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Impax Global Environmental Markets Fund Investor Class (PGRNX)

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22,62 -0,12    -0,53%
21/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Pax World
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 159,98M
Pax Global Environmental Mrkts Indv Inv 22,62 -0,12 -0,53%

Przegląd PGRNX

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World Large-Stock Blend

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Adres 30 Penhallow Street, Suite 400
Portsmouth,NH 03801-3853
United States
Telefon 603 501 7360
Internet www.paxworld.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Siddharth Jha Portfolio Manager / Research Analyst 2020 Teraz
Biografia Siddharth is co-portfolio manager of the Leaders strategy and a member of the Portfolio Construction team for the Water strategy. Siddharth joined Impax in 2014 after graduating from business school and interning with Impax's Listed Equities team over the summer and autumn of 2012. In his pre-MBA career, Siddharth worked as a clean technology consultant in India. Siddharth has an MBA with a focus in Finance from London Business School and a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science from Macalester College, where he graduated cum laude.
David Winborne Portfolio Manager / Research Analyst 2018 Teraz
Biografia David is co-manager of the Global Opportunities and Leaders strategies. He has global research responsibility and specializes in the Energy Efficiency and Pollution Control environmental markets sub-sectors. David researches stocks globally with a focus on the Technology and Communications sectors. David joined Impax in 2015 from the in-house asset management team at Tesco Pension Investment where he had joint responsibility for the successful development, launch and management of a new global equities investment platform for Tesco’s pension fund.
Hubert Aarts Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Listed Equities 2013 Teraz
Biografia Deputy CIO, Listed Equities, Executive Director Managed Fund Since: 12 January 2016 Hubert serves as Deputy CIO, Listed Equities. Hubert is a key figure overseeing Impax Asset Management’s investment strategies in the listed equities space and is jointly responsible for the development of our investment process, research, and team. He also researches stocks globally, specialising in industrials and consumer discretionary companies. Prior to joining Impax in 2007, Hubert was a partner at Cambrian Capital. He also spent nearly a decade at BlackRock working as a portfolio manager in Europe
Bruce Jenkyn-Jones Utilities Analyst 2008 2020
Biografia Bruce serves as Impax's Chief Investment Officer, Listed Investments. Bruce is one of Impax Asset Management's longest-serving employees. He developed the firm's listed equities business and the division's investment thesis. He is responsible for overseeing and enhancing all aspects of the listed investments business, including monitoring performance, ensuring regulatory compliance, and spearheading product design. Bruce is a co-Portfolio Manager of the Specialists and Climate strategy.
Simon Gottelier Senior Investment Manager 2013 2015
Biografia Mr. Simon Gottelier joined Pictet Asset Management SA in 2016. He is a Senior Investment Manager in the Thematics Equity team. Prior to joining PAM, Mr. Gottelier has worked at Impax Asset Management since 2004 and co-manages the Leaders and Water Strategies, as well as selected clients' SRI/ESG products. Mr. Gottelier joined Impax from Veolia (formerly Vivendi) Environment, where he was a Financial Analyst. He began his career in Investment Banking in 1998 at NM Rothschild and subsequently moved to Deutsche Bank where he provided strategic, M&A and financing advice to European and US clients across a broad range of industrial sub-sectors. He has an honours degree in Modern Languages from the University of Bristol.
Ian Simm Founder and Chief Executive Officer 2008 2013
Biografia Ian Simm is the Founder and Chief Executive of Impax Asset Management Group plc. He has been responsible for building the company since its launch in 1998 and continues to head the listed equities and real assets investment committees. Prior to Impax, Ian was an engagement manager at McKinsey & Company advising clients on resource efficiency issues. In 2013 he was appointed by the Secretary of State (Senior Minister) for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as a member of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the UK’s leading funding agency for environmental science. He has a first class honours degree in physics from Cambridge University and a Master's in Public Administration from Harvard University.
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