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Jupiter Merlin Monthly Income Select Fund I Acc (0P0000U208)

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1,23 -0,00    -0,28%
28/02 - Zamknięty. Wartość w GBP
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd
ISIN:  GB00B52HN049 
Klasa aktywu:  Inne
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 131,86M
Jupiter Distribution I Acc 1,23 -0,00 -0,28%

Przegląd 0P0000U208

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Jupiter Merlin Monthly Income Select Fund I Acc. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P0000U208.

GBP Moderately Cautious Allocation

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Adres 70 Victoria Street
London,London SW1E 6SQ
United Kingdom
Telefon +44 20 3817 1000
Fax +44 20 3817 1820

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Algy Smith-Maxwell Portfolio Manager 2022 Teraz
Biografia Algy Smith-Maxwell joined Jupiter in 2001. As a fund manager in the Jupiter Independent Funds Team, Algy jointly runs the Jupiter Merlin Portfolios with John Chatfeild-Roberts and Peter Lawery. Algy has extensive experience specialising in multi-manager funds. He started his career in 1995 as a fund analyst for Henderson's before becoming a fund manager for Lazard Asset Management in 1999
John Chatfeild-Roberts Founder 2022 Teraz
Biografia John Chatfeild-Roberts joined Jupiter in March 2001, and he was appointed Chief Investment Officer of Jupiter Asset Management in February 2010. He established the award-winning Jupiter Merlin fund of funds team, in which he jointly manages the Jupiter Merlin Portfolios with Peter Lawery and Algy Smith-Maxwell, who both came with him from Lazard Asset Management. John is also Lead Manager of the Jupiter Global Managed Fund (Unit Trust). John gained a degree in Economics from Durham University and the RMA Sandhurst. After a Short Service Commission in the Army, John started his fund management career at Henderson's (1990-1995), followed by a move to Lazard Asset Management, where he set up a successful multi-manager team from scratch. John is a Fellow of the Securities Institute.
Alastair Irvine - 2022 Teraz
Amanda Sillars - 2022 Teraz
David Lewis Manager 2022 Teraz
Biografia David joined Jupiter in 2008, initially in the Private Client & Charities Team as a portfolio assistant then as an assistant fund manager from February 2010. In May 2011 David joined the Jupiter Independent Funds Team, which is responsible for managing the Jupiter Merlin Portfolios. Before joining Jupiter, David worked at IFA Bestinvest as an assistant investment manager within its Discretionary Investment Management department. David is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments and is a CFA® charterholder.
George Fox - 2022 Teraz
Biografia George is an Assistant Fund Manager in the Jupiter Independent Funds Team. George began his investment career in 2018. He has a degree in History and holds the CFA UK – Investment Management Certificate.
Talib Sheikh Lead Portfolio Manager 2021 2022
Biografia Talib Sheikh joined Fidelity in October 2023 and took on the Lead Portfolio Manager responsibilities for Fidelity’s Multi Asset Income strategies from January 2024. He works closely with Co-Portfolio Managers George Efstathopoulos and Becky Qin, using the well-established team-based approach. Talib’s career in the finance industry spans almost three decades with extensive experience in asset allocation and portfolio construction in multi asset income investing. Talib’s career includes a twenty-year tenure at JP Morgan Asset Management where he was a portfolio manager for core strategies including the company’s flagship multi asset income strategy. More recently Talib was the Head of Multi Asset Strategies at Jupiter Asset Management where he also managed multi asset income strategies. He received his Master of Science in International Agricultural Marketing from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne. He is a CFA Charterholder.
Alastair Gunn Analyst 2010 2020
Biografia Alastair joined Jupiter in 2007 and is currently a fund manager in the UK Value team. He co-manages (with Rhys Petheram) the Jupiter Distribution Fund, the Jupiter Enhanced Distribution Fund and the Jupiter Distribution and Growth Fund. He is also fund manager of the Jupiter Growth & Income Fund and investment advisor to Jupiter Dividend & Growth Trust PLC. Before joining Jupiter, Alastair was Managing Director of equity research for Bear Stearns International, prior to moving on to become a director of equity research at Arbuthnot Securities in 2003. Alastair is a registered representative of the London Stock Exchange.
Rhys Petheram Co-Manager 2010 2020
Biografia Rhys Petheram joined Jupiter in 2006 and is currently Co-Manager of the Jupiter Distribution Fund. Rhys was previously a Credit Analyst for the Fixed Interest Team. Prior to joining Jupiter, Rhys was an Analyst at Towers Perrin Australia and a Credit Analyst for Utilities at Moody's Investor Services. Rhys gained a degree in Commerce (Finance) and a Diploma in Modern Languages (Indonesian), both from the University of Melbourne. Rhys is also a Chartered Financial Analyst
John Hamilton Director, Head 2002 2012
Biografia John Hamilton joined Jupiter in 1991. He has managed the Jupiter Corporate Bond Fund (Unit Trust) since its launch in May 1998 and has been Co-Manager of the Jupiter Distribution Fund (Unit Trust) with Anthony Nutt since its launch in March 2002. He also co-manages institutional assets. John is Head of the Fixed Interest Department at Jupiter. He started his career in 1979, specialising in fixed interest investment having begun his career in the Gilt Department of stockbrokers Laurie Milbank and Co. In 1981 he moved to the London Life Association where he later became Fixed Interest Manager. Six years later (and four years prior to it being acquired by Jupiter) he moved to Tyndall Investment Management Limited as Fixed Interest Director. John gained a degree in Mathematics from London University.
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