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Ab International Small Cap Portfolio Class Z (IRCZX)

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11,95 +0,01    +0,08%
28/06 - Dane opóźnione. Wartość w USD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Emitent:  AllianceBernstein
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 167,12M
AB International Small Cap Z 11,95 +0,01 +0,08%

Przegląd IRCZX

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Foreign Small/Mid Blend

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres 11345 Avenue of the Americas
New York,NY 10105
United States
Telefon +1 212 9691000
Internet www.abglobal.com

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Nelson Yu Senior Vice President 2016 Teraz
Biografia Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager of AllianceBernstein L.P. since prior to 2014. Head—Blend Strategies since 2017 and Head of Quantitative Research—Equities since prior to 2014. Nelson Yu was appointed Head of Blend Strategies in early 2017. He is also a Portfolio Manager and Head of Quantitative Research for Equities, with responsibility for overseeing the research and application of risk and return models across the firm’s equity portfolios. In addition, Yu manages the currency overlay strategy across equity portfolios and is an advisory member of the Global Value, Emerging Markets Value and Strategic Core portfolios. He joined the firm in 1997 as a programmer and analyst, and served as deputy head of Value Equities Quantitative Research from 2009 until 2014. Yu was previously a supervising consultant at Grant Thornton. He holds a BSE in systems engineering and a BS in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
Andrew Birse Portfolio Manager 2015 Teraz
Biografia Andrew Birse was appointed Portfolio Manager of European Value Equities in March 2016 and has managed the International Small Cap Equities service since its inception in 2014. He is also a Senior Research Analyst. Prior to joining the firm as a research analyst in 2010, Birse spent seven years in the Corporate Finance Group at McKinsey & Company, working in the firm’s London, Sydney and Auckland offices. He holds a BCom (Hons) in finance and a BA in history and economics from the University of Auckland, and an MSc in economics and philosophy from the London School of Economics. Location: London
Peter Chocian Senior Quantitative Analyst 2015 Teraz
Biografia Vice President of the Manager, with which he has been associated in a similar capacity since prior to 2015. Peter Chocian is a Senior Quantitative Analyst at AB. He joined the firm in 2006 as a quantitative analyst for Value Equities. Previously, he worked for four years as a senior analyst/modeler in the Numerical Weather Prediction division of the UK Met Office. Chocian earned a BSc in physics from Imperial College London and a PhD in theoretical physics from Royal Holloway, University of London, followed by research fellowships at University College London and the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany. Location: London
Liliana C Dearth Portfolio Manager 2015 2017
Biografia Liliana is a small-cap emerging markets portfolio manager. She manages equity assets on behalf of our clients, drawing on research from Wellington Management's global industry analysts, equity portfolio managers, and team analysts.
Alan John Conner President 2016 2016
Biografia Alan is NovaPoint Capital’s president and chief compliance officer. He also serves as the firm’s fixed income portfolio manager. Alan has over 25 years of experience in the investment management industry. Prior to founding NovaPoint, he was a fixed income manager at both Spectrum Advisory Services and a private family office. Alan also worked in the Bank Group division of Countrywide Capital Markets where he developed balance sheet strategies for depository institutions. He earned his BS in Banking and MBA in Finance from Nova Southeastern University. Alan holds the Certified Plan Fiduciary Adviser (CPFA) designation which is demonstrative of his expertise in business retirement plans and fiduciary services. Alan is an endurance athlete and three-time IRONMAN finisher. He is a board member of Positive Growth, an organization that improves the lives of children, youth, adults and families during difficult life transitions by providing residential and community-based treatment services.
Cem Inal Senior Vice President 2015 2016
Biografia Cem Inal has been Senior Vice President/Portfolio Manager at AllianceBernstein since 2014. Cem Inal was a portolio manager and Senior Research Analyst for AllianceBernstein L.P.Before joining the firm in 2003 as a research analyst, Inal was a vice president at fusionOne, a communications software provider. Prior to that, he was an engagement manager at McKinsey & Company and a research engineer at Mitsubishi Electric. Inal holds a BSE in electrical engineering from Princeton University and an MBA in financial engineering from Cornell University. Location: New York
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