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Nei Global Equity Rs Fund F (0P000077BY)

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26,566 +0,259    +0,99%
19/03 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w CAD
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  NEI Investments
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 534,96M
NEI Ethical Global Equity Fund Series F 26,566 +0,259 +0,99%

Przegląd 0P000077BY

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Global Equity

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Toronto,ON M5C 2W7
Telefon 888-809-3333
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Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Geir Lode Head of Global Equities 2016 Teraz
Biografia Geir joined in May 2007 to establish the Global Equities strategy. Prior to this, he was Chairman of Bergen Yards in Bergen, Norway, where he was responsible for restructuring and focusing a holding company. Bergen Yards changed name to Bergen Group and was listed on the Oslo stock exchange in June 2007. Geir started his career in 1991 at Frank Russell, moving to Chancellor LGT and then Putnam Investments, where he was a senior vice president before returning to Norway in 2003.
Lewis Grant Senior Portfolio Manager 2016 Teraz
Biografia Lewis joined in February 2008 as a portfolio manager on the Global Equities team. In addition to his role as portfolio manager, Lewis is responsible for designing and implementing many of the team's systems. In particular, he created our proprietary risk-modelling system, MultiFRAME, which is used across all investment teams based in London. He joined from Aon Consulting, where he worked as an actuarial consultant specialising in providing valuations and asset-liability modelling to a range of corporate and institutional clients.
Louise Dudley Portfolio Manager 2016 Teraz
Biografia Louise joined in March 2009 and leads the ESG and responsible investment research strategy within the Global Equities team. Building on her experience developing factor testing platforms and enhancing the factor modelling capabilities of the team’s systems, Louise has applied this comprehensive analysis to ESG applications. Having delivered research supporting the returns from ESG integration, this has led to the creation of innovative customised product solutions and tools fulfilling client needs. Louise originally joined the company as a member of the stewardship advisory business, EOS.
Christian A. Andreach Co-Head of Equities and Managing Director, Consumer Group 2015 2016
Biografia Christian Andreach is Co-Head of Equities; Managing Director, Consumer Group; Head of U.S. Equity Core Team; member of the firm's Investment Policy Group; and a member of the Global and Non-U.S. Equity Core Teams. As Managing Director, Christian is responsible for analytical coverage of stocks within the Consumer sector and oversight of analysts in that group. As Head of the U.S. Equity Core Team and member of the Global and Non-U.S. Equity Core Teams, Christian votes on stock recommendations made for our bottom-up, U.S. equity, global equity, non-U.S. equity, and multi-asset class portfolios.
Jeffrey A. Herrmann Senior Analyst 2015 2016
Biografia Jeffrey Herrmann is a Co-Head of Global Equities and a Co-Director of Research at Manning & Napier. As a Co-Director of Research, he has a broad responsibility for the management of the firm’s Research Department. Mr. Herrmann is also the Managing Director of the Themes and Overviews Group, the Managing Director of the Alternative Strategies Group, and a member of the Senior Research Group. He has over 25 years of experience at Manning & Napier.
Marc D. Tommasi Chief Investment Strategist 2015 2016
Biografia Marc Tommasi is the Chief Investment Strategist and member of the Core Team, which is the portfolio management team responsible for voting on stock recommendations for our bottom-up, global equity, U.S. equity, non-U.S. equity, and multi-asset class investment strategies. As Chief Investment Strategist, Marc oversees the coordination of the firm's overview among the various groups involved in top-down research. Specifically, he is responsible for the macro overviews of all countries we may invest in. Marc is also a member of the firm's Investment Policy Group.
Ebrahim Busheri Director of Investments 2015 2016
Biografia Ebrahim Busheri is the Director of Investments at Manning & Napier. Over his firm tenure, spanning from 1988 to 2001 and again from 2011 through present day, Ebrahim has held positions as Head of Emerging Growth Group; Head of Technology Group; Head of Consumer Group; and Director of Research. During his hiatus from Manning & Napier he worked as the Director of Investments at W.P. Stewart and as a Consultant for Heritage Capital. Ebrahim earned his BA in Accounting and Economics from Muskingum College and his MBA in Finance from the University of Rochester. He is a CFA charterholder.
Jeffrey S. Coons President 2009 2016
Biografia Jeffrey S. Coons is a Co-Chief Executive Officer and President of Manning & Napier. The Office of the CEO consists of three executives that are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the firm. As President, Dr. Coons’ responsibilities include working on strategic initiatives for the firm, as well as having direct oversight of several areas within the firm, such as our Operations, Portfolio Strategies, and Client Analytics Departments.
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