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Cfs Fc W Pen-acadian Aust Equity Ls (LP65021200)

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4,513 -0,060    -1,40%
29/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w AUD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Australia
Emitent:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
ISIN:  AU60FSF08323 
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 47,75M
CFS FC W Pen-Acadian W Aus Equity LS 4,513 -0,060 -1,40%

Przegląd LP65021200

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Equity Australia Large Blend

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Adres South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
Telefon 13 13 36
Fax +61 02 9303 3200

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

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Jean-Christophe de Beaulieu Portfolio Manager 2018 Teraz
Biografia J.C. joined Acadian Asset Management (Australia) Limited in 2017 and is the Head of Investments, responsible for Acadian’s Australian specific strategies. Prior to joining Acadian, he was a managing director and head of active emerging market equity portfolio management at State Street Global Advisors. In this role, he drove the top-down and bottom-up research agenda while managing a global team of investment professionals. He also represented active long-only and long/short emerging and frontier equity strategies with clients and consultants. Prior to taking this leadership role within the group, J.C. was a portfolio manager on the core active EM equity team in Boston and Paris, developing and managing a wide range of strategies. JC earned an Advanced Master in financial techniques from ESSEC, a D.E.A. in numerical analysis from Pierre and Marie Curie University and Ecole Polytechnique, and an M.S. in mathematics from Pierre and Marie Curie University. He is a CFA charterholder and member of CFA Society Boston.
Brendan O. Bradley Executive Vice President, Chief Investment Officer 2018 Teraz
Biografia Brendan joined Acadian in 2004 and is the firm’s Chief Investment Officer. Brendan previously served as Director of Portfolio Management, overseeing portfolio management policy, and also as the Director of Acadian’s Managed Volatility strategies. Brendan is a member of several oversight committees at Acadian, including the Board of Managers, Executive Management Team, Executive Committee, and Responsible Investing Committee. Prior to Acadian, Brendan was a vice president at Upstream Technologies, where he designed and implemented investment management systems and strategies.
Katrina Khoupongsy Portfolio Manager 2009 Teraz
Biografia Katrina joined Acadian Asset Management (Australia) Limited in 2009 and is an SVP, Portfolio Manager, focusing on Australian equity strategies. Prior to joining Acadian, Katrina was a senior quantitative analyst at ING. Previous to that, she held various quantitative roles at IFS Equities, BT Funds Management, Country Investment Management, and Mercantile Mutual Investment Management. Katrina holds a Graduate Diploma in applied finance and investments from Securities Institute of Australia and a Bachelor’s in mathematics and finance (Hons) from University of Technology, Sydney. Katrina is a CFA charterholder.
Suhail Mehra - 2016 2018
Biografia •Head of Acadian Australia’s investment team. Responsible for Acadian investment process including research, portfolio construction and trading. •a member of Acadian LLC’s Investment Policy Committee •formerly with Baseline Capital, quantitative investment management consulting firm which he founded. •previously Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for Australian Equity Quantitative Team at BGI/BlackRock and Head of Equities Research, Australia for State Street Global Advisors •B.Eng, MBus, PhD (Finance)
David Walsh - 2013 2017
Biografia •Head of Acadian Australia’s investment team. Responsible for Acadian investment process including research, portfolio construction and trading. •a member of Acadian LLC’s Investment Policy Committee •formerly with Baseline Capital, quantitative investment management consulting firm which he founded. •previously Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for Australian Equity Quantitative Team at BGI/BlackRock and Head of Equities Research, Australia for State Street Global Advisors •B.Eng, MBus, PhD (Finance)
Jerome Blair - 2008 2016
Biografia Jerome joined Acadian Australia in February 2008. Prior to this, Jerome worked for over three years at MIR Investment Management in roles involving quantitative stock selection research and portfolio management. Before this he worked for BGI as quantitative research analyst in Australian Equities. Prior to this he worked in the broking division of Deutsche Bank focussing on quantitative analysis for Australian Equities in the areas of proprietary derivatives trading, structured products and real-time trading systems design. He has over fifteen years experience in the financial industry. Education: PhD (Maths) Sydney, B.A (Maths & Comp Sci) Sydney
Craig Brescianini - 2006 2013
Biografia Craig joined Acadian Australia in January 2006 as Research Analyst. He works closely with the research team in Boston to identify and evaluate potential improvements to the Australian component of the forecasting framework. Prior to joining Acadian, Craig was a Senior Analyst for Jones Lang LaSalle. Education: B. Engineering, University of Queensland; Ph.D., Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering, University of Queensland; Graduate Diploma., Applied Finance and Investment, SIA.
Matthew Picone - 2007 2009
Biografia Matthew joined Acadian Asset Management (Australia) Limited in 2007. He is a member of the Portfolio Management Team, focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) implementation. Matthew has been a key driver of ESG research and implementation at Acadian for a number of years and is a senior member of Acadian's Responsible Investing Committee. He has been a member of ESG Research Australia since its inception and sits on the PRI Australian Advisory Committee. Prior to joining Acadian, Matthew worked as an investment analyst focusing on renewables within the Global Resources team at Colonial First State Global Asset Management. He has also held roles at CFS Firstchoice and Commonwealth Bank Institutional Banking (Natural Resources). Matthew is a CFA charterholder.
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