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Payden Gnma Fund Investor Class (PYGNX)

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7,81 0,00    0,00%
26/09 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Paydenfunds
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 99,17M
Payden GNMA 7,81 0,00 0,00%

Przegląd PYGNX

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Adres 333 S Grand Ave, 32nd Floor
Los Angeles,CA 90071
United States
Telefon +1 614 4708006
Internet www.payden.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Timothy Crawmer Senior Portfolio Manager 2023 Teraz
Biografia Tim Crawmer is a Senior Investment Manager on the North American Fixed Income team, specifically the Global High Yield Team. Tim joined Aberdeen Asset Management Inc. in May 2013 following the acquisition of Artio Global Management. From 2009-2013, Tim held a similar role with Artio Global Management’s Fixed Income Group. Prior to Artio, he was a Corporate Bond / Credit Default Swap Trader with Bank of America and Merrill Lynch. Before his career in finance, Tim served as an E-6B Mercury Naval Flight Officer in the United States Navy. Tim graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the United States Naval Academy and an MBA and Masters from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Anderson School of Management.
Mary Beth Syal Senior Portfolio Manager 2022 Teraz
Biografia Mary Beth Syal, CFA, is a managing principal at Payden & Rygel and a member of the Executive Committee of the board of directors. Syal is a member of the firm's Investment Policy Committee. She directs the firm‟s low duration strategies and also serves as a senior portfolio manager advising corporations, insurance companies and family offices. She is a trustee of The Payden & Rygel Investment Group, the sponsor of the Paydenfunds, for which Payden & Rygel is the investment adviser. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Syal was a portfolio manager and strategist at Amervest Company, Inc., where she was the co-chair of the Investment Strategy Committee. Mary Beth Syal is a member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles and the CFA Institute, the Los Angeles Association of Investment Women. In addition, she serves on the Investment Committee of the Western Province of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and is a member of the Investment Review Committee for St. Joseph Health System. Syal holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. She earned a BA degree in Government from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Michael E. Salvay Senior Portfolio Manager 2017 Teraz
Biografia Michael Salvay, CFA, is a Managing Principal at Payden & Rygel. He is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee and serves as Senior Portfolio Manager advising public pension plans, endowments and universities and corporations. He directs the core bond architecture group and has extensive experience in developing customized mandates for active and passive index replication portfolios as well as hedging programs. Salvay is also a trustee of The Payden & Rygel Investment Group, the sponsor of the Paydenfunds, for which Payden & Rygel is the investment advisor. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Salvay was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Dewey Square Investors in Boston, where he specialized in mortgage-backed securities and duration immunization strategies. Michael Salvay holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute. He earned an MBA from the Amos Tuck School at Dartmouth College and a BA in Economics from the University of California, San Diego.
Gary Greenberg Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager 1999 Teraz
Biografia Gary Greenberg, CFA, is a senior vice president and portfolio manager who has been with Payden & Pygel since. As a member of the firm's structured finance group, Greenberg analyzes and implements relative value opportunities in the futures and U.S. mortgage market. Prior to his current role at Payden & Rygel, he was an investment analyst with the firm‟s portfolio management group. Previously, Greenberg worked as an investment planner in the trust services department of Banker‟s Trust. He is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Los Angeles.
James P. Sarni Director 2020 2023
Biografia James Sarni is a Managing Principal. He joined Payden in 1991 and has 36 years experience in the investment management business. Sarni's primary role, as a member of the GPC and director of the Short Strategies Group, is to develop a portfolio structure that reflects both the macro mandates of the GPC and the securities that are available in the market. Together with the GPC, he has discretion over major decisions such as duration or portfolio sector weights.
David P. Ballantine Director 1999 2023
Biografia David Ballantine, CFA, CFP, is a principal and and portfolio manager who has been with Payden & Rygel since 1991. He oversees the firm's trading operations and is a key member of the portfolio management team responsible for developing strategies for short- and intermediate-term fixed-income portfolios. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Ballantine traded corporate, asset-backed and mortgage securities at The Capital Group and worked in the fixed-income department at Fidelity Investments. David Ballantine is a member of the CFA Institute, Investment Counsel Association of America, Inc. and the Financial Planning Association. He is also a member of the Leadership of Southern California and the L.A. Works Organization. Ballantine holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a certified financial planner. He earned a BS in Business Administration from the University of New Hampshire.
Scott J. Weiner managing principal 2020 2022
Biografia Scott Weiner, PhD, is a managing principal at Payden & Rygel and a member of the Executive Committee that manages the firm. Weiner is also a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee which directs investment strategy and monitors the risk controls for the firm and its clients. As a frequent speaker at industry forums, he specializes in topics relating to asset allocation, risk management and international investing. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Weiner was a senior strategy member of the investment arm of First Interstate. More previously, he was with Goldman Sachs in New York as one of the strategists in the 1980s developing expertise in the mortgage market. Scott Weiner earned a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of California, San Francisco focusing on theoretical macromolecular biophysical chemistry. He received an AB degree in Mathematics from Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Laura Zimmerman managing Principal 1999 2006
Biografia Zimmerman is a managing principal of Payden & Rygel. She joined the firm in 1991 and has over 12 years of investment experience.
Scott J. Weiner managing principal 1999 2006
Biografia Scott Weiner, PhD, is a managing principal at Payden & Rygel and a member of the Executive Committee that manages the firm. Weiner is also a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee which directs investment strategy and monitors the risk controls for the firm and its clients. As a frequent speaker at industry forums, he specializes in topics relating to asset allocation, risk management and international investing. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Weiner was a senior strategy member of the investment arm of First Interstate. More previously, he was with Goldman Sachs in New York as one of the strategists in the 1980s developing expertise in the mortgage market. Scott Weiner earned a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of California, San Francisco focusing on theoretical macromolecular biophysical chemistry. He received an AB degree in Mathematics from Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Mary Beth Syal Senior Portfolio Manager 1999 2006
Biografia Mary Beth Syal, CFA, is a managing principal at Payden & Rygel and a member of the Executive Committee of the board of directors. Syal is a member of the firm's Investment Policy Committee. She directs the firm‟s low duration strategies and also serves as a senior portfolio manager advising corporations, insurance companies and family offices. She is a trustee of The Payden & Rygel Investment Group, the sponsor of the Paydenfunds, for which Payden & Rygel is the investment adviser. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Syal was a portfolio manager and strategist at Amervest Company, Inc., where she was the co-chair of the Investment Strategy Committee. Mary Beth Syal is a member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles and the CFA Institute, the Los Angeles Association of Investment Women. In addition, she serves on the Investment Committee of the Western Province of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and is a member of the Investment Review Committee for St. Joseph Health System. Syal holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. She earned a BA degree in Government from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
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