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Agf Global Equity Series F (0P0000NCOR)

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Nazwij swój portfel aktywów
49,357 -0,722    -1,44%
28/03 - Zamknięty. Wartość w USD
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  AGF Investments Inc.
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 810,45M
AGF Global Equity Series F 49,357 -0,722 -1,44%

Przegląd 0P0000NCOR

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Global Equity

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Adres TD Bank Tower, 66 Wellington Street West, Suite 3100
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Internet www.agf.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Andres Christopher Perez Associate Portfolio Manager 2022 Teraz
Biografia Andres joined AGF in 2013 and has been an integral member of the AGF Global Equity Team. Andres was most recently an Associate Portfolio Manager responsible for coverage of the Industrials sector. Before joining AGF, Andres was a director with the Fundamental Investment Group at UBS. He also has previous experience as a portfolio manager at Citadel Investment Group focusing on global equities and at Moon Capital Management. Prior to that, he was Vice-President of Equity Research at Morgan Stanley, and an equity analyst for BankBoston Asset Management based in Brazil.
Stephen Way Lead 1994 Teraz
Biografia Stephen Way leads AGF’s award-winning global equity team in Toronto, while maintaining portfolio management responsibilities for their global equity and emerging markets mandates. Stephen’s joined AGF in 1987. In 1991, he established AGF’s wholly owned subsidiary AGF International Advisors Company Limited in Dublin, Ireland and ran the operations as Managing Director until 1994. Stephen holds a BA in Administrative and Commercial Studies from the University of Western Ontario. He is a CFA charterholder and a member of the Toronto CFA Society.
Carmel Peters Senior Vice President 1995 2009
Biografia Peters is senior vice president and portfolio manager with Putnam Investment Management, her employer since May 1997. She manages institutional international equity assets invested in Korea, Mainland China, Indonesia, and Thailand. Prior to joining the firm, she was employed at Wheelock Natwest Investment Management in Hong Kong from February 1996 to May 1997. Prior to that, she was employed at Rothschild Asset Management Asia Pacific in Hong Kong.
Chris Jenkins - 1994 2009
Biografia Chris joined Carrousel Capital in July 2010 after a 2 year sabbatical from the finance industry which he spent getting married and writing a book on the world’s greatest motor racing circuits. Chris had previously acted as prime broker to Carrousel (and as such was well acquainted with their Closed End Funds trading model) in his role as MD of European Equity Finance trading, a business he had grown into a £12bn portfolio since joining them to develop their equity swap / CFD business in 1999. Chris’ 20 years of experience in banking & finance began in retail at the Royal Bank of Scotland in 1990, followed by investment banking with Smith New Court in 1994 as a VP on the firm’s then unique Contracts For Differences desk. After Merrill Lynch’s takeover of SNC in 1996, Chris developed their OTC Equity Swap product, before moving to the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1998 where he completed a year’s contract as an Access Database developer.
John D. Boich Member 1994 2009
Biografia John joined the global equity team in 2001. He brings 17 years of global equity investment experience to Security Global Investors. John is the founding partner of Avera Global Partners, which was acquired by SGI in 2007. Previously, he was a founding partner and Senior Portfolio Manager in the global equities division of Montgomery Asset Management. John spent eight years directing research and investment decisions for Montgomery Asset Management’s $4 billion global and international mandates. Prior to Montgomery, John was an analyst and Portfolio Manager at The Boston Company Institutional Investor Inc. where he led the development and subsequent management of the flagship international equity product. John began his investment career in 1985 as an account executive in commodity futures at E.F. Hutton & Co.
Oscar A. Castro Senior Portfolio Manager and managing director 1995 2000
Biografia Castro joined Montgomery Asset Management as a senior portfolio manager and managing director in 1993. He was previously associated with G.T. Capital Management, where he was a member of the company's Latin American investment team. Prior to that, he was co-founder and co-manager of The Common Goal World Fund, a global equity partnership. He also served as a deputy portfolio manager and analyst with Templeton International, where he covered a variety of global industries.
Rupert Robinson - 1994 1999
Biografia Rupert became an investment director of Rothschild International Asset Management in 1994 after 10 years with the Rothschild group in London. Educated at Harrow, and a registered representative of the London Stock Exchange, Rupert specializes in international equity markets.
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