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Kenanga Bondextra Fund (0P00008MCC)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
0,595 -0,000    0,00%
14/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w MYR
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Malezja
Emitent:  Libra Invest Berhad
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 123,2M
Libra BondExtra Fund 0,595 -0,000 0,00%

Przegląd 0P00008MCC

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Bonds - Malaysia

Aktywa ogółem




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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres Jalan Sultan Ismail
Kuala Lumpur, 50250
Telefon 1300-88-1PRS(777)
Fax 03-2161 4990

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Sook Yee Lee CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2019 Teraz
Biografia Lee Sook Yee joined Kenanga Investors Bhd as Chief Investment Officer in March 2013, bringing with her more than eighteen (18) years of experience in local and regional equities investment. Prior to this, Sook Yee was Head of Equities at Meridian Asset Management, where she managed various local and regional funds. Before joining Meridian, Sook Yee was Vice President/Senior Portfolio Manager at Credit-Suisse Asset Management in Singapore where she co-managed mutual funds focusing on emerging Asian markets. She was also Associate Director/ Portfolio Manager with UOB-OSK Asset Management. Sook Yee graduated with a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours) in Economics from the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, and later obtained her Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Economics from the University of Cambridge, UK.
Elyzza Syazreen Zailan - 2016 2019
Biografia Elyzza joined Principal Islamic in August 2018 as a Global Sukuk Portfolio Manager. She has eight years of experience in the fund management industry, specializing in fixed income direct mandates and unit trust funds. Prior to joining Principal Islamic, she was the Head of Fixed Income in a local asset management company, where she successfully led her team to win several industry awards, including Best Domestic Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and Best 3-year ROI Domestic Fixed Income for a pension fund, for two consecutive years in 2017 and 2018. She also won two Morningstar Malaysia Fund Awards in 2018 for Best Malaysia Bond and Best Malaysia Bond Syariah respectively. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Actuarial Science (Distinction) from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Mohammed Fadzil bin Mohamed - 2009 2016
Biografia Fadzil joined Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd (formerly known as CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (“Principal Islamic”) as the Chief Investment Officer in 2015 and he is responsible for the investment management of its funds, ensuring the performance of the funds from strategic planning and forecasting perspective, in line with Principal Islamic’s growth aspirations. Fadzil brings with him a wealth of knowledge, experience and integrity to this position. Fadzil has 22 years of experience in asset management and has accumulated knowledge in various aspects of the industry, especially in fixed income fund management, economics and research. He joined Principal Islamic from Libra Invest Berhad, where he served as the CEO and Fixed Income Chief Investment Officer and led the company of more than 70 staffs through a period of outstanding growth. He was also the lead manager of multiple fixed income mutual funds and pension fund portfolios. Among his notable achievements during his eight years tenure there, include two Morningstar industry performance awards in 2015, for Best MYR Bond Fund and Best MYR Islamic Bond Fund categories. Fadzil started his career with Ernst & Young in 1996, before joining RHB Bank Berhad in 1997. In 1998, he embarked into the fund management industry with Libra Invest Berhad and eventually managed a variety of funds and portfolios. He then moved on to Alliance Capital Asset Management Sdn Bhd in 2002, before serving the Securities Commission in 2006. As the Chief Investment Officer of Principal Islamic, Fadzil has full leadership responsibility for all investment aspects and operational efficiency in his department. His team has an excellent track record in strengthening the fund performance to exceed the high expectations of Principal Islamic’s institutional investors. In 2017, his team won the Best 3-years ROI Global Sukuk Award for a pension fund portfolio, and a Thomson-Reuters Lipper Fund Award MENA Markets for Best 3-years Bond Global. Fadzil earned a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from University of Aberystwyth, Wales UK
Terry Theam Swee Tan - 2008 2009
Biografia Mr. Tan joined OpusAM as Senior Fund Manager in 2013. He has over 28 years of experience in the financial market. He started his career at Arab Malaysian Merchant Bank in 1989. He then joined Great Eastern Life Assurance Malaysia Berhad in 1997 as the Manager of Fixed Income and was subsequently promoted to Vice President where he headed the Fixed Income Investments Department, managing a fund size of about RM20 billion. In 2007, he joined Avenue Invest Berhad for 2 years as Director/Head of Fixed Income. Prior to joining OpusAM, Mr. Tan was attached to Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad as Head of Fixed Income and Senior Vice President, Portfolio Management from 2009 until 2013. Mr. Tan is a member of the Persatuan Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia (PPKM) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). He holds an Advanced Diploma in Business and Management from the University of Wales, U.K. He is also a holder of a Capital Markets Services Representative’s Licence.
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