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Mgts Sentinel Universal Portfolio Retail Accumulation (0P0000GH7K)

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2,37 -0,01    -0,40%
11/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w GBP
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Margetts Fund Management Limited
ISIN:  GB00B2Q46G71 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 4,52M
Sentinel Universal Portfolio Retail Accumulation 2,37 -0,01 -0,40%

Przegląd 0P0000GH7K

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GBP Moderately Adventurous Allocation

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Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Toby Ricketts CEO 2020 Teraz
Biografia Toby is the Chief Executive Officer of Margetts Fund Management Ltd., joined in 1994. Margetts led the development of multi-manager risk rated funds having launched their flagship range in the early 1990s which became a popular concept adopted by many investment houses subsequently. The Margetts Risk Rated funds and a number of third party mandates are managed by Toby and the Margetts investment team who also provide independent investment research relating to collective investment schemes and market commentary through the Margetts Research website. Toby also works with various independent financial advisers, networks and consultants to provide fund management advice and oversight as well as being a regular speaker on investment, market and related regulatory matters. Toby is now widely regarded as a leading professional in collective investment management, being regularly profiled in the major financial publications and national press. Toby is the lead manager of the award winning Risk Rated fund of funds and is recognised by Citywire as one of the top10 most consistent managers over the past decade. Toby is the Chief Executive Officer of Margetts Fund Management Ltd.
David Hambidge Portfolio Manager 2013 2020
Biografia David Hambidge joined Premier Miton in December 1987 and specialises in the management of portfolios using collective investment vehicles including OEICs and investment trusts. David has been part of the original investment team that set up Premier Miton’s original fund of funds in 1995 and was appointed lead manager in 1999, making him one of the most experienced fund of funds managers in the UK.
Ian Rees Head of Multi Manager 2013 2020
Biografia Ian Rees joined Premier Miton in September 2000 and has worked within the multi-asset team since April 2005. Ian was formerly a research analyst for closed end funds, global equities and the infrastructure sector. Funds responsible for: Premier Miton Multi-Asset Absolute Return Fund, Premier Miton Multi-Asset Distribution Fund, Premier Miton Multi-Asset Monthly Income Fund, Premier Miton Multi-Asset Global Growth Fund, Premier Miton Liberation No. IV Fund, Premier Miton Liberation No. V Fund, Premier Miton Liberation No.VI Fund, Premier Miton Liberation
David Thornton - 2013 2020
Biografia David Thornton joined Premier Miton in May 2006 and is co-manager of the range of multi-asset multi-manager funds, with specific research responsibilities for the fixed interest, European equity, property and absolute return sectors. Previously, David worked for several years as an Investment Analyst before becoming an investment manager in 2004, with responsibility for five discretionary multi-manager portfolios.
Simon Evan-Cook Senior Investment Manager 2013 2020
Biografia Senior Investment Manager, Premier Multi-Asset Funds. Simon is co-manager on Premier’s Multi-Asset funds, and researches overseas equity fund sectors. Prior to joining Premier in 2006, Simon held positions at Rothschild, Gartmore and Fidelity. He graduated from Hull University in 1996 with a BSc Honours in Economics and Accounting.
John Husselbee Chief Executive 2008 2013
Biografia John Husselbee has over twenty years of investment experience, acquired at Rothschilds, Henderson Global Investors and now North Investment Partners. John began his investment career at Rothschild Asset Management where he was responsible for building its multi manager operation making it the largest single provider of multi manager services in the UK retail market at that time. John joined Henderson Global Investors in 1996, when its multi manager business totalled approximately £60m under management. By the time he left to launch North, Henderson was established as one of the UK’s largest retail multi manager providers, with over £700m invested across a range of multi manager portfolios. As director of multi manager investment, John also launched one of the UK’s first retail fund of hedge funds. John is Chief Executive of North Investment Partners Limited which is the investment sub-adviser to the MultiManager fund range.
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