 2003, Simon worked for Domaine real estate funds where he managed the assets of its real estate syndicates and as a senior equities analyst at Prudential Bache/BNP Equities. His background also includes a variety of real estate related roles with Prudential Assurance Company, positions as fund manager for Paladin Commercial Trust, and GEM Commercial Property Trust. Simon received an MBA from the University of New England and is an associate member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, the Australian Property Institute, and the FTSE EPRA NAREIT European Regional Index Committee.
Kelly D. Rush Director 2007 Teraz
Biografia Kelly D. Rush, CFA - CEO, Public Real Assets & CIO, Real Estate Securities  As CEO Of Public Real Assets, Kelly provides executive level leadership of Principal Asset Management’s listed real assets strategies including both real estate securities and listed infrastructure. As CIO of Real Estate Securities, he is further responsible for directing the daily activities of the listed real estate securities unit. Kelly founded Principal’s listed U.S. equity real estate securities business in 1998. Under his leadership, the business expanded into managing global strategies in 2007 and the firm is widely recognized as an industry leader in managing listed real estate equity securities. In 2019, Kelly played a leading role in the firm’s launch of a listed infrastructure strategy by successfully advocating for the development of the strategy and the hiring of the lead portfolio manager. Kelly joined the firm in 1987 as a member of Principal Financial Group’s real estate investment division. As a private market investment professional, he was responsible for generating commercial mortgage loan investments. In the mid-1990s his focus shifted to structuring commercial mortgage loans for public real estate companies and analyzing bonds issued by the same. Kelly received his MBA in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Iowa. He has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of both the Iowa Society of Financial Analysts and the CFA Institute.
Alastair Gillespie Portfolio Manager 2010 2013
Biografia Alastair Gillespie, CFA - Managing Director - Portfolio Management Alastair is a portfolio manager for Principal Real Estate Investors, the dedicated real estate unit of Principal Global Investors. Based in Singapore, he is responsible for the firm’s Asian real estate capability in REITs and listed property securities, and is assisted by team members based in Sydney. Alastair joined the firm in 2009, after 11 years as a sell-side real estate analyst. His most recent role was as an executive director, and co-head of Asian real estate research at UBS AG in Singapore. From 2006-2009, he was also a management board member of the Asian Public Real Estate Association (APREA). Prior to working in Asia, Alastair covered the Australian market for eight years with UBS, ABN Amro and BT Alex Brown. He received a bachelor of commerce degree in finance from the University of Wollongong in Australia. Alastair holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia.
Chris Lepherd Director 2007 2012
Biografia Chris Lepherd - Managing Director-Portfolio Management Real Estate Securities Chris is a portfolio manager for Principal Real Estate Investors . Based in Singapore, he joined the firm in April 2003 as a senior member of the real estate securities team. Chris has 16 years of property and investment banking experience across a broad spectrum of disciplines including property securities research, real estate valuation, corporate real estate consultancy and real estate acquisitions and divestitures. Before joining Principal Global Investors, Chris provided property and equities investment advice to a range of institutional clients including National Australia Bank, Fairfax and Australian Ethical Investments. Prior to that he was a senior equities analyst with Bankers Trust Australia, specializing in property. Earlier in his career he held the roles of senior property analyst with JLW Advisory and property analyst with Knight Frank Hooker. Chris holds a Bachelor of Business (Land Economy) and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He is a Fellow Member of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA).
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