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Janus Henderson Fixed Interest Monthly Income Fund I Inc (0P0000VQFY)

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0,887 -0,002    -0,26%
22/07 - Zamknięty. Wartość w GBP ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Wielka Brytania
Emitent:  Janus Henderson Investors
Klasa aktywu:  Obligacja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 184,48M
Janus Henderson Fixed Interest Monthly Income Fund 0,887 -0,002 -0,26%

Przegląd 0P0000VQFY

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Janus Henderson Fixed Interest Monthly Income Fund I Inc. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P0000VQFY.

Global Flexible Bond - GBP Hedged

Aktywa ogółem



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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 201 Bishopsgate
London,London EC2M 3AE
United Kingdom
Telefon 8002270486

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Jenna Barnard Co-Head 2012 Teraz
Biografia "Jenna Barnard is Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income at Janus Henderson Investors, a position she has held since 2015. She manages and co-manages a range of strategic fixed income strategies and funds meeting different client needs globally. Jenna joined Henderson in 2002 as a credit analyst and was promoted to portfolio manager in 2004. Prior to this, she worked as an investment analyst with Orbitex Investments. Jenna graduated with a first class BA degree (Hons) in politics, philosophy, and economics from Oxford University. She holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, is a member of the Society of Technical Analysts, and is an Affiliate Member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals. She has 18 years of financial industry experience."
John Pattullo Co-Head 2011 Teraz
Biografia "John Pattullo is Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income at Janus Henderson Investors. He manages and co-manages a range of strategic fixed income strategies and funds meeting different client needs globally. John joined Henderson in 1997 as a trainee manager in corporate bonds and was head of the Strategic Fixed Income Team from 2009 until 2015 when he became Co-Head with Jenna Barnard. Prior to Henderson, he spent four years as a chartered accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers. John has an MA (Hons) in economics from the University of St Andrews. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (CA) and an associate member of the Society of Investment Professionals (ASIP). He has 26 years of financial industry experience."
Nicholas Ware Senior Portfolio Analyst 2011 Teraz
Biografia "Nicholas Ware is a Portfolio Manager at Janus Henderson Investors, a position he has held since 2018. Nicholas joined Henderson as a director of loans in 2009 and became a director of strategic fixed income in 2012. From 2005 to 2009, he was a senior portfolio analyst at credit hedge fund manager Highland Capital Management, where he helped build its European business. In 2004, he joined New Amsterdam Capital Management as a senior credit analyst. Prior to that, he worked at Ahli United Bank (UK) originating small and mid-market private equity transactions from 2002 to 2004. Nicholas spent 2000 to 2002 at SEB Merchant Bank originating senior and mezzanine transactions in the Nordic market. He was with Ford Credit, where he was responsible for establishing its subsidiary in Sweden, for two years before SEB Merchant Bank. He began his career in 1995 at PricewaterhouseCoopers and qualified as a Chartered Accountant. Nicholas graduated with a BA degree (Hons) in business studies from Bournemouth University. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has 21 years of financial industry experience."
Ben Pakenham - 2011 2011
Biografia Ben has more than 13 years' experience in high yield and has been part of the investment team since 2011.
James Gledhill Head 2007 2011
Biografia James is a Portfolio Manager within the EU and Global High Yield team in fixed income. In addition to leading the European High Yield team, he is responsible for managing core high yield portfolios, a role which he has held since joining AXA IM in 2011. Prior to joining AXA IM, James worked at Henderson Global Investors (previously Henderson New Star), as the Head of Fixed Income for four years; he also launched and managed a range of high yield funds for another six years. Prior to that, James worked for M&G and Prudential M&G for eight years, where he launched and managed their flagship high yield funds. James holds a Bachelor’s degree in Material Sciences from Trinity College, Oxford; and is an associate of the Institute of Investment Management & Research.
Nick Hayes - 2006 2009
Biografia Nick Hayes joined New Star in 2002 and has developed his fund management skills alongside his highly-rated fixed income colleagues, James Gledhill and Philip Roantree. Prior to joining New Star, Nick worked at WPP Group. Nick holds a BA in French and Spanish from Trinity College, Dublin.
Theodora Zemek Global Head 2003 2007
Biografia Theodora joined AXA Investment Managers in March 2008 as Global Head of Fixed Income.She has over 25 years experience in the fixed income markets.Before joining AXA IM she was head of fixed income(Strategy) at New Star Asset Management.From 1992 to 2002 she was Head of Fixed Income at M&G International investments before becoming Chief Investment Officer in 2001.Prior to that,she was a senior portfolio manager at James Capel & Co.She has also managed funds for the United Bank of Kuwait and Orion Royal Bank.
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