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Ci Global Energy Corporate Class F (0P0000NCXW)

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39,532 -0,170    -0,44%
28/06 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  CI Investments Inc
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 108,47M
CI Signature Global Energy Corp Class F 39,532 -0,170 -0,44%

Przegląd 0P0000NCXW

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Energy Equity

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Adres 15 York Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto,ON M5J 0A3
Telefon +1 416 3641145
Fax 416-364-1145
Internet www.ci.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Curtis Gillis - 2022 Teraz
Biografia Curtis Gillis joined the investment industry in 1997 and is part of Signature’s resource sector team. Prior to joining Signature, Mr. Gillis worked as an associate portfolio manager of resource portfolios for another Canadian investment company. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) from Saint Francix Xavier University and a Master of Business Administration from Dalhousie University.
Hoa Hong - 2015 2022
Biografia Hoa Hong, Vice-President, Portfolio Management and Portfolio Manager with Signature Global Asset Management, is part of the team responsible for covering the resource sector. Ms. Hong joined Signature in 2005. Prior to joining Signature, she worked for four years on the sell side. Ms. Hong has been consistently ranked by Brendan Wood International as a TopGun Investment Mind. She holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Toronto and a Master of Business Administration from McMaster University.
Robert Lyon Senior Vice President 2015 2021
Biografia Robert Lyon, Senior Vice-President, Portfolio Management and Portfolio Manager, is responsible for Signature’s holdings in the natural resource equity sectors. He rejoined Signature in 2015 after working as a portfolio manager on the team from 1999-2006. Mr. Lyon started in the investment industry in 1993, and held positions as a research analyst at major Canadian investment dealers and fund manager I.A. Michael Investment Counsel. He holds a bachelor of commerce degree from Carleton University and the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Eric Bushell Senior Vice President 2014 2015
Biografia Eric Bushell, CFA Senior Vice-President, Portfolio Management and Chief Investment Officer, began his career as an equity analyst and trader at BPI Mutual Funds in 1993, before becoming a portfolio manager at the firm. He joined CI’s Signature team in 1999 when BPI became part of CI Investments. He was named Chief Investment Officer of Signature in 2002. He was named Morningstar’s Fund Manager of the Decade in 2011, Morningstar’s Equity Fund Manager of the Year in 2009 and Investment Executive's Fund Manager of the Year for 2008. Mr. Bushell holds a BA from Queen's University.
Scott Vali Lead Portfolio Manager 2006 2014
Biografia Scott Vali, CFA, Vice-President, Portfolio Management and Portfolio Manager, has been in the investment industry since 1997. In 2000, he joined Signature as a trader from AIC Group of Funds, where he was an international equities trader. He joined Signature as an equity analyst in June 2001. In 2006, he was appointed co-portfolio manager of Signature Canadian Resource and CI Global Energy. Mr. Vali has an Honours BA in Economics and Commerce from the University of Toronto. He was ranked as one of Canada’s 50 “Top Gun” equity portfolio managers by Brendan Wood International in 2008.
Robert H. Lyon CEO 2000 2009
Biografia Robert H. Lyon, 56, chief executive officer and chief investment officer, joined ICAP in 1976 as a securities analyst. Before joining ICAP, he worked in the trust department at the First National Bank of Chicago as a strategist and economist. In 1981, Rob joined Fred Alger Management in New York, where he was an investment analyst and executive vice president. In 1988, he returned to ICAP and initially served as director of research before leading a group of senior professionals in arranging the buyout of the firm's founder. Rob earned a BA in economics from Northwestern University and an MBA from the Wharton School of Finance. Rob is a trustee of the YMCA of Greater Chicago. In 2003, Rob served on the policyholder examining committee for Northwestern Mutual Life.
James A. Abate Managing Director 1998 2000
Biografia James A. Abate, MBA, CPA, CFA, is the Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Centre Asset Management and is responsible for the firm's American Select Equity and Global Listed Infrastructure strategies. Prior to founding Centre, he was US Investment Director for GAM. Previously, he served as Managing Director/Fund Manager at Credit Suisse Asset Management responsible for the US Select Equity strategy and the firm's global sector funds. Previously, he was a Manager in Price Waterhouse's Valuation/Corporate Finance Group and also served as a commissioned officer in the US Army.
James Mecca - 1998 2000
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