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Old Mutual Balanced Fund R (0P0000IR3G)

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20,180 +0,090    +0,42%
07/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w ZAR ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  Old Mutual Unit Trust Mgrs
ISIN:  ZAE000020780 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 21,53B
Old Mutual Balanced Fund R 20,180 +0,090 +0,42%

Przegląd 0P0000IR3G

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ZAR/NAD Aggressive Allocation

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 7405
Cape Town,
South Africa
Telefon +27 (0)21 503 1770
Fax +27 (0)21 509 7100

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Graham Tucker - 2014 Teraz
Biografia Graham works as part of the team responsible for the asset allocation for Old Mutual's Life asset book which is valued at over R250 billion. In this capacity he has gained broad exposure to the alternative assets arena, including private equity. He has managed the high-risk Edge 28 Fund since its inception in 2011 to over R1 billion of assets under management today. Graham also ensures that MacroSolutions house view is implemented across all portfolios and that their risks are within acceptable limits. He is quantitatively driven and adds value through his ability to develop systems/models that distinguish the noise from the statistically significant relationships, thus ensuring that ideas are tested thoroughly prior to implementation. In addition, he heads up MacroSolutions research capability and monitors derivative structures and the tactical asset allocation portfolio.
Warren Van der Westhuizen Portfolio Manager 2014 Teraz
Biografia Warren joined MacroSolutions in 2007. As an equity portfolio manager, Warren is a member of the team responsible for the domestic equity portfolios. The equity managers ensure that MacroSolutions' asset allocation and thematic views are reflected in the equity portfolios. Prior to joining the MacroSolutions team, Warren was a performance analyst at Old Mutual Investment Group for approximately four years.
Anil Thakersee - 2008 2014
Peter Brooke - 2007 2011
Biografia Peter Brooke is the lead portfolio manager for the Global Macro Equity strategy. He is supported by Urvesh Desai, an investment actuary, and Zain Wilson, a CFA Charterholder. Peter uses his asset allocation skills honed over his 25-year career to capitalise on emerging macroeconomic trends. Peter also manages the Boutique's dynamic offerings. Peter joined Old Mutual Investment Group in May 2005 and became boutique head of MacroSolutions in January 2007. Peter previously worked as a stockbroker, analyst and strategist for 10 years, culminating in his being appointed as the Head of Research and Head of Equities for Cazenove South Africa. During this time, he received numerous ratings including Best Strategist in the 2004 Financial Mail survey. Peter was also the winner of 2 Raging Bull awards in 2011.
Alwyn van der Merwe - 2005 2007
Charles de Kock Portfolio Manager 2002 2004
Biografia Charles is a senior portfolio manager with more than 20 years' investment experience. He plays a leadership role in the asset allocation process and is responsible for the management of a number of balanced retirement funds as well as the core benchmark conscious equity portfolios. These include some our largest retirement fund clients. Charles is also co-manager of the Coronation Balanced Defensive unit trust fund. As a senior member of the team he is involved in all investment discussions, is a regular spokesperson in the media and a popular speaker at client meetings.
Ursula Maritz CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 1997 2002
Biografia Ursula has a BA(Hon) in Economics and BCom Honours from UCT. She is responsible for the overall investment process and strategy at Southern Charter Private Wealth. Ursula was formerly a senior portfolio manager and Co-Head of Asset Allocation at Sanlam Multi-Managers. She has gained extensive investment experience at OMAM, Foord and Mercer Investment Consulting.
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